Would you eat at a restaurant by yourself?

Came across this tweet and mans got ratio’d. I didn’t realize eating alone in restaurants was so popular

I mean I get doing certain things alone like shopping, going to the park, even movies but I think restaurants are more of a social thing. I go to restaurants to catch up with people and have good conversation as well as to have some good food. If I just wanted the food I would just order takeout, why get ready just to sit at a table by myself when I can eat the food comfortably at home lol


I started my own security company Cerberus.
Came across this tweet and mans got ratio’d. I didn’t realize eating alone in restaurants was so popular

I mean I get doing certain things alone like shopping, going to the park, even movies but I think restaurants are more of a social thing. I go to restaurants to catch up with people and have good conversation as well as to have some good food. If I just wanted the food I would just order takeout, why get ready just to sit at a table by myself when I can eat the food comfortably at home lol
Of course I do it all the time. And also when I'm watching UFC at BWW


Never. it just seems weird and oddly uncomfortable. If anything i will sit in small fast food places and eat my lunch quick before leaving. But never will I sit at a high end restaurant and eat by myself.
Fast food and coffee shops are ok. But restaurants are a bit weird, I'd rather eat at home.
I live in a city that has a lot of people eat by themselves around lunch. Like 12-2 pm. It probably gets weird after 6 pm when the restaurants start to fill up with families, couples, and friends. But 12-2 pm on a weekday, it’s more than fine. Go do it.
If you're confident, as in, you do not care what the creation think, while focusing on your relationship with the creator, then eating alone is nothing.
you said it, restaurants are just for the social experience, if you want to eat alone its more comfortable at home. But I don't think someone is a weirdo either lol, they may be on s break from work and don't want to get caught up with their coworkers drama or something


Nah that’s kinda weird tbh even going to the movies alone is weird. Going to the park alone is alright :manny:
If You Go Alone To Another Country Then You Kinda Have To Go Dolo
Napoleon Dynamite Perfect Loops GIF
I have never seen a soul go to a packed restaurant and eat at a table by themselves right in the middle.

Everyone in the comments is capping and will never do it.