Yusuf7n is the new Barkhad Abdi


Barkad is at least a man who doesn't go out of his way to humiliate himself. He did 1 movie that was bad but he's been lowkey since and I've only seen him do indie films since then. Yusuf thinks he's being a comedian when he's actually a clown.
Eh, self-deprecating jokes are in fashion right now, I mean this other streamer called CaseOh got big because people would make fun of his weight and he would lean into it. The main difference is though, white people have more of a variety of individuals representing them in media, meaning when a white person is presented, people don't immdiately conclude that person looks like CaseOh.

In our case, we don't have that large of a variety of different people doing different things in the mainstream media, that's why you'll see comments comparing any slightly overweight somali with chunks and every skinnny somali with AJ.

All in all fair play to him, I'm not gonna hate on him doing his thing. He's actually getting really popular off this.


Barkad is at least a man who doesn't go out of his way to humiliate himself. He did 1 movie that was bad but he's been lowkey since and I've only seen him do indie films since then. Yusuf thinks he's being a comedian when he's actually a clown.
Barkhad did another movie acting as a terrorist I think. They’re both as bad as each other


Staff Member
Doesn’t look too bad. Very average here.

Lmfao. He has the quintessential Somali look. It's hilarious how Somalis online will pass on some good looking person with timo jilec hair (always light skin by the way) as how the typical Somali looks. They're worst than Indians when it comes to colourism/emphasis on physical attractiveness.

