Babile Has Fallen


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
laga hida is a oromo place hence the name the the lake near prison, Lee isa can translate into the bone of isa or the land of isa

Lag and Haro are Somali for lake. Lafa Ciise has no other meaning than bones of Ciise. In Somali culture Lafo before the name of a town means that a big battle took place there.

All of Bale and Hararghe is formerly Muslim Somali, Xarla, Adari territory. Oromo belong only in Sidamo. This is why you were pagans until 300 years ago. Oromo lived far to the south in places like Negeyle and Yabello.
Lag and Haro are Somali for lake. Lafa Ciise has no other meaning than bones of Ciise. In Somali culture Lafo before the name of a town means that a big battle took place there.

All of Bale and Hararghe is formerly Muslim Somali, Xarla, Adari territory. Oromo belong only in Sidamo. This is why you were pagans until 300 years ago. Oromo lived far to the south in places like Negeyle and Yabello.
this man thinks I don't speak Somali my self didI not say im reer Galan lag was never lake wtf r u saying and left cisse could possibly be that because of the heavy dir Oromo fighting in neighbouring towns such as Aw bube resulted into many bones of isa just a few kms south see Richard Burton first footsteps in Africa. almost the entirety of Somalia is oromo land but we chose not to take it.
the only indegnious somalis are dir, and Ajuran everything other then that is bull shit Arab Israel or Indian.
look read the gala of northern Somaliland you will be surprised to see Somalia is oromo land, I my self is a oromo who's family was assimilated into the reer Galan isa tribe who are the largest Issa clan n and live between dir Dhabe and the coast.

So you’re a Cisse who identify as Oromo? If so, how many of y’all see yourselves as Oromos because most Cisses only identify with Somali regardless of their origin?


Wasn't that video a while ago. I remember seeing it months back and a follow up with Oromo militia slayed by locals. Either way Somalis need to fix up asap otherwise we're looking at complete eradication in galbeed and maybe even in the homeland one day.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
this man thinks I don't speak Somali my self didI not say im reer Galan lag was never lake wtf r u saying and left cisse could possibly be that because of the heavy dir Oromo fighting in neighbouring towns such as Aw bube resulted into many bones of isa just a few kms south see Richard Burton first footsteps in Africa. almost the entirety of Somalia is oromo land but we chose not to take it.

If you are Oromo, don’t make threats to a Darod man. We are a people of sharp spears and long memories.
this man thinks I don't speak Somali my self didI not say im reer Galan lag was never lake wtf r u saying and left cisse could possibly be that because of the heavy dir Oromo fighting in neighbouring towns such as Aw bube resulted into many bones of isa just a few kms south see Richard Burton first footsteps in Africa. almost the entirety of Somalia is oromo land but we chose not to take it.

You are getting everything mixed up and that's most likely because you're a troll. You're the same individual who makes new accounts pretending to be different clans. We see you.

If you knew anything you'd know that Ciise don't inhabit anywhere near Awbube or Lafaciise for that matter. Maybe the name confused you?

You're a troll
Apparently the Emir Ahmed Gurey hails from them kkkkk according to tarikh dhace >>>> @Step a side . I doubt the Amir would be from such cowards in Babile.

BTW Karanle is the eldest son of Hawiye which murusade are apart of.
Ahmed Gurey and Nur ibn Mujahid were both Mx there’s no mention of Karanle in the conquest of Abyssinia while Mx is the most mentioned clan
Ahmed Gurey and Nur ibn Mujahid were both Mx there’s no mention of Karanle in the conquest of Abyssinia while Mx is the most mentioned clan

My goodness, the lies I read on here.


Marehan was not mentioned in a flattering light, do you really want to draw people's attention to this fact?

Everytime I see Marehan talk about Futuh Al Habesha, I wonder if they actually read the same book as everyone else. Your leader, with the Ethiopian Orthodox name, was described as a killer, a coward, a backstabber and also broke. He killed the messenger sent by Imam Gurey for Marehan to join the war.

1. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros have an Orthodox Christian name?
2. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros kill Sultan Umar Din's messenger who called him to Jihaad?
3. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros run and hide from Imam Ahmed Gurey when confronted about the murder?
4. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros and his clan try to avoid Jihaad and claim to be 'poverty stricken'.

Hirabu Goita tedros: the leader of the Marehan.

Then Hirabu the chieftain of the Somali tribe of Marraihan, killed one of the equerries of the sultan ‘Umar Din

The Marraihan was, however, wavering.

Their chieftain was a man fond of intrigue and procrastination.

Extremely wily, he loved double-dealing and swindles.

Hirabu. meantime, had fled and was hiding in his own country

Hirabu complained about his plight, and excused himself on the grounds of his poverty-stricken state.
My goodness, the lies I read on here.


Marehan was not mentioned in a flattering light, do you really want to draw people's attention to this fact?

Everytime I see Marehan talk about Futuh Al Habesha, I wonder if they actually read the same book as everyone else. Your leader, with the Ethiopian Orthodox name, was described as a killer, a coward, a backstabber and also broke. He killed the messenger sent by Imam Gurey for Marehan to join the war.

1. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros have an Orthodox Christian name?
2. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros kill Sultan Umar Din's messenger who called him to Jihaad?
3. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros run and hide from Imam Ahmed Gurey when confronted about the murder?
4. Why did Hirabu Goita Tedros and his clan try to avoid Jihaad and claim to be 'poverty stricken'.

Hirabu Goita tedros: the leader of the Marehan.
Garaad Axmed ibn Hiraabu was both the chief of the Mareexaan as well as the main chief of the Gadabersi Somalis.

The Somalis, weary of the destruction inflicted on them went to the Imaam (Imaam Axmed), led by their (chosen) leader Hirabu. The Somalis with their leader concluded a complete peace with the Imaam.

After this, the Imaam made preparations for Jihad against Abyssinia, assembling his troops and the Somalis with their leader, Hirabu... and finally the Somalis whose principal head chief is Hirabu, leader of the Mareeexaan.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 here you have Habar Magaadi competing a peace deal under the Marehan Garaad.

Garaad Axmed ibn Hiraabu was both the chief of the Mareexaan as well as the main chief of the Gadabersi Somalis.

The Somalis, weary of the destruction inflicted on them went to the Imaam (Imaam Axmed), led by their (chosen) leader Hirabu. The Somalis with their leader concluded a complete peace with the Imaam.

After this, the Imaam made preparations for Jihad against Abyssinia, assembling his troops and the Somalis with their leader, Hirabu... and finally the Somalis whose principal head chief is Hirabu, leader of the Mareeexaan.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 here you have Habar Magaadi competing a peace deal under the Marehan Garaad.

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Hirabu didn't get a flattering portrayal and your clan was hesitant to join the war in the first place. Not to mention the fact that Hirabu killed a messenger that invited him to Jihad.

Tell me how your clan is doing mental gymnastics to claim Imam Gurey was Marehan, after all that? Waligay dad ka been badan ma arkin.
You are getting everything mixed up and that's most likely because you're a troll. You're the same individual who makes new accounts pretending to be different clans. We see you.

If you knew anything you'd know that Ciise don't inhabit anywhere near Awbube or Lafaciise for that matter. Maybe the name confused you?

You're a troll
Wallahi billahi this is my first account and Wallahi I am kiss who am I trying to prove my self to im a reer Galen kiss who was somalized around the 14th century. we border the gadabuursi at the northern Somaliland border, and south eastern Djibouti border everyone knows Djibouti is issue land I wouldn't be surprised if gadabuursis started claiming it hungry for land lol.
So you’re a Cisse who identify as Oromo? If so, how many of y’all see yourselves as Oromos because most Cisses only identify with Somali regardless of their origin?
I only recently found out about my oromo origin, around 5 months ago I went to a place near dir Dhabe , called jaldesse this place was infested with somalized romos when I asked there tribe surprisingly they had the same tribe as me reer Galen, along with a Nole tribe and spoke both oromo and Somali when I asked why they spoke oromo they claimed they were oromo.