Awdal residents are outraged on SL Police cheif threatening an Awdal MP Abiib and calling him a foreigner and enemy of Somaliland


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I'm not related to the Samatar brothers but thanks I guess.

I will read the budget line-by-line when I have time but it's easy to discredit you given your omission of how much the SL administration has been stealing from the public coffers for decades like many of those tuug nations on the continent and elsewhere. You need not look further than Bihi et al. If you are going to mount an ad hominem (make sure you have zero ceeb), make sure you justify it and make sure your criticisms are balanced or no one will take you seriously. :browtf: I'm not familiar with you but it doesn't take a genius to know you would be singing his praises if he worked for SL and was on their payroll.

Ina adeer, I agree with @0117 on this one, Dr Beyle is a big time crooks, I even remember a thread a user posted on here where Beyle was paying a large sums of a money (35k a month)to an accounting firm in the states to hide his corrupted money's trail, Lol,

Farmaajo and Khayre usually handpick corrupted politicians, that is their memo and Beylah is even nicknamed Farmaajo's money man.

I was in Borama in Feb....I don't recall any Somali flags. Instead, I saw many people with SL flags especially in their cars and arm bands...After 30+ years, this is all most people know and they have moved forward. Not to mention no alternative (i.e., Somalia today) as well as the power received in the SL government. This is a subject for qurbojoog and social media warriors.

Having said above, any Somali is welcome in Awdal and the local university is full of a variety of clans. Remember, some reer Awdal live in DJibouti, DDS, SL and the South so they are already used to differing governments. They value peace, education and business above all else.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Ina adeer, I agree with @0117 on this one, Dr Beyle is a big time crooks, I even remember a thread a user posted on here where Beyle was paying a large sums of a money (35k a month)to an accounting firm in the states to hide his corrupted money's trail, Lol,

Farmaajo and Khayre usually handpick corrupted politicians, that is their memo and Beylah is even nicknamed Farmaajo's money man.


I didn't mention once about corruption.All I said is read the budget and you'll realise how pathetic and inadequate it is.I'm not referring to the numbers but rather the content of it.
That's disappointing but can't say I'm not surprised by this cooking of the books in Somalia. Or that any politician would not attempt to exploit their situation to enrich themselves. They do this sort of underhandedness even in the west (with tuugnimo and blatant conflicts of interest the only difference is greater checks and balances). They are all tuugs some more than others. If anything the converse would be more of a shock. I'm not acquainted with Beyle but I don't see how he would be any different than anyone else in his situation. I would love to see a righteous politician but they are all plagued with self-interest and are obsequious to their pocketbooks. I don't condone taking money from anyone but that appears to be the zero-sum nature of people back home. Anyway, I know of two of the other Gadabuursi politicians who were in the south.
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