Doolow comes now under JL


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Not a serious state. ATMIS has to leave so we can take their funding. Times up
Culusow tribalized the campaign against AS and made the stronger in JL and KG. With the recent blockades of Gedo and Baidoa AS is being enabled in these regions. Madoobe stands to benefit with this also as a buffer between him and Ethiopia.

I dont see any change anytime soon.


this is all guulwade efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/


Daawa - Doollow, Luuq, Beledxaawo, Geedweyne

The most developed part of Gedo, with 2 international borders, 2 river, the biggest towns in Gedo are located here, the territory is mostly if not complete free of Alshaydaan, 95% of air traffic to Gedo is to Daawo.

What is good for Daawa is good for MX, political scene has changed, normalize relations with Kenya and move forward, wind changes direction all the time, there is time for war and time for peace.


where talking about population and not kenyan tanks controlling kismaayo.
Show me where Kenya fought MX. I’ve asked that question for years on here.

I have documents going from today until 1888 recording my dominance you on the other hand can only bring somnet.

There is a reason why Kismayo grows under Ogaden but beforehand its population decreased every year.

guulwade alone has 21k houses that is 1/3 of kismaayo. guulwade is 99 percent MX.
Guulwade is 99% MX? lol where are all the qadaadweyn from Warshada Hilibka. You are less then the Madhibaan who have Daami in Hargeisa.

Give me a clear border of the Mx Guulwade that houses 1/3 of Kismayo which btw isnt a majority anyways:pachah1:


Kismayos been around for about 154 years and all you have are anecdotes. Its nice to see your back from hiding though heres a gift
MX and OG are doqomo, its time to move on from this never ending fued, tol baanu nahay, we have the most resource rich federal state all for ourselves, instead of battling over it with a zero sum mentality we should be working together to develop and preserve it. The battle to the bottom benefits Shisheeye and foreigners, and destroys us.

200 years from now the most of Darood lands in PL, Gableed, Gobalada dhexe will become completely desert, we need to lay the ground works for Darood strong hold that can withstand FGS and foreign interference.

Just because Kenya and the FGS is allied with you today, it doesn't mean they will be tomorrow Cagdheerow, caqliga ha shaqeeyo, same goes for MX.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
MX and OG are doqomo, its time to move on from this never ending fued, tol baanu nahay, we have the most resource rich federal state all for ourselves, instead of battling over it with a zero sum mentality we should be working together to develop and preserve it. The battle to the bottom benefits Shisheeye and foreigners, and destroys us.

200 years from now the most of Darood lands in PL, Gableed, Gobalada dhexe will become completely desert, we need to lay the ground works for Darood strong hold that can withstand FGS and foreign interference.

Just because Kenya and the FGS is allied with you today, it doesn't mean they will be tomorrow Cagdheerow, caqliga ha shaqeeyo, same goes for MX.
The only mx that is a doqon is the one who accepts OG rule when MX are the majority of JL>

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Show me where Kenya fought MX. I’ve asked that question for years on here.

I have documents going from today until 1888 recording my dominance you on the other hand can only bring somnet.

There is a reason why Kismayo grows under Ogaden but beforehand its population decreased every year.View attachment 284438

Guulwade is 99% MX? lol where are all the qadaadweyn from Warshada Hilibka. You are less then the Madhibaan who have Daami in Hargeisa.

Give me a clear border of the Mx Guulwade that houses 1/3 of Kismayo which btw isnt a majority anyways:pachah1:
R u retarded? There was daagal going on in JL, people were fleeing. Political and social instability was rampant. Why aren't you accounting for those factors??

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
MX and OG are doqomo, its time to move on from this never ending fued, tol baanu nahay,
I have no realtion to caagdheer. I will not treat them as waalalo when they are a minority. This OG 🤝 MX kumbya nonesense needs to be shut out. Inshallah Jl is in eternal daagal until the rightful rulers are restored. f*ck caagdheer they need to learn they are number 3.


MX and OG are doqomo, its time to move on from this never ending fued, tol baanu nahay, we have the most resource rich federal state all for ourselves, instead of battling over it with a zero sum mentality we should be working together to develop and preserve it. The battle to the bottom benefits Shisheeye and foreigners, and destroys us.

200 years from now the most of Darood lands in PL, Gableed, Gobalada dhexe will become completely desert, we need to lay the ground works for Darood strong hold that can withstand FGS and foreign interference.

Just because Kenya and the FGS is allied with you today, it doesn't mean they will be tomorrow Cagdheerow, caqliga ha shaqeeyo, same goes for MX.
I have no ill will towards MX although I despise that @coward who hides in shame every month.

I dont mind MX competition and/or cooperation in JL but I despise the corrosive Galmudug talk. Gedo politicians have finally smelled the coffee on that not helping their cause so I am content with Sade.
R u retarded? There was daagal going on in JL, people were fleeing. Political and social instability was rampant. Why aren't you accounting for those factors??
Wow I didnt know that, so what ceased the instability around 2014 and what were people fleeing in 2005? :krs:

I dont even know why this minor responds to me you havent felt the humidity of Africa let alone Jubbaland, go get off the sheegad list before talking you reject :childplease:


I have no ill will towards MX although I despise that @coward who hides in shame every month.

I dont mind MX competition and/or cooperation in JL but I despise the corrosive Galmudug talk. Gedo politicians have finally smelled the coffee on that not helping their cause so I am content with Sade.

Wow I didnt know that, so what ceased the instability around 2014 and what were people fleeing in 2005? :krs:

I dont even know why this minor responds to me you havent felt the humidity of Africa let alone Jubbaland, go get off the sheegad list before talking you reject :childplease:
Saxib I am from Galgaduud Sare, we have our MX interest there just like you have your OG interest in Bakool Sare.

We have been oodwadag since forever, in 1800s you were drinking from Mudug wells, we are oodwadag in Doolo and Qoraxeey, many MX live in the OG belly like Qabridahar, Nogob, Dhegaxbur, we live in the border areas of Harar and Negelye, you live with us in our towns we live with you in your towns.

Maxaa ka qabta deeganka NFD, Ogadenia, Bakool Sare, Galgaduud Sare, PL, Khatumo in la isku furo highway laga dhiso.

Some people think about what they will eat tomorrow, waa dadka midgaha nagu dhex jiro oo la qarameeye, they are not dhalad Darood, they are hungry for qeyradka dekada, xilal mushaar, they are willing to sell their soul, their family, so they can build homes in Dubai, Nairobi.

Hankeena wa inuu ka weynada intaas.

Somali Saayid

It's been a while hasn't it?
Wow I didnt know that, so what ceased the instability around 2014 and what were people fleeing in 2005? :krs:

I dont even know why this minor responds to me you havent felt the humidity of Africa let alone Jubbaland, go get off the sheegad list before talking you reject :childplease:
The growth was talking about the span of time not every year, during the time between 2005-2014. Majority of the people fled during the foreign intervention in Somalia and battles between extremists and local and foreign troops. Post 2014 some form of normalcy returned under the protection of foreign ciidan. It's not because of OG that population is staying it's bcuz of your kenyan handlers. Kismayo will fall as soon as the kenyans are gone. It's the sad truth thats why ur generals are asking them to stay.

