Chaos erupts in the federal parliament over the presence of 16 MPs who were elected in Garbaharey. The electoral commission didn't register


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Let me say it again,it wont work


Bantu Liberation Movement
What the hell, so they snuck in there during visiting hours? Send them back to Gedo asap.


What the hell, so they snuck in there during visiting hours? Send them back to Gedo asap.

they got ID like any other MP. no one snuck them in. and why does it even concern you? are you reer gedo? this is 4.5 get your grubby little hands out of my MP's and stick to your clan MP's.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
@TekNiKo this love-hate relationship with farmajos politics is heart attack inducing. :damn:
Wallahi Farmaajo is a genius, somehow he came through for us I thought it was over when Adan Madoobe was elected but he seems to not atleast be anti Gedo which is a huge victory in of itself. That 90 year old mooryan Dhabancad and Rooble our enemy have indeed failed miserably to humiliate Gedo.

Allahuakbar :rejoice:


Bantu Liberation Movement
they got ID like any other MP. no one snuck them in. and why does it even concern you? are you reer gedo? this is 4.5 get your grubby little hands out of my MP's and stick to your clan MP's.
I don't believe in 4.5, it's very destructive.


@TekNiKo this love-hate relationship with farmajos politics is heart attack inducing. :damn:

gaal dil gartiisa sii. Farmaajo has backed up his words. And if he does come back i have no doubt he will 100 percent wage a war on madoobe no more negotiations no more secret deals. he won't even address it or even use the SNA. he will arm an opponent of Madoobe.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
I call farmajo and crew the cant get right gang-always tripping over themselfs constant failures who live to disapoint their urchin fanbase
pachah1 (1).png



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Sheikh Adan Madoobe was a great supporter of Koonfurgalbeed weyne which consists of 6 gobols, Bay, Bakool, Shabeela Hoose, Gedo, Jubbada Hoose and Jubbada Dhexe. Axmed madoobe didnt support him but instead Xidig, thas why he is scared now and Deni and Sh Shariif supported him.

No wonder he is helping Gedo!



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
gaal dil gartiisa sii. Farmaajo has backed up his words. And if he does come back i have no doubt he will 100 percent wage a war on madoobe no more negotiations no more secret deals. he won't even address it or even use the SNA. he will arm an opponent of Madoobe.
Wallahi Farmaajo is a genius this man apprently was anti Madoobe and JL from the very beginning no wonder Axmed Madoobe is in Kismayo and never came to Xamar to campaign with Deni, Laftagareen, Guudlawe and Qoor Qoor. He is angry Aden Madoobe came through

Here is a video 8 years ago telling the truth about so called JL



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Remember when dhabncad met farmajo-they were jumping for joy till reality hit them-They are cought up in a cycle of cope- and self delusion.-
Yesterday it was macsalama we lost cafis,today they are back to going down another rabbit hole.
Always connecting dots but never amount to anything.


Most MPs were appointed by state leaders rather than clans, you want us to go back in time because you have no state. Please stop damaging Somalia with your selfish and reckless behavior.

Repo i will ask you a question and without being troll answer it truthfully.

why did we accept state leaders to select MP's is it from the Quran or is it man made? if it is man made then it was an agreement signed by both houses president/and FMS presidents. so why are we beholden to state leaders selecting MP's but yet at the same time not beholden to 17 september agreement?

why is one agreement upheld but not the other one? if our laws and our government is build on agreements. how can you break a fundamental agreement of sep 17 which was signed into law 30.

you are basically saying i can do whatever i want but you can't. it is either we all follow the rule and law or none of us follow it. You can't have your cake and eat it at the same time. There is no pick and choosing, it is all or nothing.

