Word of the day: How to say “to be bless” in Somali language?

How to say “to be bless” in Somali language?

in Somali language, Dhurow means “to be bless”.

Synonym: dhuroobid


Dalka Koongo waa dhul Ilaahay nimco ku dhuroobeeyay.

Dhuroobidan ilaahay ayaan ugu mahadnaqaynaa.

Adigu waad dhurowsan tahay. Eebe ugu mahadceli.

Caafimaad fiican iyo qoys jecel, iyada waxay qiratay sida dhabta ah ee ay nolosheeda u dhurowsan tahay.

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We need a Somali verb book with conjugations & past participles.

We also need a Somali Language Authority institution that monitors the language & modernises it & also mesures the levels needed for proficiency.
We need a Somali verb book with conjugations & past participles.

We also need a Somali Language Authority institution that monitors the language & modernises it & also mesures the levels needed for proficiency.
There is a Somali language authority called AGA (Regional Somali Language Academy). Here is their website and their progress: https://aga.so/so/. AGA is doing a great job, and I have been following them since its launch.


If you speak Somali, that picture above provides you with conjugations. You can fill in the rest of the conjugations. Also, there are Somali grammar books that teach you the few Somali conjugation rules to follow.

'Qaamuuska afsoomaaliga' by Mansuur provides examples of this.

Waan dhuroobay
Waad dhurowday
Wuu dhuroobay

Just by reading these three stem conjugations, you will be able to predict any tense, adjective, adverbs, nouns.