xaalimos which nationality are you attracted to?

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im not attracted to somali men
They fat, lazy and ugly as shit

but cadaan men are mashallah!
Theyre succesful, handsome and fit

When i see somali women with somali men i get disappointed :meleshame:
those disgusting apes will only drag you down and replace you with another from the motherland:mjcry:

go for caadan men:mjkkk:
white is right

thank you for listening to my ted talk:siilaanyosmile:
White men dosnt know how to slap your futo when is malab time at least us geeljire know :trumpsmirk:


Its 100% true true walaalo. Where the men mostly look for a virgin clean well mannered girl. You guys though marry niggas doing a life sentence for murder and even indho-yar, Pakis :chrisfreshhah:
why you including me into this supposed pandemonium. these lowlife losers xaalimo chase are always the hoodrat no having fathers and has a really bad past. You really think a xaalimo with a strict household well mannered cultured shy and religious would marry qashin leftovers?


I will eat my khat proudly you fat futo obese piece of shit and i will disregard your nasty fetish for melanin lacking people.

somali men are trash
the only good thing about them is their fat asses

i wonder if faraxs back home clap their cheeks for their xalimos


It's never that deep
somali men are trash
the only good thing about them is their fat asses

i wonder if faraxs back home clap their cheeks for their xalimos
Hey hey the only people worse than us are Somali women you guys have disproportionate fat in weird places that doesn't even curve. It just goes flat and hangs seriously you people can clap the fat on your elbows all that baruur just swinging fro and forth however you can use this to your advantage and use it as a mating call for nigerians, great plan right.:siilaanyosmile:
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