Anyone else seeing the propaganda pushed out by extremist SL supporters today?

Trying to portray me as following you around cause I correct you isn't going to make me stop, you moron. When you say something, stand on your feet and own it.

Listen this is the last time I'll address your pathetic need to beg for my attention.

You want dig around the internet looking for things videos about homosexuality that excite you, that is your business. I did not watch the video that got your tendencies excited, and I am not going to put it in my posts. The same reason I am not going to put any of the 100's of videos/images posted on this site showing Puntnani khaniis' and transgenders, because I find that disgusting. You can attend to your tendencies elsewhere. Your uncle is in here also talking about homosexual behaviours. I find those tendencies abhorrent so I told him where he could stick it.

We have gone back and forth on issues for hours on end, which only end with you continuing to cry for hours on end and me being a man and just getting on with other things. But like a pathetic neglected side chick you run into other conversations just to seek my attention.

I'll say it one final time, uff caleyq.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Listen this is the last time I'll address your pathetic need to beg for my attention.

You want dig around the internet looking for things videos about homosexuality that excite you, that is your business. I did not watch the video that got your tendencies excited, and I am not going to put it in my posts. The same reason I am not going to put any of the 100's of videos/images posted on this site showing Puntnani khaniis' and transgenders, because I find that disgusting. You can attend to your tendencies elsewhere. Your uncle is in here also talking about homosexual behaviours. I find those tendencies abhorrent so I told him where he could stick it.

We have gone back and forth on issues for hours on end, which only end with you continuing to cry for hours on end and me being a man and just getting on with other things. But like a pathetic neglected side chick you run into other conversations just to seek my attention.

I'll say it one final time, uff caleyq.
No, dude. The video was posted a few months ago. I saw your comment and showed you the reality. You chose not to address it for obvious reasons and that's all there is to it.



Minister of Propaganda
WTF are you crying about what Freedom House wrote about Somaliland in the past? Address what they have written them now.

@The Crowe asked for Freedom House 2021 report, same year and same organisation as the map he has linked.

Some quick statistics.

In 2021, Somaliland is still a ZERO out of 4 on the free and fair elections of representatives. Somalia has the same rating.

(If I was allowed to provide comment, I would not consider this stat as Somaliland had elections recently but Crowe told me to shut up and use Freedom House)

Somaliland has a ONE out of 4 for these categories: freedom of elected officials to determine policy, safeguards against corruption, freedom of media, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, protection from illegitimate use of force, freedom of personal social choices, equality of opportunity and freedom from exploitation

What is highlighted in bold is the same score as Somalia.


Here is what Freedom House 2021 report said about Somaliland:

On corruption:

"Somaliland has few institutional safeguards against corruption and nepotism. Prosecutions of officials for malfeasance are rare. Former president Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Silanyo” took some measures to combat corruption, but the anticorruption commission he created in 2010 has been ineffective."

On freedom of media:

"A variety of print, television, and online news outlets operate, but many have political affiliations, and the state-run broadcaster has a monopoly in the radio sector. The penal code criminalizes defamation and other vaguely defined press offenses, such as circulation of “false, exaggerated, or tendentious news.” The government has restricted the registration of new newspapers.The government continued to target journalists and outlets in 2020. "

"In late June, police officers ordered the staff of Star TV to vacate their Hargeisa office. Two days later, Hargeisa police raided the offices of Universal TV and ordered their staff to vacate. Star TV was reportedly raided for hosting a debate that focused on the Somalia-Somaliland talks, while Universal TV was accused of broadcasting events celebrating Somalian independence. The authorities revoked the licenses of both stations that month."

Freedom of Speech:

"While individuals can express themselves with relative freedom on political matters, remarks on sensitive social and cultural issues are increasingly subject to censure and retribution. Recent arrests and convictions for controversial social media posts has contributed to greater self-censorship online among residents."

Freedom of Assembly:

"The constitution allows for freedom of assembly, but organized public demonstrations are infrequent, and the authorities have sometimes employed violence to disperse protests."

Freedom from illegitimate violence:

"Somaliland’s police and security forces have been accused of using excessive force, and conditions in detention centers are harsh and overcrowded."

Freedom of personal social choices:

"Personal social freedoms are constrained by several factors. Marriages between members of major and minor clans are stigmatized. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is common. In 2018, the Ministry of Religious Affairs released a religious edict banning one common type of FGM, but human rights groups criticized the edict for not fully prohibiting the practice."

"Domestic violence remains a serious problem, and rape is rarely reported to authorities due to social pressures against such complaints. The Sexual Offenses Bill, which criminalized many forms of gender-based violence (GBV), was signed in 2018 by President Bihi, but was subsequently suspended by the Ministry of Religious Affairs after an outcry from religious leaders. In August 2020, the House of Representatives approved the Rape, Fornication and Other Related Offences Bill, which would allow for child marriages, criminalize reports of rape deemed “false,” and would narrow the definition of rape. "

Freedom from exploitation and equality of opportunity:

"Trafficking in persons for forced labor or sexual exploitation abroad is a serious problem. Refugees from neighboring countries, including Yemen and Ethiopia, and internally displaced people are also vulnerable to exploitation."


I told you to get some lube because I did not f*ck you. Freedom House f*cked you.



Minister of Propaganda
Somaliland and Somalia have the same rating in 2021 for freedom of media, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and free/fair elections of representatives.

This is according to the same organisation whose map you pull out at any criticism of SL.

I made some respectful criticism, which @Gantaal97 disagreed with respectfully.

Laakin, @The Crowe you have no class and your mother taught you no ikhtiraam for others. You are a classless qaxooti arguing with people much younger and much more educated than yourself online.

You had the gall to say taking democratic advice from me is like taking fashion advice from a beggar.

Lest I forget, I was born in a democratic country. You were born in anarchy, aabahaa was.

Just accept that SL not unlike every nation has issues. Nacatullahi calayk bakhtiyahoow.

Laakin, @The Crowe you have no class and your mother taught you no ikhtiraam for others. You are a classless qaxooti arguing with people much younger and much more educated than yourself online.

Look at this guy spazzing out...

1. First of all, how do you know how old I am? Are you some schizoid that has voices telling him information the rest of us are not aware of?

2. Second of all, you started talking about your khaniis behaviours, lube etc, on a forum during a debate about democracy. If this is your way of coming out to the rest of the world, you picked a terrible place - Somalis are not too kind on your sort

As for Freedom house - here is all the information anyone needs to know.

Somaliland: one of the more free and democratic nations in the world, ahead of many more wealthier and developed countries and one of the most democratic in all of africa.


Minister of Propaganda
@The Crowe

Don't make get the receipts of you talking about how you were in Berbera when SL was established. Kulahaa I am a young man, tell that to immigration hooyada was.

The lube thing is a joke about how Freedom House f*cked Somaliland in their report.

You keep using that map but the contents of it is rather damning. SL is known as the entity with the same freedom of the press and freedom of speech as broken Somalia.



Minister of Propaganda
Somaliland is one of the more democratic countries in the world and one of the most democratic in Africa.

Countries in Africa with a higher rating:

Kenya, Mozambique, Madagascar, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, Zambia, Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, The Gambia, Tunisia.

Somaliland is not even in the top 38% most democratic of countries in Africa. There are 21 more free countries.


Minister of Propaganda
Funniest thing is that Somaliland is almost the lowest ranked democracy in Africa. Nearly every other country lower ranked than Somaliland is not a democracy. They're not even trying to win!


Get the f*ck outta this thread before I embarrass you further @The Crowe
@The Crowe

Don't make get the receipts of you talking about how you were in Berbera when SL was established. Kulahaa I am a young man, tell that to immigration hooyada was.

The lube thing is a joke about how Freedom House f*cked Somaliland in their report.

You keep using that map but the contents of it is rather damning. SL is known as the entity with the same freedom of the press and freedom of speech as broken Somalia.

Lool, pathetic insults about people's mothers on an forum board. Are you that upset about outing yourself on a forum?

Relax dude, no-one here knows your real identity. You can stay in the closet in real life.


Minister of Propaganda
Lool, pathetic insults about people's mothers on an forum board. Are you that upset about you outing yourself on a forum?

Relax dude, no-one here knows who you are. You can stay in the closet in the real life.

Nah, I do not care about your comments about my supposed sexuality. I know I am straight.

I treated you with respect as a fellow Somali in every discussion I had with you but you never deliver the same courtesy back. Every time I make a criticism, you go for insults despite me being respectful.

Then I realised, you are an old man and I should not respect an old man that cannot even take criticism like a man.

Lol, this @Periplus guy outs himself and then starts spazzing out about a report. People do always say it is a mental illness rather than being genetic... I think this proves that. I'll leave him with this before he kills himself like his kind do in crazy numbers.

Try and not kill your self over this, it's just a map. :lolbron:

Buenas Noches.


Minister of Propaganda
Lol, this @Periplus guy outs himself and then starts spazzing out about a report. People do always say it is a mental illness rather than being genetic... I think this proves that. I'll leave him with this before he kills himself like his kind do in crazy numbers.

Try and not kill your self over this, it's just a map. :lolbron:

Buenas Noches.

Shush. You were born in one of the lowest ranked democracy in Africa.

Take your award and go to sleep, old man
Now I expect FH to rank Somaliland as an electoral democracy for next year's report because of overdue elections that took place over one month ago. All Muslim countries should be illiberal democracies especially an unrecognised nation like SL that has to be very vigilant to protect its peace, sovereignty and borders @Periplus


Minister of Propaganda
Now I expect FH to rank Somaliland as an electoral democracy for next year's report because of overdue elections that took place over one month ago. All Muslim countries should be illiberal democracies especially an unrecognised nation like SL that has to be very vigilant to protect its peace, sovereignty and borders @Periplus

Yeah, I said that on this or another thread. SL should be an electoral democracy next year.

However, this old nigga called Crowe keeps insulting me whenever I give any criticism about SL like I insulted his hooyo. So I had to put his nationalism down a peg.

My main problem with Somaliland is that it has problems with media, freedom of speech and assembly. It sorted out its elections laakin in a democracy people should be able to say whatever they want and media should be able to run whatever story they want. I am sure every Somalilander will agree with this.


Yeah, I said that on this or another thread. SL should be an electoral democracy next year.

However, this old nigga called Crowe keeps insulting me whenever I give any criticism about SL like I insulted his hooyo. So I had to put his nationalism down a peg.

My main problem with Somaliland is that it has problems with media, freedom of speech and assembly. It sorted out its elections laakin in a democracy people should be able to say whatever they want and media should be able to run whatever story they want. I am sure every Somalilander will agree with this.
somalis are gun toting republican rednecks beduoin qabiilist barbaric savages without a shred of patriotism. similar to saudis pre oil. they only respect bullets. :bell:
@Periplus to be really blunt with you as long as all kinds of elections in SL are free, fair and transparent....then I have no problem with severely limiting free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, free press and other civil liberties for the reason being such liberties are a expensive luxury that makes my country vulnerable against both internal and external enemies.

This is why I call for us to not be a LIBERAL democracy but instead be an ILLIBERAL democracy such as the first world, non corrupt Singapore


Minister of Propaganda
@Periplus to be really blunt with you as long as all kinds of elections in SL are free, fair and transparent....then I have no problem with severely limiting free speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, free press and other civil liberties for the reason being such liberties are a expensive luxury that makes my country vulnerable against both internal and external enemies.

This is why I call for us to not be a LIBERAL democracy but instead be an ILLIBERAL democracy such as the first world, non corrupt Singapore

Fair enough, if you are honest with it. However, the difference between Singapore and Somaliland is that the former does not advertise its democratic credentials lest it get crucified by the NGOs and UN.

Personally, I want Somalia to be a liberal democracy because the people should be able to express their views. Their susceptibility to enemy propaganda should not be a problem once we sort our education systems and governmental institutions.

