Zionist Soldiers Disrespect the Shahadah

Omar del Sur

anyone who is a Zionist and who claims they are Muslim, wallahi they are kaffir.


I censored what's going on here. but they are- deliberately- stepping on the shahadah. this to me is not about Saudi. if it was just some national flag, I wouldn't care as much. but these... I don't even want to say what they're doing. you can see. and I want people to know about this. Allah told us in Surah at-Tawbah that He will humiliate the kaffirs. I do not plan on forgetting this or letting this go until these filth are hiding behind rocks and trees, with the trees and rocks telling the Muslims what to do with these vermin.
You are the first Salafi that I have seen that posted an anti-Zionist message anywhere. Be honest and tell Muslims why Salafis are hypocrites when it comes to Israel. Why are they so quiet on this issue? I heard it was because Salafi scholars have been ordered to be quiet by the Saudi authorities. Are you Madkhali by the way?

Omar del Sur

You are the first Salafi that I have seen that posted an anti-Zionist message anywhere. Be honest and tell Muslims why Salafis are hypocrites when it comes to Israel. Why are they so quiet on this issue? I heard it was because Salafi scholars have been ordered to be quiet by the Saudi authorities. Are you Madkhali by the way?

Salafiyyah goes back way before zionism or Saudi Arabia. Historically, the Ottomans used to promote sufism. but is sufism their personal possession? obviously not. same with salafiyyah and Saudi. Saudi historically has promoted salafiyyah (now they're moving away from it to become liberal)- but salafiyyah itself is something completely independent from Saudi.

these self-proclaimed salafis who do things like say you need the ruler's permission to boycott the zionists.... these Shamsi, Faris types, the ahlul starbucks... this is a particular group that claims to be salafis but salafiyyah is something independent from their shenanigans....

salafiyyah just means you follow the salaf as-salih... you follow the early pious generations... that is the real meaning... the scholars in Saudi are not the salaf.... if someone says they are salafi but their definition of salafiyyah is "doing unquestioning taqlid of a small number of Saudi scholars (as interpreted by Faris and Abu Khadeejah types- because honestly... they don't have the same ideology as Sheikh Ibn Baz, even though they want to appear as though they do) and being a Saudi gov superfan".... that is not salafiyyah, that is something totally different just being incorrectly labeled as salafiyyah....

I am an independent person, I do appreciate what Saudi has done, I do appreciate what scholars like Sheikh Ibn Baz have done and I appreciate scholars like Sheikh Fawzan... but I'm not some chained colonial subject of the Saudi gov.... I'm an independent person with an independent viewpoint... I am some random nobody... but if you're willing to be a stooge.... there may be all kinds of money and support available to help promote you and so I think that's why you see those types heavily promoted. I'm different because I'm just some random person who likes to express their thoughts... another thing is I respect and appreciate Saudi scholarship but I am not totally dependent on it.... we have to be independent. the way of the salaf is the way of the salaf. the way of being a government stooge is something else. the way of the salaf has nothing to do with zionism or being a government stooge.

Omar del Sur

Are you Madkhali by the way?

No, I'm not a part of that group and.... honestly I am not really a fan of Rabee al-Madkhali. also I don't think of myself as a salafi, as in I don't think I'm part of a group called salafis. salafiyyah to me is a methodology (following the way of the salaf) and I try to follow the actual methodology.

as far as the group known as "Madkhalis"... I have a thread discussing that group

it goes on for pages and pages and I recommend reading through it as there's a lot of information and also you can see me going back and forth with someone representing the opposing view.
You are the first Salafi that I have seen that posted an anti-Zionist message anywhere. Be honest and tell Muslims why Salafis are hypocrites when it comes to Israel. Why are they so quiet on this issue? I heard it was because Salafi scholars have been ordered to be quiet by the Saudi authorities. Are you Madkhali by the way?
Saudi nationalists on Twitter were oddly defending Israel dismissing this as a merely "photoshopped" pic


Staff Member
Torah judaism posted the tweet. You see folks good jews do indeed exist except they are minorities. The crazy nutcases zionists with their loud mouths have taken control and hijacked the beautiful religion of prophets. Now we have state first and nationalism first trump like Netanyahu nonsense going on, representing and leading the jews. These idiots zionist think they waging a holy war for a fake paper state while original jews know they are meant for holy Kingdom by GOD. Anyways we are witnessing the end of this vile ideology and disease of heart called zionism.

