FactsIta disgusting they should eat at home or in a car.
Barbaric. Are we yahuud where we shun women for having womanly body function that Allah has given them? Women on their period are part of the family and having a period is a body function and nothing to be ashamed of. Allah has made women exempt from fasting who are muslim men to decide what women should do during this time? This woman is suffering from internalized misogyny. Its very similar to stolkholm syndrome may she get well soon.
It will remind us they have bloody s iilWhat’s wrong with them eating normally?
It will remind us they have bloody s iil
maybe she is sick, what do you know
Will you be the kitchen monitor this ramadan Santiago? Ruunta sheeg ninyahow.Naga aamus naayaa, you make me sick. We dont want to think about your bloody ****, eat under your bed
I remember @Abdalla telling me he knows when a woman is on her period because he can smell its metallic scent. Ever since then I have had no reason to hide it.
I eat if I want to, you can’t tell what to do
Will you be the kitchen monitor this ramadan Santiago? Ruunta sheeg ninyahow.
I truly wonder what you niggas are going to, do when you get a daughter and she reaches that ageIt will remind us they have bloody s iil
Either you're a child or dumb af.
I truly wonder what you niggas are going to, do when you get a daughter and she reaches that age