Ethiopian troops in Jijiga, president Mustafa involved in lasaanod conflict??

Are u saying there aren't people from all clans/ethnic groups/etc that don't lie for their benefits? Hmmm.
Somali's have traditionally been known to control the route to djibouti, no? Unless I am wrong here, so I am not sure about abiy's position on that, especially knowing that if somali's shut it down, they'd be losing a lot of money themselves. it'd be a lose-lose for them and us.

I am not saying you're wrong about the amhara, I am just saying that, we are not afraid and will not allow them to bring back the old ethiopia that some of them want back so desperately. the church issue did expose a lot of them, u are right, the funny thing is, the oromo church got a lot of support from oromo christians, so the issue is not over. and they exposed their hatred too, so we may see the traditionally amhara dominated church be forced to open up some or a lot of their top positions to oromo's and others.
Yes Somalis have traditionally controlled that route but the current Ethiopian gov. does not want that to be the case in the future.

As for Amhara, yes they are racist and sneaky about it. They are preparing for war if they do not get their way. You say you are not afraid but you are not united like them. Muslim and Christian Amhara are on the same page here. They believe all of Ethiopia belongs to them and if they can't have that then they will want their own state.

Also what do you think will happen if Oromos do not get top positions in the EOTC? What happened with forming your own church?
Yes Somalis have traditionally controlled that route but the current Ethiopian gov. does not want that to be the case in the future.

As for Amhara, yes they are racist and sneaky about it. They are preparing for war if they do not get their way. You say you are not afraid but you are not united like them. Muslim and Christian Amhara are on the same page here. They believe all of Ethiopia belongs to them and if they can't have that then they will want their own state.

Also what do you think will happen if Oromos do not get top positions in the EOTC? What happened with forming your own church?

I do not think they realistically think they can get the afar to push the somali's out of that much land, surely, there must be other reasons, although I can be wrong.
I will say this though, I am sure even the afar know they cannot sustain such a long term conflict. maybe the somali and afar can make an autonomous state of the disputed areas and govern it together as they did in the adal sultanate i think?

Oromo are united enough to handle that threat, I am not concerned. Even Abiy himself would be forced to fight if he felt his power was threatened, it's not a matter of him caring for amhara or even oromo, but for his own power, status, etc.
time will tell about the church issue. it's far from over. even if takes time, it will change.
We have no business interfering
Actually we do, and it wouldn't even to be help dhulbahante(although we should really be helping them), but a better reason would be the idor are already attacking ogs in their degaans. they have no dhaqan. they are culture-less animals who should be taught a lesson.
I do not think they realistically think they can get the afar to push the somali's out of that much land, surely, there must be other reasons, although I can be wrong.
I will say this though, I am sure even the afar know they cannot sustain such a long term conflict. maybe the somali and afar can make an autonomous state of the disputed areas and govern it together as they did in the adal sultanate i think?

Oromo are united enough to handle that threat, I am not concerned. Even Abiy himself would be forced to fight if he felt his power was threatened, it's not a matter of him caring for amhara or even oromo, but for his own power, status, etc.
time will tell about the church issue. it's far from over. even if takes time, it will change.
What do majority of the oromos want? Do they not want independence? Oromos have the most people and the most land, and if they were serious about becoming their own country, they would. What exactly do the oromos want?

I know little to nothing about you guys so no offense dawg.


Actually we do, and it wouldn't even to be help dhulbahante(although we should really be helping them), but a better reason would be the idor are already attacking ogs in their degaans. they have no dhaqan. they are culture-less animals who should be taught a lesson.
We’ve done enough fighting for 70 years while all other Somalis stabbed us in the back. We wish them all the best but we will not fight let alone fight for someone else. If the iiddoor act us, we control them in xarshin and gaashaamo
We’ve done enough fighting for 70 years while all other Somalis stabbed us in the back. We wish them all the best but we will not fight let alone fight for someone else. If the iiddoor act us, we control them in xarshin and gaashaamo
idor are our biggest somali enemy. you must be young not to know that.
we have bad blood between us and even if you don't want to help dhulbahante, karbashing idor is still in our interest.


idor are our biggest somali enemy. you must be young not to know that.
we have bad blood between us and even if you don't want to help dhulbahante, karbashing idor is still in our interest.
We need to focus on development and protecting our land, not fighting. We’ve fallen behind other Somalis. As for the iiddoor, there are many ways to skin a cat
Naah we need idoor they are a necessary evil they are karbashing cbb kastuumo.

Poor thing. SSC - Khaatumo has men and women who are shedding blood for it. We sustain 13 days of fighting while we didn't even have centralized armed forces. We're just starting, and and a hater like you can share gibberish online but it doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.
What do majority of the oromos want? Do they not want independence? Oromos have the most people and the most land, and if they were serious about becoming their own country, they would. What exactly do the oromos want?

I know little to nothing about you guys so no offense dawg.

That's a difficult question, but to be quite honest, autonomy within Ethiopia is better for us and the region as a whole. The last thing we need is everyone trying to secede and then fighting never-ending border wars over disputed territories, it'd be oromo vs somali, somali vs afar, amhara vs tigray, tigray vs afar in some places, and so on and so on.
A confederation of states, with all of us having some form of autonomy that's reasonable, is better. Plus, since when do the heart and backbone of a country secede? It'd be like the Ogaden wanting to secede from the Somali regional state, when they're the majority??
Or the Isaaq wanting to secede from SL, it wouldn't make sense.
Oromo's want self rule, basically, Oromo's governing Oromo land, with no interference from anyone else, everything else will come as a result of that.
Now, the OLA and Pm Abiy's govt are going to negotiate soon to end the conflicts in Oromia, so we'll see what happens, maybe some power sharing agreement in Oromia.
Insane how strong Ethiopian federal government is. We have alot to learn from them. They can whip any rogue governor to submission.

@Abba Sadacha do you know how much Addis Abeba contributes to the EFG's tax revenue?
That's a difficult question, but to be quite honest, autonomy within Ethiopia is better for us and the region as a whole. The last thing we need is everyone trying to secede and then fighting never-ending border wars over disputed territories, it'd be oromo vs somali, somali vs afar, amhara vs tigray, tigray vs afar in some places, and so on and so on.
A confederation of states, with all of us having some form of autonomy that's reasonable, is better. Plus, since when do the heart and backbone of a country secede? It'd be like the Ogaden wanting to secede from the Somali regional state, when they're the majority??
Or the Isaaq wanting to secede from SL, it wouldn't make sense.
Oromo's want self rule, basically, Oromo's governing Oromo land, with no interference from anyone else, everything else will come as a result of that.
Now, the OLA and Pm Abiy's govt are going to negotiate soon to end the conflicts in Oromia, so we'll see what happens, maybe some power sharing agreement in Oromia.
isaq ogaden and dir are all 100% the same people at the end of the day with the same language, culture and religion. Surely governing yourself and having total freedom is better than being part of unstable country that goes through a major civil war ever couple of decades? Besides, Oromos are already having border wars with Amharas who are the worst of all the Ethiopian ethnic groups. With us Somalis, we kind of have no choice but to be part of Ethiopia because the rest of yall can't stand us and yall become one against us, including the Oromo. But with the Oromo, they have the numbers, so why allow yourselves to be ruled from a guy from Gonder or Mekele when you can have most of the country to yourself ruling yourselves? It really never made sense to me why Oromos aren't looking for an independent Oromia.

