average benadiri and barawani dna results


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what do they get? I'm guessing they usually get 60-70% somali dna.

What do Barawanis specifically get on average?

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
I’m roughly estimating they get roughly 50%- 60% Somali DNA. A significant percentage of either South Asian/Persian/Arab. Plus a bit of Bantu probably from Tanzania. I could be inaccurate but @Apollo could clear that up if that’s the case as he’s our designated suugo anthropologist :yousmart:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Both groups have Bantu admixture (unlike mainstream Somalis). It would be exceedingly rare to find one without as it wasn't uncommon for them to cohabitate with them given their involvement in the slave trade and general willingness to marrying them unlike ethnic Somalis (which were more prejudiced). They tend to get a higher % of Ethiopian than most Somalis as well. Most are likely under 50% Somali with few outliers. I'd class them as a hodgepodge people (with a variety of haplogroups) with some customs that are very different (hence a distinct minority group). I don't see much difference between Bravenese and Reer Xamars other than where they inhabit, language spoken and micro-culture. They are both confederacies in the truest sense of the word. The claim that those in Barwa are part Portuguese doesn't seem to be supported by their results. If there was any genetic impact it must have been isolated to individuals not the whole population.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I have seen many of their results since that Anthromadness post was made and it remains relatively consistent in my experience. 30-40% Somali, 20% Desi, 5-10% Bantu and the rest is a varying mix of MENA~Central Asian ancestries like Iranian, various sorts of Arabs and even Uzbeks. Their Y-DNA is diverse too. Some are G2, some are E-V32, some are J-P58 and so on it goes. They are clearly the result of a wide smattering of foreign, Muslim settlers who intermingled with local Somalis which fits with the oral traditions and historical accounts for towns like Xamar and Barawe. Namely that foreigners came and formed the later medieval settlements with Somalis like the Tunni (Barawe), Maay or Ajuuraan (Xamar), Hawiye (Marka) and so forth. Though some of those towns' Somali groups changed over-time with Xamar becoming mostly Hawiye and Marka becoming mostly Biyomaal Dir, for instance.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Barwanis are mixed with Portguese. Benadiris are mixed with Indian or Arab or both.

There's barely any difference in reality. I've seen many of their results. There's no Portuguese in Barwanis and most of them look pretty much identical to Reer Xamars. They even share qabils like "Shanshiyo" and turn up as relatives on 23andme.


Barwanis are mixed with Portguese. Benadiris are mixed with Indian or Arab or both.

The Portuguese stuff is a fake meme. Even if it is present it will be in insignificantly low levels. You'd probably find more Austronesian (Indonesian) in them than Portuguese.


There's barely any difference in reality. I've seen many of their results. There's no Portuguese in Barwanis and most of them look pretty much identical to Reer Xamars. They even share qabils like "Shanshiyo" and turn up as relatives on 23andme.

This Portuguese meme is so cringey. I even hear the Bravanese claiming it in real life (several of them did when I talked with them about their roots) while it may be like max 0.5% of their ancestry, lmao.
There's barely any difference in reality. I've seen many of their results. There's no Portuguese in Barwanis and most of them look pretty much identical to Reer Xamars. They even share qabils like "Shanshiyo" and turn up as relatives on 23andme.
I wouldn’t know exactly but there were Portuguese in Barawa and I’ve seen some white passing Barwanis Vasco Da Gama and his army raided Barawa and raped Somali women. I think it’s a fake meme but there’s a little truth to it, very very very little truth to it.
only 48%! I thought they'd be higher than that. is there any difference with Bravanese?
If anything on average it’s even less than. Just like the Bantu Somalis they didn’t intermix with ethnic Somalis as much you’d think or expect. I think the average have about 25% ethnic Somali dna. Here’s an example.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
If anything on average it’s even less than. Just like the Bantu Somalis they didn’t intermix with ethnic Somalis as much you’d think or expect. I think the average have about 25% ethnic Somali dna. Here’s an example.

Those company results are never much to go on, abaayo. Those people need to do results using stuff like G25 nMonte or qpAdmixture which can better suss out ethnic makeup and in that case what I said above is fairly consistent.


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