Beesha Dhegdheer

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Our women are loyal to the abtirsi and though one may be corrupted, the many will stay vigilant, like @Merca for example.
you can fight but you'll soon meet your demise. our great female generals will lead an army of eunuchs to victory. any woman who stands in out way will be enslaved. we won't tolerate traitors:birdman:
you can fight but you'll soon meet your demise. our great female generals will lead an army of eunuchs to victory. any woman who stands in out way will be enslaved. we won't tolerate traitors:birdman:

When the testicles are removed they become calm and docile. If you can't remove the weapons -- remove the machismo. Remove...the balls.
My ideology is dangerous @Nin xun any women who happens upon it will become radicalized :birdman:

Easier just to give up now than have you sister chuck a spear at you when the eventual war comes :siilaanyosmile:
I think we'll thrown him in the corrective labor camp first, he'll perform back breaking, physical exhausting work until all rebel signs have been stamped out :reallymaury:
he'll do all of that but without balls though. cant have them lying and claiming to be reformed while trying to get back at us.
he has to be neutralised. no way around it:damedamn:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somali women iyo Abtirsi tho
I guess you don't want dark skinned, 6'5 offspring then. :drakekidding:

The only men you'll be able to control are 5ft wimps. :hahaidiot:
that's the plan:mjohreally:

all the strong, tall and potential adversaries will face the chop and all the docile ones will be used for procreation.

the next generation of men will also face the same fate. mothers will be so ruthless, they wont even take it easy on their sons.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't know about that. First I was loyal but now I've met Dhegdheer and I have become radicalised.

Down with abtirsi.
No, not you too, you were the best of us.

you can fight but you'll soon meet your demise. our great female generals will lead an army of eunuchs to victory. any woman who stands in out way will be enslaved. we won't tolerate traitors:birdman:
That would play right into our hands.
"Don't trust the Arawellos, they enslave dissenting women" - 4.5 Rebel Propaganda.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
so they would risk being slaves just to be on the enemies sides?:umwhat:
that would discourage them cos they will know the consequences:sass1:
They're brave women who cannot be ruled by fear, who would instead stand and fight with their brothers against the enemy til' the end.
that's the plan:mjohreally:

all the strong, tall and potential adversaries will face the chop and all the docile ones will be used for procreation.

the next generation of men will also face the same fate. mothers will be so ruthless, they wont even take it easy on their sons.

Men are like wild animals, you have to target the most agressive, dominant type and neutralise them imo. Like the baboons in this study

iologists Robert Sapolsky and Lisa Share have followed a troop of wild baboons in Kenya for over 20 years, starting in 1978. Sapolsky and Share called them “The Garbage Dump Troop” because they got much of their food from a garbage pit at a tourist lodge. But not every baboon was allowed to eat from the pit in the early 1980s: The aggressive, high status males in the troop refused to allow lower status males, or any females, to eat the garbage. Between 1983 and 1986, infected meat from the dump led to the deaths of 46% of the adult males in the troop. The biggest and meanest males died off. As in other baboon troops studied, before they died, these top-ranking males routinely bit, bullied, and chased males of similar and lower status, and occasionally directed their aggression at females.

But when the top ranking males died-off in the mid-1980s, aggression by the (new) top baboons dropped dramatically, with most aggression occurring between baboons of similar rank, and little of it directed toward lower-status males, and none at all directed at females. Troop members also spent a larger percentage of the time grooming, sat closer together than in the past, and hormone samples indicated that the lowest status males experienced less stress than underlings in other baboon troops. Most interestingly, these effects persisted at least through the late 1990’s, well after all the original “kinder” males had died-off. Not only that, when adolescent males who grew up in other troops joined the “Garbage Dump Troop,” they too engaged in less aggressive behavior than in other baboon troops.

They're brave women who cannot be rules by fear and would instead stand and right with their brothers til' the end.

they wouldnt be the ones living in fear. every woman in the kingdom of arawelo will be treated like the queen herself.

if they betray the kingdom, they are ultimately betraying themselves.
they will be given a history lesson of the dark days of mens rule and if that doesn't dissuade them, they can show you guys their bravery in the gulags:birdman:
that's the plan:mjohreally:

all the strong, tall and potential adversaries will face the chop and all the docile ones will be used for procreation.

the next generation of men will also face the same fate. mothers will be so ruthless, they wont even take it easy on their sons.
Just wait a few years and your weak offspring will be defeated by marauding barbarians.

I'll be the one leading the charge. :mjpls:
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