East African Federation is a danger to Somalis and the rest of the Horn!

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The formation of the East African Federation (EAF) in 2016 scares me, because history taught us if a certain common people unite into a big coalition that means they have ambitions outside their territory. So if the Bantus below us are uniting strong that means they have external goals like "expanding", and since we are close to them especially with the long coast, rich natural resources and strategical trade points we are bound to be attention feasted by them (They won't stop staring at us).

And with the Somali-Kenyan dispute over the jubba border and the oil wells in the coast, and if these problems are dragged to 2016 with the EAF being born we could be in a large conflict with a regional power.

We're outnumbered financially, militarily and population wise so what do we do? The plan is unite with other Cushtites like Oromos, Afars, Saho and probaly even Semite Habeshis if we need to and like they say "Better be safe than sorry!"

Aqoolo qawli hadha wastaghfirullaha li wa lakum and now FREAKING DO SOMETHING about it instead debating qabilism!




@Shamis @Geeljire


Your descendants will be like the Iraqw and Tutsis if you don't act now


This is not a new union, they have historic ties with one another. Semite Xabashis are allies to these guys. Cushite are on their own I'm afraid and we can't form a union because most of our lands are occupied. If Oromo and Somali Galbeed gained freedom the horn would be a powerhouse. We'd be light years ahead of Bantus and butchers window lickers.


This is not a new union, they have historic ties with one another. Semite Xabashis are allies to these guys. Cushite are on their own I'm afraid and we can't form a union because most of our lands are occupied. If Oromo and Somali Galbeed gained freedom the horn would be a powerhouse. We'd be light years ahead of Bantus and butchers window lickers.

They said they will have one president, national anthem, etc which means one country right? I guess your very correct about Semite Xabashis since they can't be trusted, in the next few years I hope Oromos and Afars secede from Ethiopia and join Somalis in a union with Djibouti following suit in a union with common race, religion and culture leading the front.


But I'm surprised no Cushtite ever created a political identity based on Pro-Cushiticism


They'll abandon their parliaments and sovereignty? I need to read up on this, this is outrageous. I hope we form our own union too.


They'll abandon their parliaments and sovereignty? I need to read up on this, this is outrageous. I hope we form our own union too.

Yes its going to be a "single federated sovereign state" according to Wikipedia and other news sources big sis, I'm scared you know! >.<


Alot of fear mongering these countries are military weak to do anything to us people should be actually be more concerned with Somalia willingly joining them the dumbass we call leaders already asked to be part of east african fedartion thankfully they were denied:whew:
The end game for all these unions is to have a country called Africa I would be fine with the idea if all the African leaders weren't corrupt criminals:tacky:


The Semites are number one in terms of annexing Somalia.
Arabia has signed treaties with Ethiopia, and they'd like to see Somaliland & Puntland annexed by the Habasha.
If we indeed we seek power, we must unify with the cushites. Forget the Habashas, they'd do anything to make sure Cush doesnt unite.
Oromia must be free, and Eritrea must be an ally. (For common interests)
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