@ dr osman come here


Bro maybe around 20 years give it . Than u will see change becos young generation now it will take time before they are in leadership position . The leadership we have now is mess. It will take time for change

Musiibo haday dhacdo iyo murusade hal meel isku wada aruro, halkee aadaysan? halkee beesha ku badbadi karan, ma waxad rabtin inaad dibadaa uu qaxdan ka bacdi ajuuran iska noqotan oo tirtirmay. Wallahi waan ka naxa their hamar fetish.
Musiibo haday dhacdo iyo murusade hal meel isku wada aruro, halkee aadaysan? halkee beesha ku badbadi karan, ma waxad rabtin inaad dibadaa uu qaxdan ka bacdi ajuuran iska noqotan oo tirtirmay. Wallahi waan ka naxa their hamar fetish.
Bro we survived the worst99s when biger clan like digi and mirifle and many other we tamed subjugated by hiraab specialy hg. Even hg took over hiraan for almost a year. Murusade never lost an inch of traditional teritory even remember in camar during 4 months war when all clan their ass whooped even xawadle were chased by hg to hiraan region murusade mantained all our land and teritory. We have already proven as resilient clan in the worst situation at its peak. Dont wory when things come to shove murusade always rise to occasion.
But our bigest weaknes is political islam as idealogy which alot murusade adopted hence made easier for radicalisation and alshab to rule our teritory remember it was murusade alshabab whi were leading galgadud wars in 2008 it was murusade shabab who brough this mess. For us
Musiibo haday dhacdo iyo murusade hal meel isku wada aruro, halkee aadaysan? halkee beesha ku badbadi karan, ma waxad rabtin inaad dibadaa uu qaxdan ka bacdi ajuuran iska noqotan oo tirtirmay. Wallahi waan ka naxa their hamar fetish.
I told you last time. We have vast territories to our names.

We live in Xamar, its countryside, all over Banaadir's routes between Marka to Afgooye, where do you think the Murusade of South Mogadishu fled to when Ethiopians invaded? HG set up Ceelasha Biyaha in a Wacdaan area behind Kaxda while Murusade went back to their suburbs. When the Ethiopians came to Ceelbuur the locals moved back to Jacar, Dac and Bargaan. Reer Daceed have never seen AS or Galmudug. We are the Barmuudo tribe. We have our safehouses in the most remotest and difficulty tracked terrain. Everywhere we settle is a strategic emporium and self serving economy. Have you ever heard of a drought in Murusade territory? Somalis from SL and PL moved to Jacar a town in Ceelbuur district during the Dabadheer drought in the 70s while other drought stricken communities were sent to Koonfur Galbeed and Jubaland. We have a tog in Galgaduud and farming rivers in the South. Allah has blessed us.


@Dalalos_ibn_Adali @TekNiKo @cow @Step a side @calasowcalasowcalasow@gma don't fear federalism its beautiful. GM/HS/SW/Gedo are probably going to be the big winners in funding, aid, debt allocation model as they were the most neglected when compared relatively to PL/SL/JL. Its not fair as Somali name either in taxes, aid, or debt was used in their name and they saw none of the benefits and only the burden. As long as u ensure their good governance and ROI, u shud be up the ranking as 1-2-3-4 in allocation of resources.
@Dalalos_ibn_Adali @TekNiKo @cow @calasowcalasowcalasow @Step a side don't fear federalism its beautiful. GM/HS/SW/Gedo are probably going to be the big winners in funding, aid, debt allocation model as they were the most neglected when compared relatively to PL/SL/JL. Its not fair as Somali name either in taxes, aid, or debt was used in their name and they saw none of the benefits and only the burden. As long as u ensure their good governance and ROI, u shud be up the ranking as 1-2-3-4 in allocation of resources.
Bro we can have hybrid system.
Puntland can have more feralism while centraland south we can have more centralism its not black and white bro .
Somaliland can have confideration🤣🤣.
We are ok man


@calasowcalasowcalasow@gma centralism cancer knows no clan when PL/SL are no longer conflicting with the SFG it will turn in-wards to persecute, isolate, power abuse, corruption, and other centralized symptoms on clans. It may look attractive to u now as the SFG is fighting PL/SL, lakin remember what isaaq called u guys 'xabadi keentee, xabadi sugtee' kkkkk, ill conclude by saying 'federal diide, beri ha coyina marki adigu lagugu soo jeesto'
@calasowcalasowcalasow@gma centralism cancer knows no clan when PL/SL are no longer conflicting with the SFG it will turn in-wards to persecute, isolate, power abuse, corruption, and other centralized symptoms on clans. It may look attractive to u now as the SFG is fighting PL/SL, lakin remember what isaaq called u guys 'xabadi keentay, xabadi sugtee' kkkkk, ill conclude by saying 'federal diide, beri ha coyina marki adigu enemy laga dhigto'
Bro i said i support centralism like parliamentry system man u get it.
Also all non political instition like militry police court central bank made independent.
We can bring them under the parliamnet
We can commitee apoiting the leaders of these instituition than have two third of parilament approve than the senate to aprrove.
We do this to make sure not one single party rules the militry court central bank
True, but will the other south-central states agree to it tho? For instance, Maay people want a Maayland comprised of the territory they inhabit, how do you solve that? 😅
They are many hawiye in lower shabele even us murusade live there it doesnt belong only ro maay pple biyamaal abgaal gaaljecel
Only puntland is homogenous


They are many hawiye in lower shabele even us murusade live there it doesnt belong only ro maay pple biyamaal abgaal gaaljecel
Only puntland is homogenous
How could you forget hg who live in bulo mareer, qoryooley, Wanlaweyn, marka, Barawe, Afgooye, Ceelasha biyaha (technically in lower shabelle), Janaale, shalambood, gendershe
How could you forget hg who live in bulo mareer, qoryooley, Wanlaweyn, marka, Barawe, Afgooye, Ceelasha biyaha (technically in lower shabelle), Janaale, shalambood, gendershe
The diferense is that murusade abgaal and galjecel are native ceyr who just invaded from galgaduid arent native man 🤣🤣🤣.
That is why


The diferense is that murusade abgaal and galjecel are native ceyr who just invaded from galgaduid arent native man 🤣🤣🤣.
That is why
You need us and we need you 😂 war let’s keep lower shabelle in hawiye colony. Do you think if they get rid of us Cayr they’ll be not coming for you 😂

Do u not see what the Elay are trying to do to ‘native’ Gaaljecel


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