Do You Guys Believe In Evolution?

Do you believe in Evolution?

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Parts of it make sense but that doesn't mean it's entirely true.
It's a theory after all. For example, there's no doubt that species adopt to their environment.
But all of us coming from a fish that turned into a dinosaur that turned into a monkey is far fetched.


Parts of it make sense but that doesn't mean it's entirely true.
It's a theory after all. For example, there's no doubt that species adopt to their environment.
But all of us coming from a fish that turned into a dinosaur that turned into a monkey is far fetched.
Chicken were dinosaurs not humans
No matter how they try to explain things, their theory will end up falling apart because they are only using a series of contingent things to explain other contingent things.

A contingent thing is something that NEEDS something else to make it how it is. The whole universe we are in is contingent- this is what science assumes and how it works.

At the end, you come to the conclusion that there is a necessary being, that is independent and free of need. This necessary being is Allah, As Samad.

1.) The universe is contingent

2.) Every contingent thing depends on a necessary being to make it the way it is

3.) Therefore, the universe in its entirety depends on a necessary being to make it the way it is.

This is assuming we even take the arguments they pose seriously including the complete absence of what should be billions of 'transitional' forms. They also can't explain the Cambrian explosion and most recently scientists are withdrawing from their previous belief that 'neanderthals' were somehow not human the same way we are.


No matter how they try to explain things, their theory will end up falling apart because they are only using a series of contingent things to explain other contingent things.

A contingent thing is something that NEEDS something else to make it how it is. The whole universe we are in is contingent- this is what science assumes and how it works.

At the end, you come to the conclusion that there is a necessary being, that is independent and free of need. This necessary being is Allah, As Samad.

1.) The universe is contingent

2.) Every contingent thing depends on a necessary being to make it the way it is

3.) Therefore, the universe in its entirety depends on a necessary being to make it the way it is.

This is assuming we even take the arguments they pose seriously including the complete absence of what should be billions of 'transitional' forms. They also can't explain the Cambrian explosion and most recently scientists are withdrawing from their previous belief that 'neanderthals' were somehow not human the same way we are.
Didnt I say dont use religion


Evolution is a propaganda tool to legitimize racism as a black man why would you believe it?
Honestly I am trying my best to not believe it, I made this thread solely for the reason to find a way to not believe in it, but there is just to many evidence.

I am pretty sure that we all can agree that cat, lion and tiger are somehow related which means they have a common ancestor a very long time ago. We can also agree that Wolfs and dogs look somehow related which means they have a common ancestor long ago. But why dont we believe in an animal who can stand like a human, has five toes and fingers, is one of the only animals that can show their expressions from their face, it has human like ears and has similar bone structure as us as having a common ancestor as us


The most hated man in here
If you say no I want you to explain it without using religion
I have a theory about Neanderthals’ origins. We know that an ice age occurred, and humans in Europe sought refuge in caves for protection. Inside these caves, with a small population, they interbred extensively, resulting in the birth of deformed babies. This is how Neanderthals were born.
Honestly I am trying my best to not believe it, I made this thread solely for the reason to find a way to not believe in it, but there is just to many evidence.

I am pretty sure that we all can agree that cat, lion and tiger are somehow related which means they have a common ancestor a very long time ago. We can also agree that Wolfs and dogs look somehow related which means they have a common ancestor long ago. But why dont we believe in an animal who can stand like a human, has five toes and fingers, is one of the only animals that can show their expressions from their face, it has human like ears and has similar bone structure as us as having a common ancestor as us
Who said Lions and cats are related I don't buy into the whole DNA stuff or all the modern science stuff.


Who said Lions and cats are related I don't buy into the whole DNA stuff or all the modern science stuff.
They are all feline, this is their common ancestors bones
Didnt I say dont use religion
I only named the necessary being. If you remove the name 'Allah', you still have the problems I stated. There is no getting around the existence of a necessary being.

Tthe theory only tries to explain the adaptations that happened over time. It has nothing to say about what set this all in motion.
Lmao even if we all came for a single cell organism how was it possible for the dna to be coded so perfectly all from nothing.

It’s fake a gay. We all came from Adam and Hawa Allahu salam


If you say no I want you to explain it without using religion
No. If humans evolved surely other mammals would have evolved to communicate similarly by now. None of the animals kingdom can match us humans in intellect and that fact is undisputed.

Until I see another life form on this earth that can match us in intellect then I will continue to question myself and the theory of evolution. Also the Quran which was filled with scientific facts before Europe even came out of the dark ages, tells us that we were created in order to be tested before we ascend to the after life. It's as simple as that.

If atheists can explain to me how an illiterate man in 630ce, could preach about the skin receptors being the location of pain in the human body, then I'll gladly subscribe to their narrative. Even quraysh quickly changed their accusations on the prophet to those that fall in line with some excuses that people have today i.e he was taught by someone that specific information. Which genius taught him what scientists have recently discovered in the age of enlightenment?

What did the scholars of interpretation explain the verse Al-Nisaa: (56) What the commentators said in the verse: (Those who reject our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire: as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise * But those who believe and do deeds of their eternal home: Therein shall they have companions pure and holy: We shall admit them to shades, cool and ever deepening) [Al-Nisaa: 56- 57].
1. **Fossil Record**: Transitional fossils like *Australopithecus afarensis* ("Lucy"), *Homo habilis*, and *Homo erectus* show gradual changes in anatomy over millions of years.

2. **Genetic Evidence**: Comparative genomics reveals that humans share approximately 98-99% of their DNA with chimpanzees, our closest living relatives. Additionally, the presence of endogenous retroviruses and similar genetic sequences in humans and other primates supports common ancestry.

3. **Anatomical Similarities**: Vestigial structures, such as the appendix and tailbone, and homologous structures like the similar bone arrangements in the limbs of humans and other vertebrates, indicate evolutionary relationships.

4. **Biogeography**: The geographical distribution of species, such as the presence of similar yet distinct species on islands and continents, supports evolutionary theory and common descent.

5. **Embryology**: Early embryonic stages of various vertebrates, including humans, show significant similarities, reflecting common ancestry.

Should I continue?
1. **Paleoanthropology**: Discoveries of ancient tools and artifacts show a progression in complexity and sophistication, reflecting cognitive and cultural evolution in human ancestors.

2. **Molecular Evidence**: The molecular clock technique estimates divergence times of species based on genetic mutation rates, supporting timelines established by fossil evidence.

3. **Chromosome Fusion**: Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, while other great apes have 24. Chromosome 2 in humans is a result of the fusion of two ancestral ape chromosomes, evidenced by telomere sequences in the middle of the chromosome and a vestigial centromere.

4. **Comparative Anatomy**: The study of comparative anatomy reveals detailed correspondences in the structure of bones, muscles, and organs across different species, suggesting a common evolutionary origin. For example, the pentadactyl limb structure is found in humans, whales, birds, and many other animals.

5. **Vestigial Genes**: Humans possess non-functional genes that are remnants of our evolutionary past, such as the GULO gene, which is responsible for synthesizing vitamin C in most mammals but is inactive in humans.

6. **Behavioral Comparisons**: Similarities in behaviors between humans and other primates, such as tool use, social structures, and communication methods, indicate a shared evolutionary history.

7. **Radiometric Dating**: Dating techniques, such as carbon-14 and potassium-argon dating, provide precise ages for fossils and archaeological finds, fitting within the timeline of human evolution.

8. **Hybrid Evidence**: Genetic studies show evidence of interbreeding between modern humans and archaic humans such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, contributing to the genetic diversity of present-day humans.
Counterpoints and their responses:

1. **Gaps in the Fossil Record**:
- **Critique**: Some argue that gaps in the fossil record undermine the theory of evolution.
- **Response**: While the fossil record is incomplete due to the rarity of fossilization, many transitional fossils have been found. Ongoing discoveries continue to fill these gaps, providing a more complete picture of human evolution.

2. **Complexity of Human Traits**:
- **Critique**: The complexity of human traits, such as the brain and eye, is sometimes cited as evidence against evolution, suggesting these structures could not have evolved through natural processes.
- **Response**: Evolutionary biology explains that complex structures can arise through incremental changes over long periods. Comparative anatomy and genetics provide insights into how these complex traits evolved.

3. **Lack of Direct Observation**:
- **Critique**: Some argue that because we cannot directly observe macroevolution over human timescales, it remains speculative.
- **Response**: While macroevolutionary changes occur over millions of years, microevolution (small-scale changes) can be observed directly. These small changes accumulate over time, leading to significant evolutionary shifts. Additionally, many evolutionary processes are supported by indirect evidence such as genetics, comparative anatomy, and embryology.

4. **Irreducible Complexity**:
- **Critique**: Proponents of intelligent design argue that certain biological systems are "irreducibly complex" and could not function if any part were missing, implying they could not have evolved step-by-step.
- **Response**: Research has shown that systems perceived as irreducibly complex can evolve through co-option, where existing structures acquire new functions. Examples include the evolution of the eye and the immune system.

5. **Alternative Theories**:
- **Critique**: Some propose alternative theories, such as intelligent design or special creation, as explanations for human origins.
- **Response**: These alternatives often lack empirical support and do not provide testable hypotheses. The scientific consensus favors evolution because it is supported by extensive and converging lines of evidence from multiple disciplines.

6. **Misinterpretation of Evidence**:
- **Critique**: Some argue that evidence supporting human evolution is misinterpreted or biased.
- **Response**: The scientific method involves rigorous peer review and replication of findings. Multiple independent lines of evidence consistently support human evolution, reducing the likelihood of widespread misinterpretation.

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