Blue revolution hits El Afweyne


05 Feb 2023 (Puntlandes) Degmada Ceel-Afweyn ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa waxaa ka dhacay banaabax ballaaran oo ay dhigayaan Shacabka magaaladaas ka dib markii Ciidanka Soomaliland ay dileen qof shacab ah.

Dadkii banaabaxa dhigayey ayaa qaarkood soo qaatay Calanka Soomaliya iyagoo ku qaliyeynayey in ay aysan doonayn Ciidanka Soomaliland ee deegaanka ku sugan ka dib dilal badan oo ay u geysteen dad shacabka ah.

Ciidamada Booliska ayaa shacabka gadoodsan u adeegsaday xabado nool, waxana la maqlayay rasaas xoogan Ciidamadu ridayaan.

Dhinaca kale Xildhibaanno laga soo doorto gobolka Sanaag oo maanta Warbahainta Hargeysa kula hadlay ayaa sheegay in dilalka ka dhacaya degmada Ceel-afweyn ay yihiin kuwo qorshaysan oo shacabka lagu dhibayo.

Degmada Ceel-afweyn ayaa waxaa horay uga dhacay dilal ay geysteen Ciidanka Soomaliland iyo kuwa Ciidanka Maamulkaas loo geystay xukuumada Muuse Biixi ayaan ku guuldaraystay xakamaynta Ciidankeeda Shacabka laynaya.
i've said this before. somaliland will come back to union within a decade. majority of somalilanders have lost hope on ictiraaf and are tired of lack of development and poverty.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Do isaaqs all just have blue flags hidden in their closets? Why do they always have them on standby the second their subclan gets mistreated
i've said this before. somaliland will come back to union within a decade. majority of somalilanders have lost hope on ictiraaf and are tired of lack of development and poverty.
Best chance they had was if they claimed to be the REAL government of Somalia instead of Xamar back in 1996-97. The whole world would've recognized them back then with all the chaos that was happening. Also some declassified CIA documents from last year show that they were fooled by Ethiopia into thinking they would get "Hawd Reserve Area" after declaring session. AY (AUN) also talked about this ages ago. Somalis are gullible people wallahi

Best chance they had was if they claimed to be the REAL government of Somalia instead of Xamar back in 1996-97. The whole world would've recognized them back then with all the chaos that was happening. Also some declassified CIA documents from last year show that they were fooled by Ethiopia into thinking they would get "Hawd Reserve Area" after declaring session. AY (AUN) also talked about this ages ago. Somalis are gullible people wallahi

How can you be fooled by Ethiopia, in thinking that they would be willing to voluntarily cede any territory, considering how we've been at war with them since forever. And just lost a direct war, we initiated just a few years prior, that almost caused their collapse? :mjlol:

SL leaders will never cease to amaze me. I've said this before and I'll say it again. SL are the only ones who will cause its own demise. If it indeed does comes to that stage. :francis:
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How can you be fooled by Ethiopia, in thinking that they would be willing to voluntarily secede any territory, considering how we've been at war with them since forever. And just lost a direct war, we initiated just a few years prior, that almost caused their collapse? :mjlol:

SL leaders will never cease to amaze me. I've said this before and I'll say it again. SL are the only ones who will cause its own demise. If it indeed does comes to that stage. :francis:
I am glad this guy Samaroon guy is posting all this info, you'll never find it on Wikipedia because most mods on the Somali wikis are Issaq who fabricate stuff. Look at the atrocities they've committed against fellow Somalis way before Hargesia was attacked

I am glad this guy Samaroon guy is posting all this info, you'll never find it on Wikipedia because most mods on the Somali wikis are Issaq who fabricate stuff. Look at the atrocities they've committed against fellow Somalis way before Hargesia was attacked


I saw the post you made in another thread, from the edited/deleted wikipedia page. And shocked, was I to say the least. Not only are they trying to distort facts online, but also are you prohibited/prevented from (public) commemorations in SL. The length they are willing to go, just to cover up their own crimes and even deny their fellow people the recognition of atrocities they've been through. Absolut madness.
Ytho GIF

