ENDF announce end of regional forces in Ethiopia and Somali region

Will not happen :russsmug:

Majority rules, Minority rights. 9 out of the 11 regions are Ogaden. Ethiopia can not handle every village becoming an independent administration. They need someone to lead them all. Ogaden has been the political leading figure in the region which will not change any time soon.
I’d love to see an accurate clan map. OG claim everything but that is clearly not the reality. If Abiy is smart he can break it all up into clan regions under the federal government, ruling directly and he’d get support from the majority of the population there most likely.

No, most Somalis will certainly not accept. Not many people have cudcad against other clans, so much so to the point of wanting to be ruled by the fed regime. The (anti-Ethiopian) Somali identity is too strong, for most to compromise. But nice try. :kanyeshrug:
Why not. Ethiopia is better of creating clan gobols then this fake somali state.

Why should it be divided along clan lines, lol? :westbrookwtf:
This aint Somalia. kkkkkk :ufdup:

Majority rules, Minority rights. 9 out of the 11 regions are Ogaden. Ethiopia can not handle every village becoming an independent administration. They need someone to lead them all. Ogaden has been the political leading figure in the region which will not change any time soon.

It's not even an Ogaden thing. Most people are simply against it. I can speak for the Darood and Dir relatives of mine, who we all share the same political views. It's just outsiders trying to create unnecessary problems, and divide us further.

DDS don't have the same clan dynamics as Somalia and therefore does it not need for us to create clan states. The constitutions doesn't allow it either. Also dividing the state, will be easier for our neighbouring regions to annex us, despite not wishing so, even if we put up resistance.

I find these talks entertaining, from people drooling over the thought of seeing clan states in DDS. Keep dreaming.

Jim Carrey Laugh GIF
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just recently Abaskul (Absame) & Sacad Muuse Isaaq tribe clashed in Xarshin. Reer Isaaq (Ogaaden) also live in Daroor & west Gashaamo.

If you want to lead the region & replace the current kingpins then please pick up your weapon and start shooting at the Oromo & Amhara Gaalos, I would gladly join you in the trenches. Otherwise stfu if you are not willing to defend the region from outside intervention

When there’s peace they are the loudest of the bunch and when it’s time to fight they are nowhere to be found

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I’d love to see an accurate clan map. OG claim everything but that is clearly not the reality. If Abiy is smart he can break it all up into clan regions under the federal government, ruling directly and he’d get support from the majority of the population there most likely.
The sad reality for you is, most of the land actually is Ogaden land, hence the name Ogadenia minus a few border areas here and there. The only areas with no Og presence are Sitti and Moyale
Part of it, is also avoiding them turning into rebel armies, if they are under the control of the PM/ENDF directly, it'd be easier to control them (i.e. remember when the tigrayan generals and soldiers in ENDF were captured/etc when the war in tigray broke out, while the regional forces were under tplf directly, so they were the ones who fought the endf/eritreans/etc, while some of them fled, regroup, recruited, and restarted the tigrayan guerrilla war).


Part of it, is also avoiding them turning into rebel armies, if they are under the control of the PM/ENDF directly, it'd be easier to control them (i.e. remember when the tigrayan generals and soldiers in ENDF were captured/etc when the war in tigray broke out, while the regional forces were under tplf directly, so they were the ones who fought the endf/eritreans/etc, while some of them fled, regroup, recruited, and restarted the tigrayan guerrilla war).
Interesting insight. Abiy is consolidating a lot of power, only last year he looked like he was on the brink before Turkish air power saved him
Interesting insight. Abiy is consolidating a lot of power, only last year he looked like he was on the brink before Turkish air power saved him

The Eritreans played a huge role in saving him, but keep in mind that, tplf would not have been able to control the country even if they got lucky and won the war, because none of the other regions would've accepted a return of the previous situation, in which they ruled.
remember, the only ruled for so long, primarily due to 2 reasons: 1-they had allies in the various regions, 2: the main two groups, amhara and oromo's political elites, didn't trust each other enough to work together to get rid of the tigrayan elitist hegemony.


The Eritreans played a huge role in saving him, but keep in mind that, tplf would not have been able to control the country even if they got lucky and won the war, because none of the other regions would've accepted a return of the previous situation, in which they ruled.
remember, the only ruled for so long, primarily due to 2 reasons: 1-they had allies in the various regions, 2: the main two groups, amhara and oromo's political elites, didn't trust each other enough to work together to get rid of the tigrayan elitist hegemony.
What’s the dynamics between Oromo vs Amhara right now. And is Abiy is uniting the Oromos under the federal banner still through force
What’s the dynamics between Oromo vs Amhara right now. And is Abiy is uniting the Oromos under the federal banner still through force

It's complicated because you have the inter-competition between them, but at the same time, the Amhara & Oromo parties of the government will unite in the face of other threats- against OLA in Oromia & Extremist nationalist groups in Amhara.
It's further complicated by the fact that, you have groups who allegedly, fund the OLA, from Amhara region, to undermine the Oromia Govt (this is according to President of Oromia, Shimeles).
While you have elements of the Oromia govt who do not want to fight OLA because they're Oromo's afterall and they do not want to weaken the Oromo's, same for Amharas, the more ''moderate'' ones, if you will, within Abiy's govt, do not want to fight those deemed to be extremists in their region, but they want Oromo's to fight their extremist elements in Oromia, and so on.

There's also some claims, that the recent church protests, were *going to be/attempted to be* used by some Amhara elements to lead a movement that would lead to the collapse of the abiy regime & it being replaced with one of their own men.
Abiy's govt is trying to negotiate with OLA now, and he openly admitted that brute force cannot solve the problems, so we shall see. We remain cautiously optimistic. Time exposes everything. if they try to betray OLA, it'll lead to more conflict, if they negotiate genuinely, then it'll only strengthen Oromia and Ethiopia too as a result.


@GaradShabeel @bidenkulaha

Let's be honest, ethnic federalism wasn't built to last for decades. The constitution was modelled like Yugoslavia, which went to complete shit. Those responsible were fervent Marxist-Leninists who embraced Soviet Communist thinking.
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Why not. Ethiopia is better of creating clan gobols then this fake somali state.
u still wouldn't get anything. :mjlol:

the shurunshurs can come together and we still showing who is boss.
The fact that they have to go beyond hawiye and isaq and invoke irir samale to challenge ogaden shows you the power dynamics of the region.

We will handle them like we always have.
@GaradShabeel @bidenkulaha

Let's be honest, ethnic federalism wasn't built to last for decades. The constitution was modelled like Yugoslavia, which went to complete shit. Those responsible were fervent Marxist-Leninists who embraced Soviet Communist thinking.

Ethnic federalism was created to:

1. Satisfy all the ethnic groups who wanted to secede, when Eritrea was allowed and others prohibited, as a "middle ground", along with article in the constitution that allows self-determination.

2. Tigrayan has in recent times always been anti-Ethiopian. Matter fact, when TPLF were created, their original aim was to secede. However, part of the reason they remained was by creating ethnic federalism and seeing opportunity to use their new found power to dominate & enrich themselves. Which is why the Tigray region proportionally saw most development (besides Addis) + armed themselves to teeth, and located major federal military bases in Tigray etc.

The beginning of 90s was chaos in Ethiopia, but also momentum. My family had hopes, that the time had arrived for us to break apart, kkkk. But we weren't alone to be fooled, as it was a way for the regime in Addis to consolidate power, behind our back.


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