Young xaliimo in Africa warns her peers abt adeero coming down frm the UK for temporary marriage


I do something called "what I want"
" ku baabib'inaayo" She says the "naayo" in a weird way lol. She talks in a weird accent overall.
These old men who are not practising polygamy in a halal way will get their punishment. You are not allowed to abandon your wife for months on end. In fact, doesn't that grant an automatic divorce?

All they heard was "you can marry 4" and they lost their marbles.

Hell is hot. Get ready.



Inaba Caadi Maaha
Masha-Allah. I haven't genuinely smiled for awhile and she made me smile today. I love this message she's giving to young Somali girls. Walaahi the biggest problem with young Somali women back home is that they don't know what they are capable of. They don't know that they can go out into the world and make for a living for their selves and support their families.

So many of them are waiting for that Prince Charming on a white horse (aka a 30-40 year single loser from the West working in a warehouse with a big gut who comes to Somalia to prey on young girls) to marry them and provide them with money. He marries them, impregnates the girl, then makes the run back to whatever Western hellhole he came from before his first wife starts getting suspicious. The girl is left pregnant, either still living with her parents or in a small house he rents out for her. Alone. People speculate about her, talk behind her back.

These men put the whole marriage process in a rush like she said in this video, since they've got to rush back to their first wives. Coerce the young girls to meet them in a city far away from their family to do God knows with them.

One of my cousins has older fallen victim to a 38+ year old shithead FOB from Canada. He got engaged to her when she was 16, she's 19 now and he still hasn't brought her to Canada like he promised her. Lucky, she's got no kids with him yet.

Fartun is a woke woman lol. Fartuns are always intellectuals. May God give her eternal happiness and may she continue to spread this important message.


I do something called "what I want"
This isn't good, she's raising the standards of women back home :cosbyhmm:

We can't let them know that having a foreign passport shouldn't be the standard :draketf:

@Grigori Rasputin you're vright, she is an enrmy of men. Arresting her woukd be too harsh, just censor her and take away her voice :kodaksmiley:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
alot girls back home sadly fall prey for guys who have no desire to spend a future with them in fact its even haram to marry a girl that you intend to divorce and if you're gone more than 4 months without a valid cause she can get a divorce


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