Babile Has Fallen

While they've been uniting and getting stronger, we continue to split off, Dir is just a template, Issa and Gababursi hate each other, Isaaqs don't claim to be Dir anymore, the old Dir clans in Ethiopia are getting absorbed for centuries by the promo, being the oldest it's degrading like an open can of sardines, can't say much for the rest, though we claim we're the same people we act like warring houses, constantly bickering and infighting.

Gurgura, Gariire and Gurre are large Dir clans you hardly hear of unfortunately. What is their situation like at the moment?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Gurgura, Gariire and Gurre are large Dir clans you hardly hear of unfortunately. What is their situation like at the moment?
I barely hear anything online about them, I hope they are doing well, I just pray for a united Somalia and for self-inflicting wounds to heal.
Oromo myths of having lost these lands are just that, a myth. Somalis have been on the backfoot all along the Oromo-Somali frontier for over 400 years. Oromo have been absorbing the Dir and Hawiye along that boundary for centuries at this point.

The Somali Oromo border was at Ginir 100 years ago, fucking Ginir!
100 years ago lagahida and Salaxaad were arsi lands even the cali Nasir and Aden khair Ogadens will tell you this and about Gindhir that’s lie some Somalis lived there back then and still do but they know it’s a arsi Oromo city


♚Sargon of Adal♚
100 years ago lagahida and Salaxaad were arsi lands even the cali Nasir and Aden khair Ogadens will tell you this and about Gindhir that’s lie some Somalis lived there back then and still do but they know it’s a arsi Oromo city
Oromo really be moving like Israeli settlers.
Oromo really be moving like Israeli settlers.
Oromo myths of having lost these lands are just that, a myth. Somalis have been on the backfoot all along the Oromo-Somali frontier for over 400 years. Oromo have been absorbing the Dir and Hawiye along that boundary for centuries at this point.

The Somali Oromo border was at Ginir 100 years ago, fucking Ginir!
ogaden were also getting absorbed


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
100 years ago lagahida and Salaxaad were arsi lands even the cali Nasir and Aden khair Ogadens will tell you this and about Gindhir that’s lie some Somalis lived there back then and still do but they know it’s a arsi Oromo city

Ginir is where the border was, I never said that Ginir was a Somali town. Harar was never a Somali majority town, and yet that is where the border between Somali and Oromo was 140 years ago. Ginir is where caravans going from Ethiopia to Luuq would change protection from Arsi protection to Somali protection.

Lands gained by Somali from Oromo have been south of the Weyib, and mostly against pagan Oromo.. North of the Weyib, it has been the Oromo gaining land at the expense of the Somali.

Btw what is even the point of all this? Oromo have millions of hectares of uncultivated land in western Oromia. Oromia is empty for the most part, you are barely using the land you already have. What is there to gain from adding Salaxaad to the map of Oromia?

Ginir is where the border was, I never said that Ginir was a Somali town. Harar was never a Somali majority town, and yet that is where the border between Somali and Oromo was 140 years ago. Ginir is where caravans going from Ethiopia to Luuq would change protection from Arsi protection to Somali protection.

Lands gained by Somali from Oromo have been south of the Weyib, and mostly against pagan Oromo.. North of the Weyib, it has been the Oromo gaining land at the expense of the Somali.

Btw what is even the point of all this? Oromo have millions of hectares of uncultivated land in western Oromia. Oromia is empty for the most part, you are barely using the land you already have. What is there to gain from adding Salaxaad to the map of Oromia?

Oromos took all of east bale by the late 1500’s including Salaxaad and lagahida and raaso bro those Somalis became pagans in 1500’s and joined the Arsi confederation and other Somalis like hawiyee and ogaden joined either by force or joined willingly because of other Somalis clans bullying them


Oromos took all of east bale by the late 1500’s including Salaxaad and lagahida and raaso bro those Somalis became pagans in 1500’s and joined the Arsi confederation and other Somalis like hawiyee and ogaden joined either by force or joined willingly because of other Somalis clans bullying them
Show us where on the map these Ogadens absorbed into Oromia are from?

Whenever we meet I seem to make a section of you extinct enslaved and/or converted the Hawiye and Dir already mass converted you before european intervention ceded their lands into Ethiopia so I dont know how they were pagans.

Lastly Lagahida and Salaxaad are in SR today and even Oromia recognizes that. Reer Baabili can stay with their brethern in SR and develop with us when the time comes its not hard to make a district of farmers displaced :nvjpqts:
Show us where on the map these Ogadens absorbed into Oromia are from?

Whenever we meet I seem to make a section of you extinct enslaved and/or converted the Hawiye and Dir already mass converted you before european intervention ceded their lands into Ethiopia so I dont know how they were pagans.

Lastly Lagahida and Salaxaad are in SR today and even Oromia recognizes that. Reer Baabili can stay with their brethern in SR and develop with us when the time comes its not hard to make a district of farmers displaced :nvjpqts:
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The Ogadens didn’t join willingly they were captured in the raids of the arsis when their ancestors were babies But they know their ogaden heritage


Gurgura, Gariire and Gurre are large Dir clans you hardly hear of unfortunately. What is their situation like at the moment?

Gurgura are the masters of Dire Dawa, they speak both Oromo and Somali. They make up the majority of the town and have the most representation in the local council along with the Nole Oromo who are their allies.
The problem with Oromo is that they want to incorporate into Oromia land inhabited by Somalis. If an area has a majority of Somali speakers, it should be part of the Somali region.

The border should have been somewhere between Babile and Harar. The fact Oromia feel comfortable claiming Marar 13 miles north of Jigjiga goes to show how comfortable they feel claiming land that is inhabited by Somalis who don’t even speak Oromo! If this were happening in any state other the Somali state, it would be massive news.

Oromo want to take all the land inhabited by Geri, up to Gadabursi inhabited Lafa Ciise. They want to take Qubi, Lagahida, Salaxaad, Guradhaamoole, etc… most of which are inhabited by monolingual Somalis. Insane shit!
laga hida is a oromo place hence the name the the lake near prison, Lee isa can translate into the bone of isa or the land of isa
@Abba Sadacha can translate. Where is he anyways? I had one Karanle translate for me. Apparently she is claiming that Oromo are going to annex many towns some of whom she is mentioning in the video like Gursum, Mieso and Baabili and much more if you listen closely.
this towns are already inhabited by oromos and is already in the oromia region what is this nigga yapping about visited all these towns 4 months back
look read the gala of northern Somaliland you will be surprised to see Somalia is oromo land, I my self is a oromo who's family was assimilated into the reer Galan isa tribe who are the largest Issa clan n and live between dir Dhabe and the coast.
look read the gala of northern Somaliland you will be surprised to see Somalia is oromo land, I my self is a oromo who's family was assimilated into the reer Galan isa tribe who are the largest Issa clan n and live between dir Dhabe and the coast.