Woman kills her cheating BF video

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It looks real but I'm surprised the camera man still posted the video and didn't say anything.

I'm calling fake on this one.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
It was probably fake as shit. I hope it was.

I guy can't die in a bathtub with another man. :damedamn:
Lol this fake as f*ck wallahi :ftw9nwa:
If this was real, why would she incriminate herself like this? Why would the guy pay in card when he's sharing his account? Why weren't the guys reacting when they got caught? Why is the cameraman also incriminating himself?

Why is there a plugged toaster right next to the bathtub?:O27GWRK:

People actually believe this, let that sink in


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
this is why u never keep electronics in the bathroom

I'm calling fake cuz these niggas had a radio next to the bathtub like it was 1996 :draketf:


I have an IQ of 300
I dunno man this looks pretty legit
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