BREAKING NEWS: Catalonia declares independence.

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Catalan parliament declares independence from Spain


Protesters gathered outside the Catalan parliament as the vote was taking place
The Catalan regional parliament has voted to declare independence from Spain, just as the Spanish government appears set to impose direct rule.
The move was was backed 70-10 in a ballot boycotted by opposition MPs.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy earlier told senators direct rule was needed to return "law, democracy and stability" to Catalonia.
The crisis began when Catalans backed independence in a disputed vote earlier this month.

The Catalan government said that of the 43% who took part in the referendum, 90% were in favour of independence. But Spain's Constitutional Court had ruled the vote illegal.

Spain's Senate is still to vote on whether for the first time to enact Article 155 of the Spanish constitution, which empowers the government to take "all measures necessary to compel" a region in case of a crisis.
It would enable Madrid to fire Catalan leaders, and take control of the region's finances, police and public media.
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Exam season guys !
The Somaliland treatment follows.

These people got punished and beaten by police and physically stopped from democratic elections whereas Somaliland just was like ‘f*ck it you guys, you keep killing each other because of clan trouble whereas we are one clan so we’ll be one country’

Somalia was like ‘Haye, it’s up to you but we won’t recognise you guys’


These people got punished and beaten by police and physically stopped from democratic elections whereas Somaliland just was like ‘f*ck it you guys, you keep killing each other because of clan trouble whereas we are one clan so we’ll be one country’

Somalia was like ‘Haye, it’s up to you but we won’t recognise you guys’

Europe is trying to unite and become a federal republic, they are not in the mood for new countries.

Africa is scared shitless of breakaway states, they are not in the mood for new countries either.
Europe is trying to unite and become a federal republic, they are not in the mood for new countries.

Africa is scared shitless of breakaway states, they are not in the mood for new countries either.
Before the Ogaden war broke out, the Soviets suggested peace between Ethiopia/Somalia and the creation of a communist federation involving South Yemen , Ethiopia and Somalia . History could have been different !


Before the Ogaden war broke out, the Soviets suggested peace between Ethiopia/Somalia and the creation of a communist federation involving South Yemen , Ethiopia and Somalia . History could have been different !

Or if the Italians weren't fascist, we would have been one country with Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Italian Somaliland.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Before the Ogaden war broke out, the Soviets suggested peace between Ethiopia/Somalia and the creation of a communist federation involving South Yemen , Ethiopia and Somalia . History could have been different !
I think Castro pitched the idea and Barre kicked him out, when you think about it no one care about communism besides the Soviets and Cuba, everyone else was in it for the military Aid. I hope the United State buys out all of Cubas industries and crush Castro's dream
Free Catalonia
Free Palestine
Free Kurdistan
Free Tibet
Free Biafra
and most importantly........
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