Are somali men too thirsty?

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Why would you ever ask a woman out? this is pure amateurish beta cuckery, you never ask women anything, you simply lead them! and before you even do that you must examine her thoroughly for qualities that go far beyond her mere appearance.

From the very beginning the assumption is already that she likes you because your a person of high quality different from the sheeple, hence in the realm were you lead her instead of begging her for permissions, rejection is an impossibility.
Interesting perspective cause being forthcoming does indeed knock a man down a few pegs
Interesting perspective cause being forthcoming does indeed knock a man down a few pegs

It also shows that the person doesn't know what they are doing, it's like the new recruit at work, he can be crap, but if he shuts his mouth, puts in the hard work without asking anyone for anything, no one really notices his mediocrity.

Hence why someone that takes the "initiative" is very high on the recruitment list, rather then someone who keeps asking others for everything, perception is everything here and only people of low quality seek permissions which is really seeking validation.

In matters of courtship this is even more important, the male courts & leads while the women follows if she wishes to do so, no sane women wants to lead a man and nothing is more off putting then a male that asks her to lead him (inadvertently).
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It also shows that the person doesn't know what they are doing, it's like the new recruit at work, he can be crap, but if he shuts his mouth, puts in the hard work without asking anyone for anything, no one really notices his mediocrity.

Hence why someone that takes the "initiatives" is very high on the recruitment list, rather then someone who keeps asking others for everything unsure about himself, perception is everything here and only people of low quality seek permissions which is really seeking validation.

In matters of courtship this is even more important, the male courts & leads while the women follows if she wishes to do so, no sane women wants to lead a man and nothing is more off putting then a male that asks her to lead him (inadvertently).
true, I never thought of it like that. I always chalked it up to desperation. I think even simple difference like can I have your number (reeks of desperation) as opposed to here's my number (shows more confidence) could make or break a woman's initial reaction to a man


Shooting ur shot never hurts but please be polite and if she says no, apologize and just be on ur way. :)


I dare u to show yourself.
true, I never thought of it like that. I always chalked it up to desperation. I think even simple difference like can I have your number (reeks of desperation) as opposed to here's my number (shows more confidence) could make or break a woman's initial reaction to a man
Youre right. I once opened my phone app then just gave it to a girl without saying a word, she put her number in it real quick.
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