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Imagine marrying a snake like her? Goodness! I honestly would steal some of the kids and move to Somalia. I ain't bring kids to the world to be told to f off.


Jet life till my next life
Imagine marrying a snake like her? Goodness! I honestly would steal some of the kids and move to Somalia. I ain't bring kids to the world to be told to f off.

As if you would really let them live in that shithole! :comeon: I had a son when i was 18 and I had to let her keep it :mjpls:


As a Father myself who's married, I view this man as a total scumb bag.

Who wait's 11 years? This means even if his oldest child was 6 years old
and the wife kept getting pregnant right after giving birth, it would mean the oldest child
would be 17 years old by now or 18.

This man suffers from the "Absent Aabbaha Syndrome"!! He wasn't present mentality during the marriage.

Leaving a women with 6 kids is an incredible moral shitshow. Another man had to step in and marry the women,
this is probably what stresses him out the most.

There are so many question I would love to slap this man with as a Father myself:

Why didn't you seek part-time custody?
What made you wait so long?
Do you currently live with roommates or do you live alone?
If you live alone, how can you father your children in a 1 bedroom apartment?
Are you upset another man is raising the children you neglected?

There's so many dead-beat and absent-minded fathers its ridiculous nowadays.
A scum bag? Are u serious? Cajib.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Wallahi it's a sad state of affairs my heart & my prayers goes out to him :friendhug:

The western system gives fathers zero rights when it comes to their children it's a shame the amount of fathers that I know who can't see their kids is horrendous:wow:
After 11 years of absence from the lives of his kids, the bloke is now at breaking point for contact with his kids, while most men will fight access to their kids as soon as the marriage dissolves. I guess, it's never too late to re-connect with them. It's a slippery slope of emotional train-wreck, but I wish good luck to all involved.
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