Depression And Lathargy


I don't take any pills for depression and lathargy, but I know what it is. That emptiness or void, lack of purpose, lack of energy and no motivation. Your like a car that has broken down with no fuel as the world goes past you with a full tank of gas.

You may sit there and feel jealous and envious of all these cars passing by and your not moving, or you may ponder why God did this to you and disdvantage you. You hear constantly the negative self talk in your head and realize your biggest enemy is you and not others.

U may question the negative self talk and ponder what is missing in your life or what the hell do you want or are seeking and then you loop back into not knowing what you want in life or what is missing and then this just continues into a cycle and lasts for months, years or decades.

U may even blame others, self medicate with drugs/alcohol, seek status, a partner, a child, a job or materialism or even religion but then when it's all said and done that 'negative self talk whisper hasn't disappeared'. U may even try to get high from exercise and release endorphines but u start to realize it also fades away and goes right back to the negative self talk.
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Religion teaches the conscious or 'miirka' as a different spiritual layer that can be spiritually(invisible) attacked by non physical beings, which is possible, cuz the brain isn't just a physical mass consisting of chemicals/electromagnetic signals travelling through a network of nodes, it does have a layer of 'consciousness and awareness' and who knows what sort of quantum or cosmological scale unobservable activity that maybe occuring which we haven't got the equipment or tech to explore.

Kinda like the observable world having 13 dimension only 4 are observable(height, width, length, time), many more may exist that isn't founded, while the other accepted 9 dimensions remain hidden(spiritual to religious ppl) untill humans develop their knowledge/technology/equipment to test and explore.
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@DR OSMAN so you do agree that there is a world outside of the matter physical world. The universe must than belong to Allah who all of his names and athributes are perfect all the time, where as the creation are imperfect. As Allah athributes are perfect all the time, he is self sufficient all the time and would not need any partners.
@DR OSMAN Allah has told us who he is by 99 names and athributes, he differs from creation as he told us that his names and athributes are perfect all the time, he is powerfull all the time he is self sufficient all the time where as his creation are in perfect all the time and in need of him. Everything in the world's only belong to him alone so worship should only belong to Allah alone.


@DR OSMAN so you do agree that there is a world outside of the matter physical world. The universe must than belong to Allah who all of his names and athributes are perfect all the time, where as the creation are imperfect. As Allah athributes are perfect all the time, he is self sufficient all the time and would not need any partners.

War tan aduunka ayaa 13 dimension leh adiguna waxad aragta 4 dimension only width-height-length-time becuz everything observable has those parameters while u dont see even the other 9 hidden dimensions, so I lean towards a-lot more exists then what we know as were limited to our time, knowledge, and equipments.

I bet those who lived 500 years ago thought the world map was real, it was real to their time period and knowledge, but we know a new world was found later, science will forever grow like that, always say u only believe what to be true relative to your time period and never close ur mind to the future advancing to new truths relative to their time. Science is a living methodology, it must grow and question.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't take any pills for depression and lathargy, but I know what it is. That emptiness or void, lack of purpose, lack of energy and no motivation. Your like a car that has broken down with no fuel as the world goes past you with a full tank of gas.

ie you need Islam. come back to Islam @DR OSMAN. you know you want a life with meaning.
@DR OSMAN Allah has given us criteria to measure everything is just look at it from this prospective is science all knowing all the time?
Is science one, unique and self sufficient all the time?

So we can clearly see who the truth is, it's the one with the 99 perfect names and athributes, just put science to test get the 99 names of all which are perfect all the time science clearly fails rgw test, this means science had a beginning just like time.


@DR OSMAN Allah has given us criteria to measure everything is just look at it from this prospective is science all knowing all the time?
Is science one, unique and self sufficient all the time?

So we can clearly see who the truth is, it's the one with the 99 perfect names and athributes, just put science to test get the 99 names of all which are perfect all the time science clearly fails rgw test, this means science had a beginning just like time.

Science isn't religion and doesn't discuss that topic, it limits itself to this observable universe and everything within it, it doesn't say anything on god or what happens after death(their no faculty dedicated to such research) other then what scientist personal belief/disbelief on religion are, that's personal belief brother not 'scientific' view.


@Garaad Hirabu religion isnt a field of science or faculty brother, their is no scientific philosophy, methodology, technology, equipment to explore religion, if a scientist holds a personal belief or disbelief isagay uu taal, he cant say its the scientific position or view looool, or else waxaa la oranaya what the hell system did u use to prove or disprove god, soul, afterlife, etc


@DR OSMAN why don't you embrace Islam brother as you have agreed that the only one that is not limited is Allah, by judgeing and using his 99 names and athributes as our criteria test...

How do u know im not personal muslim to allah but publically kaffir to u only like jesus rejected his ppl and turned to god only and the ppl of his time said like u do to me brother. Beware brother. I reject modern muslim world doesnt mean i have an issue with god in my personal life not PUBLIC, Im not public muslim.


@DR OSMAN check out kitaab at tawheed, you wil find everything I have mentioned there, it's all evidences from quran and saying of our prophet.

I will never be a religious person to show my religion to others, diin noocasi ma aminsani and never will, why would I, when I die, they are irrelevant ma garatay? i have my own personal discusions with god and that all that matters, but to the public ill scream f*ck ur public worship and proving ur religion to yourselves. But i prefer fixing myself in this world before thinking of other worlds.
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@DR OSMAN check out kitaab at tawheed, you wil find everything I have mentioned there, it's all evidences from quran and saying of our prophet.
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I will never be a religious person to show my religion to others, diin noocasi ma aminsani and never will, why would I, when I die, they are irrelevant ma garatay? i have my own personal discusions with god and that all that matters, but to the public ill scream f*ck ur public worship and proving ur religion to yourselves. But i prefer fixing myself in this world before thinking of other worlds.
Allah has told us to persue the good causes in this world, as you are never going to die, so we are encouraged to strive in technology and but we were only created to testify that non has the right in truth to be worshiped but Allah alone and not to set up any equals to him.


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Allah has told us to persue the good causes in this world, as you are never going to die, so we are encouraged to strive in technology and but we were only created to testify that non has the right in truth to be worshiped but Allah alone and not to set up any equals to him.

The way u repeat ur religious position word 4 word is called 'dogma or creed or mashruc' and that's not good, speak from ur heart to god, dont memorize and repeat what ppl tell u about god, the quran doesnt read itself, a man is reading it to u, be very wise n cautious
The way u repeat ur religious position word 4 word is called 'dogma or creed or mashruc' and that's not good, speak from ur heart to god, dont memorize and repeat what ppl tell u about god, the quran doesnt read itself, a man is reading it to u, be very wise n cautious
Quran is the word of Allah, but when we read we use human voice and human invented alphabet.

I use quran, sunnah and according to the understanding of the companions of the prophet,who lived with him, how they implimented Islam, especially the first three generations after the prophet.
Problem with non muslims is they think this life is all their is, they forget to understand it's a test. You are dealt cards that could be bad or good, It's not suppose to be fair. You could be a parapeglic or with cerebral palsy, you could also be a billionaire and be on top but the one thing that is constant you were created for worship.
Problem with non muslims is they think this life is all their is, they forget to understand it's a test. You are dealt cards that could be bad or good, It's not suppose to be fair. You could be a parapeglic or with cerebral palsy, you could also be a billionaire and be on top but the one thing that is constant you were created for worship.
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ


I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.


Quran is the word of Allah, but when we read we use human voice and human invented alphabet.

I use quran, sunnah and according to the understanding of the companions of the prophet,who lived with him, how they implimented Islam, especially the first three generations after the prophet.

@Muse Guud

The quran may be from god but it is limited to human intelligence/explanations who r by nature faulty and why Islamic world looks like hell which is strong 'daleeel' dintooda ama siday uu aqriyan sax ma aha ama sidasi uma eekadeen dalalkooda as they all pray/fast, like i said be 'wise and cautious' and dont turn yourselves into a cult or dogma or mashruc as modern islam is today, turn ur back on them like noah and all the prophets turned away from their ppl when they started to look like dhul naareed and speak to god on your own


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