Would you still be a Muslim even if EVERYONE ELSE wasn't?

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
If I was born a Christian and received the message of Islam and understood it as I have now, would I convert to Islam? Of course I would.

How do you know?

If you were a Christian you'd think Christianity is the divine truth. That's natural.


Stay real in the everything fake era
The Prophet(PBUH) already prophesied that a time would come that holding onto religion would be like holding onto hot coals.


People who are influenced by the beliefs of the majority are like plastic bottles in a ocean, wherever the waves go they go with it, if only they were like a firm volcanic mountain that doesn't shift regardless of where the currents go, but they are what Allah says of them, cattle, herd mentality smh.
You know that your analogy can be used for Somalis leaving the deen right? Don't shoot yourself in the foot with your sophistic rhetoric nexit time you're presenting an argument sxbsiilaanyolaugh


Habar Magaadle
You know that your analogy can be used for Somalis leaving the deen right? Don't shoot yourself in the foot with your sophistic rhetoric nexit time you're present an argument sxbsiilaanyolaugh

No it can't, look at the context sxb, one doubtful farax encompassed by western slogans, atheist billboards, atheist classmates, atheist lecturers, textbooks authored by atheists, and media manipulation, nigga drifts like a plastic bottle out of the deen, however there are exceptions but they are rare.

Most of these ex-Muslim beta phaggots spend time on reddit socialising with pathetic introverts who gather like cockroaches to feed on the shit given to them by their liege lords (Dawkins, Hawkings, Hitchens etc..)


This guy is a proper neef:draketf:
Says the borderline retarded autistic wasteman. "You're a Muslim because you were born into it". I've accepted Islam because I've understood it and made the conscious decision to accept it as the truth. If I had understood it to the same extent if I was born a Christian, would I not convert to Islam?

How did Muslims become soo numerous in the first place? All the companions (who numbered over 100,000) were converts. Thousands of Mongols converted in unison (after they've invaded the lands of the Muslims). Millions of Hindus converted to Islam (their modern descendants being Desi Muslims), I can go on.

I doubt that any of you would be muslim if you were not born into it. I'll convert if someone explains why we share 98.7% of our DNA with bonobos and 97.9% of our DNA with the chimpanzees. I like the idea of religion, but if it produces fragmentation in society why would you vouch for it?
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