Yahya and Isa: Revolutionaries of Judea

Samaalic Era

We are often told and hear Muslim scholars who depict the prophets of Allah swt, Yahya and Isa, as submissive figures who only spoke against Jewish scholars about certain aspects of Tawheed and are portrayed as feminists.

The truth however is very different and in fact I see a stark resemblance with Israelites of 1st century Judea and modern day Somalia. Just like Somalia, the Jewish scholars were silent against the roman occupation of Judea and even worse, direct Roman control of the Masjid Al Aqsa. The heavy taxes, land confiscation aswell the Romanisation of the Israelites which ultimately leads to Hebrew becoming a dead language. In this time frame, what many scholars in the east or the west have no interest in telling us, is that both Yahya and Isa pbuh directly opposed Roman rule and that Yahya pbuh spearheaded a religious political movement that not only revived Tawheed, but also had designs to conquer the Holy Land. Sadly, Yahya pbuh was killed before he could realise this dream and Isa pbuh had to be raised as the Romans were on his trail.

Yahya pbuh spoke of Kingdom of God on earth and so did Isa pbuh. To them, Deen and politics were one and the same. We have useless, ignorant scholars who do not speak out against foreign troops in Somalia and have the audacity to try act they have Deen.

To all Somalis who still have love for The Fatherland. It is time you followed the path of great prophets. The likes of Musa, Harun, Yusha, Dawud, Sulayman, Ilyas, Yahya, Isa and Muhammad pbuh. Somalia is at a crosswords. Either we reclaim what it is rightfully ours, or become a people without honor, land, Deen or language.

May Allah swt destroy all the traitors in Somalia, esp the leaders of the clan enclaves of Somaliwayn and the bastard govt in Xamar


The land isn't muslim or gaal. The land is responsibility of it's people. Do not divide them into believer n disbeliever, the land unites people, just treat them as human being. Human rights is the next idea to take shape in the world, and it's already beginning with 'targets' set on many nations. The day a human can speak, travel, work, live as an equal anywhere in the world is the end goal. Being human gives your inalienable rights as the american constitution teaches. Religion gives rights to believers only and will cause the land to enter civil war as disbelievers will work behind the scene to bring you down as your harming their religious freedom. Heaps of MUNAFAQS will be born in such environment.

I strongly think you wise up about religion. Your not prophet issa or yahya your a somali in the 21st century, god isn't guiding you on anything. Do not tarnish religion, just wait for mahdi to lead that age, NOT YOU or anyone ALIVE TODAY.

Samaalic Era

The land isn't muslim or gaal. The land is responsibility of it's people. Do not divide them into believer n disbeliever, the land unites people, just treat them as human being. Human rights is the next idea to take shape in the world, and it's already beginning with 'targets' set on many nations. The day a human can speak, travel, work, live as an equal anywhere in the world is the end goal. Being human gives your inalienable rights as the american constitution teaches. Religion gives rights to believers only and will cause the land to enter civil war as disbelievers will work behind the scene to bring you down as your harming their religious freedom. Heaps of MUNAFAQS will be born in such environment.

I strongly think you wise up about religion. Your not prophet issa or yahya your a somali in the 21st century, god isn't guiding you on anything. Do not tarnish religion, just wait for mahdi to lead that age, NOT YOU or anyone ALIVE TODAY.
Islam is the only thing that bring us out of the dark ages. Liberalism only breeds weak and corrupt leaders. Somalia needs strong, righteous and wise leaders
We are often told and hear Muslim scholars who depict the prophets of Allah swt, Yahya and Isa, as submissive figures who only spoke against Jewish scholars about certain aspects of Tawheed and are portrayed as feminists.

The truth however is very different and in fact I see a stark resemblance with Israelites of 1st century Judea and modern day Somalia. Just like Somalia, the Jewish scholars were silent against the roman occupation of Judea and even worse, direct Roman control of the Masjid Al Aqsa. The heavy taxes, land confiscation aswell the Romanisation of the Israelites which ultimately leads to Hebrew becoming a dead language. In this time frame, what many scholars in the east or the west have no interest in telling us, is that both Yahya and Isa pbuh directly opposed Roman rule and that Yahya pbuh spearheaded a religious political movement that not only revived Tawheed, but also had designs to conquer the Holy Land. Sadly, Yahya pbuh was killed before he could realise this dream and Isa pbuh had to be raised as the Romans were on his trail.

Yahya pbuh spoke of Kingdom of God on earth and so did Isa pbuh. To them, Deen and politics were one and the same. We have useless, ignorant scholars who do not speak out against foreign troops in Somalia and have the audacity to try act they have Deen.

To all Somalis who still have love for The Fatherland. It is time you followed the path of great prophets. The likes of Musa, Harun, Yusha, Dawud, Sulayman, Ilyas, Yahya, Isa and Muhammad pbuh. Somalia is at a crosswords. Either we reclaim what it is rightfully ours, or become a people without honor, land, Deen or language.

May Allah swt destroy all the traitors in Somalia, esp the leaders of the clan enclaves of Somaliwayn and the bastard govt in Xamar

Assaalaamu alaikum brother,

I have found this post while searching for other threads, spot on though.

Weren't you the one who had a dream about Isa alayhis salaam? And I told you to make dua for me cos I wanted to marry the Messiah of Allah, Isa alayhis salaam.

Ever since I asked you about your dream, I had a dream about him as hadiths describe him, I was marrying him but wearing Islamic clothes (a white hijabi wedding gown).

In my dream Isa alayhis salam was wearing a white male wedding outfit, and there was pearls sown on the shoulders.

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said in hadiths that Isa alayhis salam will have something like pearls dripping from his head when he returns,

so I guess the pearls had already went to his shoulders from dripping from his head in my dream.

It was an exact scene of this verse in the book of revelations where Isa alayhis salam gets married in white linen and in that bible verse he tells people to stop believing that he is God:

I saw this dream before I even knew that bible verse existed!!

Book of Revelation 19:6-10
6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:

For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7 Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made herself ready.
8 Fine linen, bright and clean,
was given her to wear.”

(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)

9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”

10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

This bible verse clarifies that Jesus was not God but a servant of God, and the fact that the 'Spirit of the Prophecy' is mentioned shows he was a Prophet not a deity at all!!

And that bold bit shows Muslims are his true brothers and sisters mentioned in the bible because they do not say he is God but a Prophet and Servant of Allah!!

And I had another dream since also implying how Isa alayhis salam will correct the Bible and Torah with the Qur'an too,

it showed an old bible/torah swooping down from the sky and falling on my bedside table where I usually leave the Qur'an.

This bible looked like a fake torah discovered in Turkey that was discussed on Somali Spot,

and I had commented on that thread saying that the fake torah in turkey was just placed by elites to legitimate deviance etc by attributing it to the revelation revealed to Musa alayhis salam.

The dreams meaning - the original bible/torah will be shown and the Qur'an will correct it, or it will match the teachings and verses of the Qur'an - and that will prove Islam as the right religion

Please let me know your thoughts brother!!

Samaalic Era

Assaalaamu alaikum brother,

I have found this post while searching for other threads, spot on though.

Weren't you the one who had a dream about Isa alayhis salaam? And I told you to make dua for me cos I wanted to marry the Messiah of Allah, Isa alayhis salaam.

Ever since I asked you about your dream, I had a dream about him as hadiths describe him, I was marrying him but wearing Islamic clothes (a white hijabi wedding gown).

In my dream Isa alayhis salam was wearing a white male wedding outfit, and there was pearls sown on the shoulders.

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said in hadiths that Isa alayhis salam will have something like pearls dripping from his head when he returns,

so I guess the pearls had already went to his shoulders from dripping from his head in my dream.

It was an exact scene of this verse in the book of revelations where Isa alayhis salam gets married in white linen and in that bible verse he tells people to stop believing that he is God:

I saw this dream before I even knew that bible verse existed!!

Book of Revelation 19:6-10
6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting:

For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
7 Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made herself ready.
8 Fine linen, bright and clean,
was given her to wear.”

(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.)

9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”

10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”

This bible verse clarifies that Jesus was not God but a servant of God, and the fact that the 'Spirit of the Prophecy' is mentioned shows he was a Prophet not a deity at all!!

And that bold bit shows Muslims are his true brothers and sisters mentioned in the bible because they do not say he is God but a Prophet and Servant of Allah!!

And I had another dream since also implying how Isa alayhis salam will correct the Bible and Torah with the Qur'an too,

it showed an old bible/torah swooping down from the sky and falling on my bedside table where I usually leave the Qur'an.

This bible looked like a fake torah discovered in Turkey that was discussed on Somali Spot,

and I had commented on that thread saying that the fake torah in turkey was just placed by elites to legitimate deviance etc by attributing it to the revelation revealed to Musa alayhis salam.

The dreams meaning - the original bible/torah will be shown and the Qur'an will correct it, or it will match the teachings and verses of the Qur'an - and that will prove Islam as the right religion

Please let me know your thoughts brother!!
Masha'Allah Walal. I'm on my phone but I will write a detailed response when I get home In'sha'Allah
We are often told and hear Muslim scholars who depict the prophets of Allah swt, Yahya and Isa, as submissive figures who only spoke against Jewish scholars about certain aspects of Tawheed and are portrayed as feminists.

The truth however is very different and in fact I see a stark resemblance with Israelites of 1st century Judea and modern day Somalia. Just like Somalia, the Jewish scholars were silent against the roman occupation of Judea and even worse, direct Roman control of the Masjid Al Aqsa. The heavy taxes, land confiscation aswell the Romanisation of the Israelites which ultimately leads to Hebrew becoming a dead language. In this time frame, what many scholars in the east or the west have no interest in telling us, is that both Yahya and Isa pbuh directly opposed Roman rule and that Yahya pbuh spearheaded a religious political movement that not only revived Tawheed, but also had designs to conquer the Holy Land. Sadly, Yahya pbuh was killed before he could realise this dream and Isa pbuh had to be raised as the Romans were on his trail.

Yahya pbuh spoke of Kingdom of God on earth and so did Isa pbuh. To them, Deen and politics were one and the same. We have useless, ignorant scholars who do not speak out against foreign troops in Somalia and have the audacity to try act they have Deen.

To all Somalis who still have love for The Fatherland. It is time you followed the path of great prophets. The likes of Musa, Harun, Yusha, Dawud, Sulayman, Ilyas, Yahya, Isa and Muhammad pbuh. Somalia is at a crosswords. Either we reclaim what it is rightfully ours, or become a people without honor, land, Deen or language.

May Allah swt destroy all the traitors in Somalia, esp the leaders of the clan enclaves of Somaliwayn and the bastard govt in Xamar
don't forget amisom


As salam alaykum sis, we are definitely seeing some signs of the last hour showing rapidly and nabi Isa a.s will marry after defeating the Dajjal. You shouldn't stop living your life looking for a spouse believing you are destined for him that will be a great honor for the lady that gets to marry a prophet undeed, but we are human and even though we are seeing the signs (I was thinking about posting a thread about the signs when I saw this thread) we don't know if it's 5, 10 or 20+ years from now.

If you are pious you will see many beautiful dreams but it could mean you will marry a man who resembles him Isa a.s or has the same name etc.

Wa Allahu a'alam.
As salam alaykum sis, we are definitely seeing some signs of the last hour showing rapidly and nabi Isa a.s will marry after defeating the Dajjal. You shouldn't stop living your life looking for a spouse believing you are destined for him that will be a great honor for the lady that gets to marry a prophet undeed, but we are human and even though we are seeing the signs (I was thinking about posting a thread about the signs when I saw this thread) we don't know if it's 5, 10 or 20+ years from now.

If you are pious you will see many beautiful dreams but it could mean you will marry a man who resembles him Isa a.s or has the same name etc.

Wa Allahu a'alam.

Wa alaikum salam walaalo,

Good point, but tbh I am now more interested in how those dreams showed Islam as the truth but in connection to that bible verse,

But jazakallah khair sister, I will take heed of your advice which is sound.


Wa alaikum salam walaalo,

Good point, but tbh I am now more interested in how those dreams showed Islam as the truth but in connection to that bible verse,

But jazakallah khair sister, I will take heed of your advice which is sound.

Wa iyaki, sis. :it0tdo8:

Trust me most of us girls had a wish to marry Isa a.s, when I first started practicing and found out he would come back and follow the sunnah of getting married. I was making duaa to be his wife too, it's funny now. :icon mrgreen:

It is true though that the pious will get true dreams from Allāh s.w.t in the last days, dreams of glad tidings or reminder are seen as true because the shaytaan usually comes with bad dreams.

I'd recommend you this video, sounds similar and it's an amazing true story.
