Bosaso Is The Second Largest City In Somalia. Confirmed By Nasa

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No bosaso is not, per sq mile it is smaller than burco and probably Boroma as well.
what do you mean per sq mile? the whole bosaso and its surrounding tuulos are densely populated but around hargeisa and its tuulo it isn't as populated. The population of somalia changed after 1991 and hargeisa is not in my opinion the second largest city any longer.


I have been to both cities. Not even close, Hargeisa is massive. In reality one district of Hargeisa is larger than Bosaso.


I have been to both cities. Not even close, Hargeisa is massive. In reality one district of Hargeisa is larger than Bosaso.
You can't refute NASA sattelite imagery with 'i've been to both cities', umada somaliyeed waxaa kala saarayso satelliteka nasa
what do you mean per sq mile? the whole bosaso and its surrounding tuulos are densely populated but around hargeisa and its tuulo it isn't as populated. The population of somalia changed after 1991 and hargeisa is not in my opinion the second largest city any longer.
Mr Osman, I have seen you on Somaliaonline for many years. Your a big PL supporter and very biased.

Hargiesa is very populated...All tribes from all over waqooyi have moved there...Including many tribes that was not there before the war and all sort of IDP's, Rahanweyn, Oromo, syrians and more.

I ain't from there but its not even close. Xamar and Hargeisa stand atop the somali world. With Djbuoti, burco, Jigjiga and Gariisa coming in next (in no order).

Bosaso is badly planned...And PL in very sparsely populated..most of the people there went to the 3 cities and the population is still low.
This person has brought evidence supporting his statement yet most of you guys are refuting with nothing to show for.

That's embarrassing.


closer to god we africans
This person has brought evidence supporting his statement yet most of you guys are refuting with nothing to show for.

That's embarrassing.

Whats embarrassing is anyone that confuses population density with population size. That's like saying Union City, New Jersey is a larger city than NYC.

What's even more embarrassing is this individual is still fighting for recognition in the "my tuulo is bigger than your tuulo" competition, when we've known since forever now that Bosaso ain't even in the running.
This person has brought evidence supporting his statement yet most of you guys are refuting with nothing to show for.

That's embarrassing.

No your just a sheep. Osman brought nothing. Hargeisa is 62.98 km2 and bosaso is 12.63 km2 that is almost 5 times bigger.

Hargeisa is bigger by almost 5 times and has a huge population but all statistics and estimates.

So by population and by size there is no competion between the two. That is facts.

Now to what osman brought,

"Understanding how human population is spread out across the Earth's surface is an important part of many types of research, and it is especially important for studying the planet's supply of and human demand for natural resources like freshwater, forest products, or good farmland.

This map is broken up into grids showing number of people per square kilometer. The most densely populated areas are bright red; these include large cities all over the world. Another obvious population pattern is the big difference in population between Earth's most populated countries — China and India — and other countries.

Many countries conduct population censuses, but they do not all collect data at the same spatial scale or with the same frequency. To combine these different national population estimates on the same map, scientists sometimes have to estimate the population in one place in a country based on the data in a nearby place, or estimate population density for a recent date based on older data, using models that predict how a population would likely have changed over time. This map is based on census data available in 2000 and uses estimates when necessary to fill in missing or incomplete data."

Okay lets break it down.
1. The so called data and estimates are form 15 years ago.
2. it is per Sq KM
3. It is density.

So if Hargeisa has 5 times the land size and is able to expand in all directions, of course it is not gonna be as dense. While bosaso is not able to expand to the sides so more poeple live close together to make use of available land, hence more dense.

So yeah, your whole arguement has been destroyed..

Hargeisa is still failing compared to xamar which is also a failure :ahhhh::ahhhh::ahhhh:


ibz, your forgetting one key issue? the whole area surrounding the bosaso district is densely populated not just bosaso city. So even if Bosaso is smaller in area then hargeisa this still doesn't mean anything.Your talking about Hargeisa only. Lets put it this way, which is more populous bari or waqoyi galbeed now what you say will definitely expose if your talking through clan lenses or talking through facts. If you add up all the tuulos surrounding bosaso and add up all the tuulos surrounding hargeisa based on this map who do you think has bigger population? I know for a fact Bosaso does.

And even if these estimates are from 15 years ago, Bosaso grew the most in the last 15 years and it would definitely be all red now.
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