BREAKING NEWS: Long time Communist Cuba leader Fidel Castro dead at age 90

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One was war which we unfortunately lost and the other a war crime against commited against our own brothers and sister whom we still haven't had any sort of reconciliation with.

The man in your pd had killed and tortured more than siad barre did.

AUN to those who died but they sacrified themselves for a war that crushed us a nation. I honor them because they fought for a noble goal but I'm also honoring them by telling the truth about it ending in a disaster. Our economy crippled, our army in tatters and the nation as whole had it's dream smashed into pieces. Cubans or no cubans, the societs would've been able crushed the SNA all by themselves.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
I couldn't give a damn shit about Castro, he wanted a union between Somalia and Ethiopia because they were both "Marxists". Him and the Soviets believed we were wrong to expand into "Ethiopian territory".

Yes he hated the Americans but any superpower in this World is no genuine ally of Somalia, the Soviets only helped us in the beginning just to spite the Americans.


Accomplished Saaxir
Barre was a Dictator he treated every one of the major clans like shit. It stuns me how some of you continue to stab in the back your fellow Somalis with your words based on what some despot did way before many of you were even born.

I see this support for this despot (Castro) especially coming from the Somalidiid. Shameful, absolutely shameful. You insist on further splitting from the rest of your Somali brethren and using the lines drawn up by Major Tom as the boundary.

I say this without any reservations the biggest Qabiilists are those who advocate secession from Somalia.



Its wrong to put castro just within the context of the ogaden war. His rule extented over 50 years.

futhermore, siyad barre made a critical error, the communist block warned him on expanding futher into ethiopia when he took the ogaden region
No the people of Ogaden had started their protests due to abuse and mistreatment of Ethiopians to them, the system used all his army against them, the Somali government interfered to protect the innocent lives. Same like today the Oromo and Amhara people are dying by the regime.
Revisionist history. It was the WSLF that took advantage of the political turmoil at the time to wreck havoc in Ogaden and Siad Barre supported them with weapons. And let's not pretend Barre didnt have plans for a Somaliweyn long before the war. As far as I'm concerned we had no justification to enter the war but we rolled the dice and it didn't turn out in our favour. Your cuqdad should be turned to Siad Barre instead. He was the one who instigated the whole mess at a time when we were not prepared for the financial and military cost of war

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro

Antananarivo, Madagascar
November 26, 2016

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro:

“It is with deep sorrow that I learned today of the death of Cuba’s longest serving President.

“Fidel Castro was a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century. A legendary revolutionary and orator, Mr. Castro made significant improvements to the education and healthcare of his island nation.

“While a controversial figure, both Mr. Castro’s supporters and detractors recognized his tremendous dedication and love for the Cuban people who had a deep and lasting affection for “el Comandante”.

“I know my father was very proud to call him a friend and I had the opportunity to meet Fidel when my father passed away. It was also a real honour to meet his three sons and his brother President Raúl Castro during my recent visit to Cuba.

“On behalf of all Canadians, Sophie and I offer our deepest condolences to the family, friends and many, many supporters of Mr. Castro. We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable leader.”

Revisionist history. It was the WSLF that took advantage of the political turmoil at the time to wreck havoc in Ogaden and Siad Barre supported them with weapons. And let's not pretend Barre didnt have plans for a Somaliweyn long before the war. As far as I'm concerned we had no justification to enter the war but we rolled the dice and it didn't turn out in our favour. Your cuqdad should be turned to Siad Barre instead. He was the one who instigated the whole mess at a time when we were not prepared for the financial and military cost of war

Before you use the term revisionist history, read more about the mistreatment of Somalis under ethiopian system, forget the raping of women, but read about cutting breasts and little boys' gental, kidnapping kids from their parents and placing them in orphanages to be full habashi. You see right now how the Ethiopian are killing their own people(Oromo, Amhara)!!!!do you really expect them to be nice to us Somalis their enemy for 600 years.?
Before you use the term revisionist history, read more about the mistreatment of Somalis under ethiopian system, forget the raping of women, but read about cutting breasts and little boys' gental, kidnapping kids from their parents and placing them in orphanages to be full habashi. You see right now how the Ethiopian are killing their own people(Oromo, Amhara)!!!!do you really expect them to be nice to us Somalis their enemy for 600 years.?
A response to WSLF troublemakers. I am not excusing these heinous acts but you would be naive to not expect a reaction.

Even then I would take the case to the appropriate courts but we chose the war path. The ogaden war was not as noble as you make it out to be
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RIP Comrade, you slapped an arrogant colonial foot soldier turned dictator back into reality and for that I salute you, even though I abhor your filthy communist ideals.
A response to WSLF troublemakers. I am not excusing these heinous acts but you would be naive to not expect a reaction.

Even then I would take the case to the appropriate courts but we chose the war path. The ogaden war was not as noble as you make it out to be

Nope the WSLF was result of these actions that started long time before the WSLF was even formed or existed.
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People here think they are on the right side of history because they are muslims and subsequently can never be at fault when fighting a Christian army. I urge you to remove these identity lenses when looking at history and try to be more objective. Castro aside wouldn't it be ludicrous for Germans to be crying about the allies when their nazi expansionism got put

Nope the WSLF is result of these actions that started long time before the WSLF was even formed or existed
Back it up with a source please
People here think they are on the right side of history because they are muslims and subsequently can never be at fault when fighting a Christian army. I urge you to remove these identity lenses when looking at history and try to be more objective. Castro aside wouldn't it be ludicrous for Germans to be crying about the allies when their nazi expansionism got put

Back it up with a source please

Everything is in the net unfortunately I don't have time right now later in night I will post them. Small research at human right watch will open your eyes.
I am not aware of any pre -WSLF humans rights abuses. And i doesnt seem sound from a strategic viewpoint for Ethiopia to antagonise an ethnic group with no intention of armed revolt, especially one with close ties to a significant regional power. But if you could find a source that would be most useful. It would change my entire view of the war

Mike Hunt

Astra incliant sed non obligant
Rest in piss commie scum, mind boggling how people are praising him. He sent over Cuban soilders to take Somali lives, which they did. f*ck him and his legacy. :pacspit:
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