your favorite obscure game


armor core for anwser. man this game is insane. you play as mercenery (lynx or raven) with customisable mech hired to complete missions ranging from destroying rebel bases to fighting giantic mech behemoths
the best missions involvse destroying air carrier(called cradles) who hold million 10 of 100 million within, yes heard me you can commit genocide in this games. best part for each cradle you destroy the more excited he (rebel contractor)get:damn:, take a listen. even in the beginning your operator knowing horofic crime your about commit leaves your warcriminal ass
the following mission get even better
you get called to a mission too good be true,
you enter with rebel contractor(old king)
and then called by the contractor that this is a trap.
on the horizon you (6 depends which mode playing)
rebels and corporate mercenaries have united to stop your ass
face when :kendrickcry: realised even my former operator here to kill me.

