Xaaji Prof. Ph.D Gaas lands in Bosaso and announces port construction date

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Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.

Madaxweyna Dawladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali Gaas iyo wefti uu hogaaminayo oo gudashada waajibaadka xadka ugu maqnaa dalka Sucuudiga ayaa maanta dib ugu soo laabtay magaaladda Bosaso, halkaasi oo lagu soo dhaweeyay

Waftiga Madaxweynaha waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhaweeyay maamulka gobolka Bari iyo kan degmada Boosaaso, masuuliyiin ka tirsan goleyaasha dawladda Puntland, saraakiisha ciidamada Puntland, saraakiil ka tirsan Madaxtooyada dawladda Puntland, aqoon yahano iyo masuuliyiin kale.

Madaxweynuhu wuxuu ka warbixiyey socdaalkiisii dalka sucuudiga iyo dalka isutaga Imaaraadka Carabta oo uu soo maray, waxaana uu sheegay Madaxweynuhu in isaga iyo weftiga uu hogaaminayo ay dalka Sucuudiga u tageen gudashada waajibaadka Xajka.

“Muddo sadex isbuuc ka badan waxaan jirney dalka Sucuudiga Arabia iyo dalka Imaaraadka oo aanu soosocod-kayagii soo marnay, dalka Sacuudi Arabia waxaanu u tagnay waxay ahayd gudashadii waajibaadka Xajka, si fiican bayna runtii noogu soo dhammaatay dalka iyo dadkana waan usoo ducaynay, Illahayna waxaan ka rajaynaynaa inuu anagana naga aqbalo gudashada Xajka, wixii duco ah ee aanu usoo niri dalka iyo dadkaba iyana waxaan rajaynaynaa in Alle naga aqbalo” ayuu yiri Madaxweyna dawladda Puntland.

Wuxuu kaloo sheegay in isaga iyo wefti uu hogaaminayo ay xajka ka dib booqasho shaqo ku soo mareen dalka Imaaraadka Carabta, halkaasi oo uu sheegay inay u tageen arrimo la xiriira horumarinta kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha dawladda Puntland

Wuxuu uu shacabka iyo masuuliyiinta dawladda Puntlandba ku bogaadiyey sida wanaagsan ee ay isaga kaashadeen sugidda amniga, horumarka iyo xasiloonida dalkooda, wuxuuna kula dardaarmayinay Illaashadaan nabadda, xasiloonida, horumarka, kala danbaynta iyo midnimadooda, isla mar’ahaantaana ay meel uga soo wadajeestaan cadawgooda.

Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa la filayaa in muddo toddobaad ah uu jooga Magaaladda Bosaso, waxaana la filayaa inuu qayb qaadan doono dardargalinta iyo hirgalinta mashruuca ballaarinta Dekeda Bosaso oo la filayay inuu bilowda bishan September. waxaa kaloo la filayaa inuu isku dayo inuu wax ka qabto cabashooyinka dadka degaanka Bosaso ee la xiriirta dhismayaasha dowladu doonayso inay dumiso si loo ballaariyo Dekeda.


Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
My President, President of Development. May Allah bless Cumar Maxamuud greatly.
Construction will start this month their first task is to clear the port area I think that's why he is in Bosaso to stop any potential spoilers with the head of dervish, general Saciid dheere as well as discuss al shabaab in buuraha.


Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
How much did the Bosaso airport cost to build?
The airport has been upgraded and the upgrade cost about US $10 million. The renovation work aimed to expand the airport’s runway from 1.7 km to 2.6 km, construct duty-free shops, improve parking areas for both passenger and cargo planes, and cars and expand immigration offices. The expansion exercise was launched in December 2014 and was accomplished in January 2016. The project was undertaken by China Civil Engineering and Construction Company (CCECC).

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Cotton I was referring to the discussion with Duke of Bohol about Bosaso Airport.
What did he ask and what did I answer? Enlighten us to this missing detail and its relevance? Is it that it was financed by the Kuwaiti development bank, wherein is funding asked by Duke?

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Cotton it was funded by the government of Italy through UNOPS, Kuwait funded Garowe Airport and Makhir Uni.
Yes but what does that have to do with anything, at all? You are looking for anything you might consider negative, look at Duke's question and look at my answer so what was the missing details to his question?
Signature of Grant Agreements in The Federal Republic of Somalia

A Grant Agreement was signed today in Kuwait between the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, whereby the Fund extend a Grant of US Dollars ten million US Dollars (US$ 10,000,000), of which US$ six million will be allocated to finance the Garowi Airport Project in the Puntland State of Somalia.

The Grant Agreement was signed on behalf of the Government of Somalia by His Excellency Fareh Ali jamea, Minister of Finance and on behalf of the Fund by Hamad Al-Omar – Deputy Director General of Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

The Project aims to satisfy the demand on local and regional air transport for passengers and goods efficiently and safely in order to contribute in supporting the economic and social development of the country.

The project consists of paving a new runway of about 2200 meters and width of 45 meters and shoulders of about 65 meters on each side, in addition to passenger terminal building of an area of 1000 meters, consisting of 2 floors to accommodate 120 passengers, control tower with a height of 25 meters on alley perpendicular to the runway with a width of 50 meters, an apron of an area of width of 100 meters, length of 200 meters, lighting system, drainage system, firefighting station, fence with a 2.5 meters, safety equipment, in addition to consulting engineering service for design and supervision for work construction.

It is expected that the execution of the project will start in the last quarter of 2013 and it will be executed in the middle of 2014.

In addition to signing this Grant Agreement, the Fund had extended also to the Federal Republic of Somalia 4 loans to finance projects in agricultural and electric sectors with a total value of KD 28.8 million (i.e. about US$ 98.12 million). The Fund extended also to the Federal Democratic Republic of Somalia 2 Technical Assistance Grants with a total value of about KD 674,000 (i.e. about US$ 2.3 million), in addition to Kuwait Government Grant with a total value of about KD 4.23 million (i.e. about US$ 14.3 million).
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