Would your parents accept you marrying out?

Horta, why is this forum so obessed with marriage? We get it, you're horny. Go wank in the shower instead of subjecting the rest of us to this shite :bell:

FYI, most married people lives are a headache. Nothing but booq and little meaningless spats over nothing. Trust me, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Enjoy your quite dramaless lives.
I want that booq and drama tired of this single life.
Some days I really want a beautiful cadaan girl with blue eyes and fair skin and straight hair
Somali girls have dark hair, dark eyes, darker skin. Everything the same. Boring
My parents always say its Somali only. But tbh I think they would be fine as long as shes Muslim. Even if they aren't, thats when you invoke the real nigga status and marry whoever you please. (So long as their muslim)
Some days I really want a beautiful cadaan girl with blue eyes and fair skin and straight hair
Somali girls have dark hair, dark eyes, darker skin. Everything the same. Boring
I don't know why you getting downvoted. My brother here is seeking Allahs bounty. Expand the palette, try new flavours warya. LIVE!

