Xalimos who smoke shisha!!!

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Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
I ain't tryin to mac mac wit ashtrays fam. I ain't looking for dat charcoal coloured lipbalm fam. I ain't tryin to smell fruity fam.


Somali girls that go to shisha clubs are mostly hoes and they're so easy to f*ck. However, I don't go to Shisha clubs since I don't smoke nor do I have time to get into Xalimo pants.
Yoo somali girls and shisha :mjlol: So pathetic. Alhamduillah the smell of shisha makes me sick :rejoice: and i have morals :rejoice:

Also in the UK from what i have heard the mali guys go to shisha club to find one night stands :snoop: the girls are so naive too :ohlord:
Yoo somali girls and shisha :mjlol: So pathetic. Alhamduillah the smell of shisha makes me sick :rejoice: and i have morals :rejoice:

Also in the UK from what i have heard the mali guys go to shisha club to find one night stands :snoop: the girls are so naive too :ohlord:
This is could be true especially as the girls who go aren't as dirty as girls who go clubbing(not saying they all are). You could probably date one without it looking bad on you compared to you finding her at envy.
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