Yemeni cholera epidemic is worst in modern history

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I don't get why Gulf Arabs use South Asians for most jobs while their Arab kin (Yemen) are banned from working in the rich Gulf states.

That's like Puntland being rich and banning Djiboutians from working there, but using Indonesians instead, :bell:


The Realest of All Time
Well didn't they treat us like dirt when we needed their help :kodaksmiley: , maybe it's karma :mjlol:

Plus why do we give a f*ck about Yemen :gucciwhat: It's not our business :hillarybiz:

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
I think I am either psychotic or three decades of war,famine, and suffering in my homeland has completely made me numb.

When I read stuff like this, I feel nothing. No apathy.
I don't get why Gulf Arabs use South Asians for most jobs while their Arab kin (Yemen) are banned from working in the rich Gulf states.

That's like Puntland being rich and banning Djiboutians from working there, but using Indonesians instead, :bell:
because they will start claiming territory and fight for citizenship. Look what oromo's are doing to somalis, they now the majority of dire dawa, fucking dire dawa, a once pure somali city now infested with these rats
because they will start claiming territory and fight for citizenship. Look what oromo's are doing to somalis, they now the majority of dire dawa, fucking dire dawa, a once pure somali city now infested with these rats

I never thought of it this way.

The sad reality it happens even in the west. however in the west the neighbors are similar. Oromos are either Christians or will side with them majority of the time.


because they will start claiming territory and fight for citizenship. Look what oromo's are doing to somalis, they now the majority of dire dawa, fucking dire dawa, a once pure somali city now infested with these rats
Can you imagine that we were the majority 25 years ago?:ohlord: My parents and relatives always talk about how it was a flourishing somali city back in the 80s and early 90s :wow:
We visited Diridhabe in 2011 and my hooyo couldn't believe that we were a minority in our own Somali city:jcoleno::kendrickcry:
Brother at least we have it better than the Cadaans. All those years of raping and pillaging has come back to haunt them in the form of Arab hordes raping their daughters, also the decline of their women's fertility rates does not help their case in the future when they will need sons to fight off the Arabs in their land. The worst part is their own government does not give a f*ck about them, could you imagine the outcry if our government allowed foreigners to rape our women.
Can you imagine that we were the majority 25 years ago?:ohlord: My parents and relatives always talk about how it was a flourishing somali city back in the 80s and early 90s :wow:
We visited Diridhabe in 2011 and my hooyo couldn't believe that we were a minority in our own Somali city:jcoleno::kendrickcry:
Its a Chartered city no?
just settle the rural Issas and Gurgura in the proper city, don't give up hope just yet Somalis are still at 35% pop more kids sxb
Brother at least we have it better than the Cadaans. All those years of raping and pillaging has come back to haunt them in the form of Arab hordes raping their daughters, also the decline of their women's fertility rates does not help their case in the future when they will need sons to fight off the Arabs in their land. The worst part is their own government does not give a f*ck about them, could you imagine the outcry if our government allowed foreigners to rape our women.
That's a myth, arabs have no chance overtaking them.
That's a myth, arabs have no chance overtaking them.
It's not a myth brother them Arabs be havin 10 kids, Cadaan females barely want to get married nowadays, take japan for example they barely want to form relationships, all the females prioritise work. Even their scientists are scared but can't do anything about it ,because well if you try the Hitler method nowadays and tell women to stay at home have kids, feminists would slaughter you.
It's not a myth brother them Arabs be havin 10 kids, Cadaan females barely want to get married nowadays, take japan for example they barely want to form relationships, all the females prioritise work. Even their scientists are scared but can't do anything about it ,because well if you try the Hitler method nowadays and tell women to stay at home have kids, feminists would slaughter you.
Statistically it wouldn't work, 50% of British people would be Muslim ( if ignoring all factors) at 2200.Studies have shown after a few generations Muslims begin to have the same children as the general populace.This sets them at a negative level not to mention that since everyone is saying this the chances of it occurring are further reduced.
Statistically it wouldn't work, 50% of British people would be Muslim ( if ignoring all factors) at 2200.Studies have shown after a few generations Muslims begin to have the same children as the general populace.This sets them at a negative level not to mention that since everyone is saying this the chances of it occurring are further reduced.
It's not about religion it's about race, soon the arabs will outnumber them whether they like it or not. As i stated before, they can't even compete with them when it comes to numbers, as their own women are plagued by work and feminism, they don't favour marriage and having kids. This only leaves the immigrants with a positive birth rate.
It's not about religion it's about race, soon the arabs will outnumber them whether they like it or not. As i stated before, they can't even compete with them when it comes to numbers, as their own women are plagued by work and feminism, they don't favour marriage and having kids. This only leaves the immigrants with a positive birth rate.
That isn't how it works, immigrants either integrate within the greater society or are ostricised.The immigrant birth rates are high but wont maintain that peak,most native populations will be against a flooding of Britain as long as british natives are a majority the back lash wont occur.
That isn't how it works, immigrants either integrate within the greater society or are ostricised.The immigrant birth rates are high but wont maintain that peak,most native populations will be against a flooding of Britain as long as british natives are a majority the back lash wont occur.
It's not the ones at the doorstep you should be worrying about it's the ones that have already infiltrated and become natives i.e pakis, indians jamaicans etc. It won't only be arabs that have kids you know, the population of each of these over the years will slowly overtake that of whites.


It's not the ones at the doorstep you should be worrying about it's the ones that have already infiltrated and become natives i.e pakis, indians jamaicans etc. It won't only be arabs that have kids you know, the population of each of these over the years will slowly overtake that of whites.
Why don't you go live in Arabia and get called an Aswad Abeed if you love them so much. f*ck off.
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