Dahir Alasow gacan aa u taagay


@Inquisitive_ PL doesn't use violence to topple any government, it uses political pressure and this is mainly rooted due to a lack of an official constitution stipulating federal/regional roles. So PL relationship with mogadishu cannot be resolved till that is, it doesn't matter which president is there, wa 'arin masiri ah' similar to laska issue with SL. Even if an MJ is there and anti federal, PL will cut ties immediately. It's not a clan issue but a 'masiiri' issue, once that is resolved, I don't see PL n SFG having issues.
I doubt Dahir is Sacad. Sacad sound just like my abtiyaal in mudug and you can barely tell the difference between a leelkase and a sacad when they speak. Dahir has a stereotypical southern countryside Hawiye accent with somewhat of a southern slang. He is not reer mudug for sure.


I doubt Dahir is Sacad. Sacad sound just like my abtiyaal in mudug and you can barely tell the difference between a leelkase and a sacad when they speak. Dahir has a stereotypical southern countryside Hawiye accent with somewhat of a southern slang. He is not reer mudug for sure.

I never watch the guy, his full of drama no solutions, similar to USC heaps of drama but no solution
I never watch the guy, his full of drama no solutions, similar to USC heaps of drama but no solution
One thing I respect about you Dr even though I disagree with a lot of your conclusions is that you have a conclusion and at least you have a goal. Many of the people here is just anti-qabiil one or anti-qabiil 2 or 3/vice versa with no solution in sight.


One thing I respect about you Dr even though I disagree with a lot of your conclusions is that you have a conclusion and at least you have a goal. Many of the people here is just anti-qabiil one or anti-qabiil 2 or 3/vice versa with no solution in sight.

My conclusions could be flawed, I agree and therefore my solutions, but I try my best to gather all the facts from opposing sides and balance it against each other(lookin for the root cause always), while also accepting my 'clan isn't perfect and any clan who doesn't accept negativity is seeking a status of perfection which we know is impossible and just thru that we can question their 'clan motive' by not accepting any negativity.

Im always open to hear negativity for PL or my clan, I see that as knowledge so we can 'fix it' not as an 'attack' like the other clans do. I already know perfection doesn't exist. I only compare PL to the rest of somali clans and I know it's more 'genuine n less evil' then the rest, doesn't mean im saying their perfect but when u compare to others, it's far more genuine.


@Shaafici Mujaahid I accept SSDF was the root cause of rebels which Marehan tell us, I always accept that, see, i look for 'root' of all problems. But SSDF also dismantled, abdillahi arrested by ethio, etc must not be forgotten, ethio won't arrest its own 'puppet', he was a wadani that's why.

Plus SSDF had a legit post somalia model after an interim military rule thru SSDF as it's name suggest 'democracy front', we wanted to replace an existing system with a new system not a complete void must not be disregarded. Massacring civilians and looting, a complete void for warlordism and terrorists to thrive wasn't on our manifesto. The other fact u need to assess the 'rebuilding' stage, 15 failed conferences led to PL creation. We not gonna sit around n go 'extinct' if other clans want that.

Plus who rejected ina qasim govt to hamar, yey, and every subsequent govt elected by it's people n recognized by the world with constant 'violence'?
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Abdilaahi Yusuf toppoled Abdilqasim who was elected in Arta and had the goodwill of the Somalis. I believe Abdilqasim was the best President we had that could unite the Hawiye and Islamic courts. Unfortantly the cia backed worlords and Abdilaahi Yusuf ruined it.


Abdilaahi Yusuf toppoled Abdilqasim who was elected in Arta and had the goodwill of the Somalis. I believe Abdilqasim was the best President we had that could unite the Hawiye and Islamic courts. Unfortantly the cia backed worlords and Abdilaahi Yusuf ruined it.

No after it was seen that 'ina qasim' couldn't bring his 'tol' out of warlordism and they refused the TNG which expired in nairobi hotels, somalis agreed that HG is proving it's the 'true obstacle'. Then they became terrorists going into a room declaring an 'Islamic clan court' arguing they represent 'allah' while disregarding an elected president by his peers, then shabab broke off and did the same thing to every govt afterwards.


Abdilaahi Yusuf toppoled Abdilqasim who was elected in Arta and had the goodwill of the Somalis. I believe Abdilqasim was the best President we had that could unite the Hawiye and Islamic courts. Unfortantly the cia backed worlords and Abdilaahi Yusuf ruined it.

Shafici the process abdillahi was elected thru the same process as sharif-hsm-farmajo, u cant discredit all the somali elites who backed it and endorsed it plus the world(gaal n muslim), it was HAGS in hamar who declared a 'clan court' and saying 'allah elected them' disregarding the ppl's will n the rest of the world. The whole world isn't wrong but a silly clan court is right


@Shaafici Mujaahid the root cause of shabab is ICU which was a clan court that over-rode the ppl will and the whole world not just gaal but muslim, all becuz of what? u can't go into a silly room in hamar and declare your a govt named by yourselves and even worse say 'god chose u' to represent Islam, god didnt send your ICU to do shit, ppl elect their governments and it's donee thru their 'agreed system' not a fuckin 'small room' in someone home
@Shaafici Mujaahid the root cause of shabab is ICU which was a clan court that over-rode the ppl will and the whole world not just gaal but muslim, all becuz of what? u can't go into a silly room in hamar and declare your a govt named by yourselves and even worse say 'god chose u' to represent Islam, god didnt send your ICU to do shit, ppl elect their governments and it's donee thru their 'agreed system' not a fuckin 'small room' in someone home
The ICU did not say they were the Somali government. They just fought off the warlords and made the capital and most of the south stable. You forget that the ICU was in talks with A.Y but the Ethiopians invaded.


The ICU did not say they were the Somali government. They just fought off the warlords and made the capital and most of the south stable. You forget that the ICU was in talks with A.Y but the Ethiopians invaded.

An elected govt by it's peers and recognized by somalis n the world(gaal n muslim), doesn't need to sit down with every clan who declares another 'entity' be it regional or federally. The clan court showed they were willing to disregard a 'qaran' made of all somalis for a small 'few' in hawiye in the capital, worse they brought 'deen' into it acting as if 'god chose them' that alone is very un-wise.

Brother qalad wala gala no clan is perfect and if u hold that ur perfect n refuse ur clan negativities you can be questioned as not 'genuine' since we know nothing is perfect, SSDF did huge 'problem' which i accept for the root cause of the 'fall' of siyad but that's where it ends, what happened post 91, no darod participated in clan wars and returned to it's territories and only held a 'defense' posture to protect its ppl n territory, u will never find a darod was in a non darod territory post 91 doing clan warfare, is what u need to accept also.

Darod's did insane amount of 'tanasul' in the rebuilding era like allowing one clan 122 parliament quota(dir n hawiye), even I am not that crazy to accept such a faulty power-sharing. No Darod used violence on any somali govt post reconstruction, everything darods do is 'political pressure' as we recognize the govt was elected thru the agreed system of the nation. Most of the political problem is rooted in an unfinished constitution not 'clan hatred'. We don't want this constant political instability, but it's political not 'security' instability like hawiye do.


@Shaafici Mujaahid Darod goals are federalism that's it's biggest objective not clan hatred or personal agendas, in-fact our federal interest will not apply to us alone but all regional govts, marka we see it as 'masiiri' lama tabtan without sending the nation back to 91. The reason I say it's masiri, it doesn't matter who comes to power in hamar, our politics won't change.


@Shaafici Mujaahid if HSM wants to end the 'political instability' he needs to sit down with PL govt and send his best team to negiotate a final constitution to be tabled to parliament and then a 'public vote'. His security issues which is rooted back to their ICU, he needs to adopt a 'firm' position not a weak one, his elected by the people, he shouldn't even talk to un-elected people or this gives them credibility. A strong leader will take firm action against these little cowards oo qol yar isku xiray trying to over ride a system that is backed by the qaran.


@Shaafici Mujaahid in short bro. MJ will accept

1. It is the root cause of rebel groups who over-threw Siyad.

HAGS accept

1. It's the root cause of warlordism n clannism post 91, as it started with them and then 'flamed' out to the nation
2. Accept they r the root cause of terrorism as it roots back to ICU in hamar and then flamed out.
3. Post re-construction era 2000 till now. Darods have not used any violence measures against any elected government of the people. Yes political pressure but not violence and instability which roots back to POINT 1 N 2 and Also MJ social contribution of beginning this idea of 'overthrowing' a state by going into 'qol yar' even tho they did have post somalia system in place as their SSDF name suggests and siyad era was un-elected so I guess that's why they assumed force is needed even tho siyad came to power thru bloodless coup, they tried the 'coup' method too in loo 'jawabo' nidaamki u ku yimi.

If we agree that no clan is perfect and every clan has negatives, we can reach a conclusion not a back n forth going nowhere. If a clan refuses to accept it has any negativity, we can dismiss them as 'spoilers' as we know logically nothing can be perfect and therefore we can question their 'genuineness'. It's paramount clans start accepting negativity or u look ridiculous to somalis and the world.


The MJ problem was they shud of used and continued the 'coup' route, not the 'rebel' option as siyad came thru blood-less coup, the only way to get rid of him was to use similar approach not a violent approach, that shows 'caqli xumo'. Only time violence is mandatory is when an administration came to power thru violence like SL. Every system has a 'nidaam' or 'system' no clan should work outside of it, period. Like north sudan did with their removal of their dictator, they used a 'coup' option since he came thru a 'coup'. That's how politics is played not resortin to violence when the guy in power didnt come thru violence
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Stop spreading vile rumours sxb, the man is an Asal Sacad.

You are right though that Dahir is an loose cannon but that doesn't make him an sheegato, so stop the hate niyahow you're embarrassing yourself.
If there is one politician sacad unanimous agree in there condemnation it's Shariif, the man who brought us Garowe 1 and 2, gave a state funeral to C/Yusuf then did the unforgivable crime of naming a disputed airport after him, no other politician is more despised to them then Shariif, all his allies like Fiqi abandoned him.

Yet to Dahir he is a messianic figure, he is more Pro Shariif then even @Jungle and Harti themselves, if you mentioned shariif name during the election to a Sacad person they would spit in your face.

For you to dismiss all of this and all the Sacad elders that came out in Public outing him as a sheegato, a video even sceptic like @Jungle has now seen, raises question marks about you bro.

I have a more nuanced take on this issue about shariif then tolka, there is no doubt shariif is a man of great integrity and character, he brought the Turks to the country and I can tell when we had a meeting with him he is much more politically astute then he was before, and he voiced his regrets at what he did.

The problem with shariif was always his political acumen, his failure in 3 consecutive elections 2 of which he didn't even get to the final proves this, politics is a dirty game and people like HSM/Farmaajo are built for this.
If there is one politician sacad unanimous agree in there condemnation it's Shariif, the man who brought us Garowe 1 and 2, gave a state funeral to C/Yusuf then did the unforgivable crime of naming a disputed airport after him, no other politician is more despised to them then Shariif, all his allies like Fiqi abandoned him.

Yet to Dahir he is a messianic figure, he is more Pro Shariif then even @Jungle and Harti themselves, if you mentioned shariif name during the election to a Sacad person they would spit in your face.

For you to dismiss all of this and all the Sacad elders that came out in Public outing him as a sheegato, a video even sceptic like @Jungle has now seen, raises question marks about you bro.

I have a more nuanced take on this issue about shariif then tolka, there is no doubt shariif is a man of great integrity and character, he brought the Turks to the country and I can tell when we had a meeting with him he is much more politically astute then he was before, and he voiced his regrets at what he did.

The problem with shariif was always his political acumen, his failure in 3 consecutive elections 2 of which he didn't even get to the final proves this, politics is a dirty game and people like HSM/Farmaajo are built for this.
HG V Abgaal is basically and always has been Sacad having huge cuqdad towards beesha Harti abgaal whether it’s Ali Mahdi AUN or Sheihk shariif.
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HG V Abgaal is basically and always has been Sacad having huge cuqdad towards beesha Harti abgaal whether it’s Ali Mahdi AUN or Sheihk shariif.
That's not true and there is no cuqdad.

The issue with Harti Abgaal in the past has always been politics, there alliance with Garowe and not understanding there plots and schemes and isku dir tactics, because to know this, you have to live with them, so I have sympathy for them.

Ali Mahdi fell right into it as did Sh Shariif, I am not exonerating Ceydiid either he fell into it too, when the fitnah mongers create tensions between brothers, the smart thing to do is to back off, no matter how aggressive or foolish your brother gets.

He knew it was isku-dir plot, but he thought he could eliminate all of his opponents by force on multiple front which is foolish, he could have won the battle without ever firing a bullet if he was patient