Women in Gabiley, Somaliland region cry after deadly Allaybaday massacre by Liyuu Police


Somaliland supremacy
Love the shoot to kill policy, when his dead and on the ground, begin 'investigations'. If his breathing and talking, he can still be an imminent threat. MJ are fed up with wars, we know 'ogadeniya' is your heartland and we are in similar position as 'leelkase' @SomaliMVP is in Puntland, a minority. We know our role at least, I just love seeing Id33r and Sade bodies DROP to the floor, it's a brutal message, it's not a debate or somalispot argument, this is a damn bullet in the head of your clans-men. That's why I am telling you Teeri isku umad manahin dadkani beelaha kale, isku caqli ama isku mowqiif ama tarikh ma gabno, luqadani yar ba noo dhaxayso keliya. Wallahi if Isaaq spoke Oromo manta, I wouldn't miss the nigga, same with Sade. Umad kale bay ka tirsan yihin then.
they don't have any policy apart from swallowing habeshis ***** they are the only somalis ruled by non somalis,in kenya by adoons(their biggest slaves) and in ethiopia by oromos,all that bravado is to impress you of all people,that is the i.q of my b@tch teeri,and as for putaland being tired of war,like which one?you mean tired of defending and losing?that's not fighting that's like a chick getting tired from playing hard to get
we have no interest outside our borders that is somaliland,cagdhere tried to pretend they were refugees in somaliland and start some shit we took care of their low i.q asses,galbeed has HY and maybe in the future it will be part of greater somaliland,till then they can defend themselves,HY are not the people to mess with,maybe we will send them weapons
but unlike you and my b@tch teeri i prey that the oromo slaughter does not finish cagdhere in galbeed out of being civilized,i dont expect the same since we taught them what clothes are,we taught them islam e.t.c
AUN to the dead but Hawiye takes the crown for most barbaric attack on their guests in 1991. ALL Somalis were the guests of Hawiye until they decided to massacre everyone by surprise.

So kindly STFU about morality.

Your people have never even apologised and still squat in people's houses with the real owners buried in the backyard.

Iska aamusa

his former gal-nus president abdikarim in 2016 signed for us we can come to gal-nus and hunt any b00n or who2 moryaan deep inside their land,

they are looters, they have poisoned water wells, loot camels, kill, so we only respond in kind, except we have the multiplier 10 times, we must eliminate 10 times what they took, so they feel the pain,

in our 5300 km border, oromo and who2 and b00n and 1door are to be shot on site,

to be fair the only good willed civilised neighbours we seem to have are dhulbahante and Mj, do you ever see or hear them looting, poisoning water wells, stealing camels? NO,

notice how oromo dont mess with Ogaden borders but with Dir, even little canfaar messes with dir but runs away when he hears Ogaden are coming, these people waa xoolo, they dont think ahead, they kill and do not think we will respond,

alshabab captured top ONLF officers and would kill them in the most Yahuud ways out of cuqdad for ahmed madoobe, with screw drivers on the eye ball, after we noticed there is no chance for peace, the admiral of ONLF ordered we execute them on site, once we killed 42 of them point blank a few years ago, they never ever messed with ONLF again,

we have already merged liyu with ONLF, we will increase them from 70K to 150K, we have the ultimate plan of fending off 100 million raw meat eaters, Ethiopia is boiling, we must focus on bigger wider aims and game and objective, sovereignty isnha Allah, that is more than any somali tribe can muster, 1door bring in qaat and alcohol, cabid iley banned qaat, we will also carry on banning them since somali men will not work, firstly cabdi iley started it with banning his government workers and minsters with no qaat policy, guess who imports qaat and qamro illegally into DDS? 1door, so we shoot them on site, no excuse, they dont listen, we calculated after a few die they will open their ears, the other reason we banned Qaat was to starve oromo region out of money since we were being attacked and most qaat eaten is exported through our land to djabouti and somaliland, so it was also a strategic and helps your people focus, rather than drunk high,

next year when we win insha Allah we aim to ban all haram stuff, even qaat and smoking, a man is supposed to feed his family, not eat it on qaat, we will shoot them on site, the dealers/importers, it will also help kill our biggest rivals biggest export after coffee, less money for them, those Galla,

i wish to know why Harti neighbour are very civilised but 1door, HG, b00n, hawaldy, Eley, all who2 etc are natural moryaaans that we must execute on a weekly basis,

i want to know the secret why certain groups are natural savages? i am really interested in this wallahi,

if it was not for our shoot first moryan policy we would have moryan and shishkabab terrorist in our God blessed valleys in qorxey, dagaxbuur, imay, warder etc,

its to the testament of our lads who have kept DDS save, its the safest place in ethiopia, if not in east africa,

MJ needs to adopt our policy of shoot first for puntland,

cabdullahi yusuf adopted this, this is why 1door or who2 never messed with him when he ran puntland,

AUN, my uncle was a wise tough men, not surprised, i heard he was born in Warder, Ogadeniya, he must have been inspired by his Ogaden macalim qurans teachers when he was a youth studying,
Love the shoot to kill policy, when his dead and on the ground, begin 'investigations'. If his breathing and talking, he can still be an imminent threat. MJ are fed up with wars, we know 'ogadeniya' is your heartland and we are in similar position as 'leelkase' @SomaliMVP is in Puntland, a minority. We know our role at least, I just love seeing Id33r and Sade bodies DROP to the floor, it's a brutal message, it's not a debate or somalispot argument, this is a damn bullet in the head of your clans-men. That's why I am telling you Teeri isku umad manahin dadkani beelaha kale, isku caqli ama isku mowqiif ama tarikh ma gabno, luqadani yar ba noo dhaxayso keliya. Wallahi if Isaaq spoke Oromo manta, I wouldn't miss the nigga, same with Sade. Umad kale bay ka tirsan yihin then.

wallahi i get so curios bro,

a hawiye dude, he said he was jajele or jajae soemthing shit like that, in UK, his brother called him, he was crying, he said Liyu police slapped me so many times i was crying for a week, the who2 came to afdheer with 9 HG men who looted camels from afdheer, bro afdheer on the west borders with oromo borana region, and on the east it borders gedo/bakool, the who2s went there to loot them, they looted cawlyahan camels,

the liyu slapped the jajale since they have never come across his tribe before to loot, no history so they let him go and shot the 9 HG moryaans for looting,

his brother in london was like warya why did you kill them, blah blah

i said to him, saxib listen, if some dudes travelled 1500 Km, looted your people, would you say thanks, have some tea chaps or fight back?

besides, i told him your langab brother was released, ideally he should have been shot to, but Ogaden always showing mercy and restrain, the policy they had were certain groups must be killed on site since they are repeat offenders,

once hawadly came to mustaxiil, afhdeer, they killed so many reer aw hassan tribe, cabdi iley chased them, and buried them alive, they never ever tried again, my only regret is we acted after several attempts, we begged them, walal, deaf ears, but they licked their wounds afterwards,

you are right, we only share a language with these moryaans, i never ever hear leelkase, MJ, dhulbahante who we border ever attacking us, its always the usual suspects who destroyed somali daqan, 1door with qaat and alcohol which we banned for religious reasons, b00n and HG and hawaldly and Eley thinking they can loot a people who, yet we are a people who have karbashed oromo and haamr for centuries until the white men gave them aid

i want my question answered please, umar muxamuud, bicidyaan who both live with us and on the puntland border, Dhulbahante, ciise muxamuud, leelkase, osman muxmauud, why do we have peaceful border with them, no issies foe centuries, very civilised,

have harti ever heard or had any problems form Ogaden on the border? do we loot, kill, poison wells in harti/darood or any other somali lands? never.

so why is the animal from galnus borders to bay/bakool - that central region, and 1dooristan why are they so backward, so savage? so uncivilised?

they are muslims, apparently are also somali, what is that makes them only stop when Ogaden feed them lead bullets

like The Russians kept out mongol hordes, we will keep out these savages,
certain groups are not ready for civilisation and want to rule a region, somalia, they are not ready,. lets all be honest with them and take power away from them,

we all know who these moryaans all are


they don't have any policy apart from swallowing habeshis ***** they are the only somalis ruled by non somalis,in kenya by adoons(their biggest slaves) and in ethiopia by oromos,all that bravado is to impress you of all people,that is the i.q of my b@tch teeri,and as for putaland being tired of war,like which one?you mean tired of defending and losing?that's not fighting that's like a chick getting tired from playing hard to get
we have no interest outside our borders that is somaliland,cagdhere tried to pretend they were refugees in somaliland and start some shit we took care of their low i.q asses,galbeed has HY and maybe in the future it will be part of greater somaliland,till then they can defend themselves,HY are not the people to mess with,maybe we will send them weapons
but unlike you and my b@tch teeri i prey that the oromo slaughter does not finish cagdhere in galbeed out of being civilized,i dont expect the same since we taught them what clothes are,we taught them islam e.t.c
what makes isaaqs, hawiye and mx in somali region then? slaves of slaves.
should i post how you sided with habesha against onlf agian?


Somaliland supremacy
what makes isaaqs, hawiye and mx in somali region then? slaves of slaves.
should i post how you sided with habesha against onlf agian?
i don't follow how are they slaves?they have control in their own country
siding with habeshi to achieve some ends is not being their slaves,my only issue is my b@tch teeri shouldn't talk so big when he is under occupation,the abuse cagdhere get from ethiopia is there,they should deal with them instead of attacking a town of innocent people
i don't follow how are they slaves?they have control in their own country
siding with habeshi to achieve some ends is not being their slaves,my only issue is my b@tch teeri shouldn't talk so big when he is under occupation,the abuse cagdhere get from ethiopia is there,they should deal with them instead of attacking a town of innocent people

Have you seen his rants and his outlandish claims. The guy is mentally ill.


Somaliland supremacy
Have you seen his rants and his outlandish claims. The guy is mentally ill.
the problem with my b@tch teeri is he is not only mentally ill he is also very dumb but has alot of enablers here,to him and others this is the only place where his dumb posts get some sort of approval,and his biggest supporter is another mentally ill person DR OSMAN(why does he call himself a doctor?????),to talk so much bravado is only over compensating to the fact that his clan is under occupation with no real place to call their own,galbeed is not "ogadenia",there are dir,mx,isaaqs e.t.c but only they will push that agenda so much,cause they have nothing!!thats why they are fighting to control jubbaland so much cause a thief is only a thief when they have nothing of their own


i don't follow how are they slaves?they have control in their own country
siding with habeshi to achieve some ends is not being their slaves,my only issue is my b@tch teeri shouldn't talk so big when he is under occupation,the abuse cagdhere get from ethiopia is there,they should deal with them instead of attacking a town of innocent people
i responded against assertion of ogaden were the only somalis being occupied when other clans live in these occupied areas and under the admin of ogaden.


Somaliland supremacy
i responded against assertion of ogaden were the only somalis being occupied when other clans live in these occupied areas and under the admin of ogaden.
oohhhh you meant galbeed,got it,first of all they are not under the administration of ogaden,most of them are nomads that dont care about a centralized gov,second those clans you mention have territories which is ruled by their own clan while OGs don't,its not that important its only when my b@tch teeri brings up his bravado is when i point it out,other than that i have no beef with OGs


oohhhh you meant galbeed,got it,first of all they are not under the administration of ogaden,most of them are nomads that dont care about a centralized gov,second those clans you mention have territories which is ruled by their own clan will OGs don't,its not that important its only when my b@tch teeri brings up his bravado is when i point it out,other than that i have no beef with OGs
first of this could be said for admin in somalia because somalis area nomadic society.
secondly of og have territory in jubbaland, the previous election all candidates were OG this include the oposition from mogadishu.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
i don't follow how are they slaves?they have control in their own country
siding with habeshi to achieve some ends is not being their slaves,my only issue is my b@tch teeri shouldn't talk so big when he is under occupation,the abuse cagdhere get from ethiopia is there,they should deal with them instead of attacking a town of innocent people
They are pathetic, let these coward Liyuu Boolos fight armed isaaq, or mx , or HG militia they flee like the cowards they are. They only attack miskiin travellers, wa gun.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
MJ needs to adopt our policy of shoot first for puntland,

cabdullahi yusuf adopted this, this is why 1door or **** never messed with him when he ran puntland,

AUN, my uncle was a wise tough men, not surprised, i heard he was born in Warder, Ogadeniya, he must have been inspired by his Ogaden macalim qurans teachers when he was a youth studying,
I agree sxb 100% -we are too civilised for a third world country

We need to take inspiration from Ogaden mooryaan slaying policy

Well done in fending off your enemies - long live DDS

I think 1door are the biggest problem in your northern border - i say give them a karbash that has never been seen before in Somalia history - same with mooryaans

only way they will learn

viva ogadenya
the problem with my b@tch teeri is he is not only mentally ill he is also very dumb but has alot of enablers here,to him and others this is the only place where his dumb posts get some sort of approval,and his biggest supporter is another mentally ill person DR OSMAN(why does he call himself a doctor?????),to talk so much bravado is only over compensating to the fact that his clan is under occupation with no real place to call their own,galbeed is not "ogadenia",there are dir,mx,isaaqs e.t.c but only they will push that agenda so much,cause they have nothing!!thats why they are fighting to control jubbaland so much cause a thief is only a thief when they have nothing of their own

Exactly, I have made the prediction in 50 years Somalia is going to become provinces that establishes hegemony based on clan affiliation. Furthermore, in regards to extension of Somali galbeed which is the Haud and Reserve area, Issaqs have numerous settlements in the haud and reserve region. But, i heard they tend to settle as far as just outside Harar.