Xalimos going for rich beesha Madowweyne

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Idris Elba opened a door that will never be closed.
Now Xalimos are thirsty for the elite members of beesha Madowweyne from US and UK.

O Faarax Nation, we must accept this reality and go for ajanabi women.


Old Head 👴🏿
Let them do whatever they want with their lives, why are you guys so insecure? Sheesh.

But on the contrary Somali Girls be like:


Intellectual saqajaan
Idris Elba opened a door that will never be closed.
Now Xalimos are thirsty for the elite members of beesha Madowweyne from US and UK.

O Faarax Nation, we must accept this reality and go for ajanabi women.
Your father determines your clan anyway so whats the harm? Are Madow ajnabi ok? We can do without xalimos and maintain our paternal identity.


Intellectual saqajaan
Let it go man. Nagahan ma adaa leh? Leave them alone u make the rest of us alpha males look weak by association.
Somali men can jettison xalimos permanently as long as w find other women. Everything will remain the same for us because clan is determined by your paternal ancestry. We should really explore this. The only downside (if you can call it a downside), is a change in physical appearance for our new race.


Intellectual saqajaan
Yes why don't you guys go ahead,
You can't cook nor clean, see how
Those woman will put up with
You farah's

There are trashy white girls who'd do anything for that black d. It's not ideal but we can start a new race while maintaining the paternal ancestry/clans. You on the other hand will be in no man's land.
Imagine making these same threads over and over again. Why are you people so upset about some somali girl dating non somali. Why would anyone of you care about some random chick.

Of all thinks to be worried about like the country we all call home and how to rebuild it, the ever degrading somali youth in the west, the poverty in our community in and out the mainland and the ever growing terorist threat in our land. Those are the things that we should be worried about not some girl.

I would have understood if somali girls were on the same level as pahgs or marrocans. Then there would actually be a reason to be upset and feel isecure about it especially marrying en masse it woul feel like a loss. But as we all know thats not the ase. If somali girls marries out is not loss, if somali guy marries out is not a loss. Get over youselfs.
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