Word of The Day: How to Say ‘ to select’ in Somali language?

How to Say ‘ to select’ in Somali language?

In Somali language, to select is called gaati.

Waxaan gaatiyay
Waxaad gaatiday
Waxay gaatisay
Wuxuu gaatiyay
Waxaan gaatinay
Waxay gaatiyeen

Perhaps this is regional, or mistaken for another word, or its spelling is incorrect, but 'Gaati' in standard Somali means 'to walk in a sneaky way', or 'Dhuukin' - 'maxaad la gaatinaysaa, ama la dhuukinaysaa' , with its origin being 'Gaatin', which in standard Somali means 'to sneak up on someone', as in a fight i.e. 'waar waa uu i gaaday', or 'weerar gaatin / gaadma ah ayaa lagu soo qaaday', or when playing hide & seek i.e. 'Gaatinta ayaad igu hodday'.

'Xul' => selection,
'Xulasho' => to choose from,
'Kala dooro' => to pick one out of a selection,

Albeit 'dooro' has been co-opted in political discourse.

Another popular term is 'ikhtiyaar', of which origin is Arabic i.e. 'ikhtiyaar ma u leeyahay in aan ka xusho (select from), ama ka doorto (choose from) meniyuga casha fudud? '.

Food for thought.
Perhaps this is regional, or mistaken for another word, or its spelling is incorrect, but 'Gaati' in standard Somali means 'to walk in a sneaky way', or 'Dhuukin' - 'maxaad la gaatinaysaa, ama la dhuukinaysaa' , with its origin being 'Gaatin', which in standard Somali means 'to sneak up on someone', as in a fight i.e. 'waar waa uu i gaaday', or 'weerar gaatin / gaadma ah ayaa lagu soo qaaday', or when playing hide & seek i.e. 'Gaatinta ayaad igu hodday'.

'Xul' => selection,
'Xulasho' => to choose from,
'Kala dooro' => to pick one out of a selection,

Albeit 'dooro' has been co-opted in political discourse.

Another popular term is 'ikhtiyaar', of which origin is Arabic i.e. 'ikhtiyaar ma u leeyahay in aan ka xusho (select from), ama ka doorto (choose from) meniyuga casha fudud? '.

Food for thought.
My Source of where I got the word.
I have learned a lot of vocabulary from a man named Mangalool who is passionate about Somali poetry. He shares three vocabulary from poetry and Halxidhaale on his TikTok account. Being an Af-Soomaali enthusiast, I have great admiration for him. In fact, I even learned a new words from him every time he posts on his account. So, couple of days ago, I learned new word (gaadasho) which means xulasho.

The verb gaati

Quoted from him (mangalool) “waxaan Adiga kuu gaatiyay”

Here is the videol link . Or you can go to @ mangaloool | Remember thee ooo

Thank you for sharing it.
I agree, 'Gaadasho' is a correct standard word, and common. 'Gaati' is wherein lies the confusion for me. I was almost tempted to ask earlier if you intended that word, but then lost my train of thought. Thanks again.

Oh, and now I see in your original post, you did indeed mention "Gaadasho', which I missed. Mea culpa.
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