

Sorry I dont share the same race as these guys, Looters and Joggers.
true even one of the Paul brothers looted to kkkkkk

White Shit-looters/shit-rioters always outnumber black looters/rioters because blm is not exclusively black thing its open for everyone.

Public org are not as good as private org.
Okay now that you have told me that I am black. What I am suppose to do with this information?

Do I play the victim card and hope white liberals feel sorry for me?

Do I join up with these other hoteps and start promoting the idea of pan-Africanism?

Do all black people share the same monolithic cultures?

Do I start telling the world about how my people were enslaved and colonialized, so I can get some reparations for them?

How do I benefit from this information?

You are suppose to obey black Americans and others of West African origins. Only speak your opinions if they’re acceptable and stfu.

Also you can be kicked out of being black whenever they like and prepare for your language and culture to be demeaned by them. If you try to defend your people you are an evil anti black monster.

And NO you cannot complain of racism because you are appropriating black issues and as a non west African descent you don’t experience racism.... You are the real racist.

these are the rules you have zero choice.