Xabashi lies

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Yas sis. Online validation is what we all seek here. Heck some of us pretend to be an exotic mix-breed to get it.

:hmm:Maybe i should take a leaf out of your boom huh?

Also you're bullying me again
I only pretended to see who actually is a fool nothing more nothing less. Seems like your one obsessed mother fucka tho.

And don't call me sis you could be a tranny for all I know weird ass victim.


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''

Does this come in english? And Transphobia? Really? Weren't you opting in taking the moral high ground? Sis you're more confused rn than that time you thought you were a latina. Sis seek help, we care about you <3

Nigga only pussy here is you going back and forth with a girl.

Your such a wimp. :hahaidiot:


What is with this mob mentality
Why y’all ganging up on the guy:gucciwhat:
Yaskaa can handle this guy on her own, chill y’all
I made an innocent joke about her Colombian counter part. Rookie mistake i guess.
Stfu multinicker
You registered this week and you arlready coming for me:mjlol:
@Defendant who are these multinicking people with the diarrhea mouth lol

Multinicker troll who wants to make themselves relevant.

@Emily dont fall for the bait. You have influential friends on this site like me, @Kudhufo Kadhaqaq , @AussieHustler and others. You have a strong network. These multinicking trolls will end up deleting their own accounts. Sore losers.


It's a bitter Abdi/Xaliimo who is trying to rile you up. They will not win. I even know who this user is. They're not smart enough to hide themselves.
Yeah his irrelevant ass is blocked
Nigga is so emotional and irrational
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