Will Puntland ever shut down the idp camps?

I heard there's a lot of idp camps around puntland and majority of the residents in the camps are bantus. But the question is why are they still in those camps if they aren't being employed much anymore? Can any reer puntland tell me the situation and what are your thoughts on this? Puntland shouldn't take a soft approach with this.
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When you visit Somalia, you will not mind them sis, they are normal people like you and I, just trying to live their lives. The real issue is the illegal Ethiopians!!

Puntland has some 'native' Bantus, that came to Puntland over a 100 years ago, and they worked for the Boqor of Majeerteenia. You'll see some of them in coastal fishing towns, so if you ever see some videos in distant Bari regions, with Bantus, waa iyaga probably.

As for Southern IDPs, originally, a lot of people fled warfare, or economic instability, and Puntland was right to host them. Disaster can befall anyone at any point, and we must be kind to one another. That said, I don't like IDP camps either, they are an unsanitary blight. I wish Puntland was given funding to build social housing and then asked IDPs to pay rent with the UN checks they're given. Yes, they are being paid by the UN/NGOs!!! I suspect that check, is part of the reason why they come to Puntland.

I saw a video where Bantus-Somalis complained about not finding manual labour anymore, as they've been replaced by more efficient foreigners. Unemployment causes insecurity, and Puntland should get ahead of this.
Also sis @pinkyandthebrain

For every 'problem' that is blamed on Bantus, the real problem is always Somalis, and the solution is always something like healthcare, security, justice and so forth.

The fear of Somalis losing their phenotype, is completely unfounded. Most Somalis don't even marry the beautiful Somalis from the historic 'out-caste' clans. Rest assured, there will be no mass guur with Bantus either. As for their population growing, well, Somalis need to stop killing each other over stupid issues, then that wouldn't be a problem either.
When you visit Somalia, you will not mind them sis, they are normal people like you and I, just trying to live their lives. The real issue is the illegal Ethiopians!!

Puntland has some 'native' Bantus, that came to Puntland over a 100 years ago, and they worked for the Boqor of Majeerteenia. You'll see some of them in coastal fishing towns, so if you ever see some videos in distant Bari regions, with Bantus, waa iyaga probably.

As for Southern IDPs, originally, a lot of people fled warfare, or economic instability, and Puntland was right to host them. Disaster can befall anyone at any point, and we must be kind to one another. That said, I don't like IDP camps either, they are an unsanitary blight. I wish Puntland was given funding to build social housing and then asked IDPs to pay rent with the UN checks they're given. Yes, they are being paid by the UN/NGOs!!! I suspect that check, is part of the reason why they come to Puntland.

I saw a video where Bantus-Somalis complained about not finding manual labour anymore, as they've been replaced by more efficient foreigners. Unemployment causes insecurity, and Puntland should get ahead of this.
Yes I know there's few native bantus who are patriotic. But if I'm honest there is no reason for southern bantus to still be in puntland if they aren't being employed anymore. They are wasting their time and Puntland really needs to put this to an end. Southern bantus love claiming any land, look at how they're already claiming moqadishu is their native region and that ethnic Somalis are originally from India. some of them love to make false claims, and I certainly don't want Puntland heading that way.
Yes I know there's few native bantus who are patriotic. But if I'm honest there is no reason for southern bantus to still be in puntland if they aren't being employed anymore. They are wasting their time and Puntland really needs to put this to an end. Southern bantus love claiming any land, look at how they're already claiming moqadishu is their native region and that ethnic Somalis are originally from India. some of them love to make false claims, and I certainly don't want Puntland heading that way. I say shut the camps down and return them safely back

I agree that IDP camps need to be shut down, and instead, we need mixed-ethnic social housing. As for people making claims, this all comes from feeling mistreated, it is natural human inclination to fight back in the face of racism and aggression.

Remember this sis, when Somalia was under the dictator, there were Bantus in Somalia, and trust me, nobody was talking about them. All this hysteria is whipped up online, and the cure, is to visit Somalia.
I agree that IDP camps need to be shut down, and instead, we need mixed-ethnic social housing. As for people making claims, this all comes from feeling mistreated, it is natural human inclination to fight back in the face of racism and aggression.

Remember this sis, when Somalia was under the dictator, there were Bantus in Somalia, and trust me, nobody was talking about them. All this hysteria is whipped up online, and the cure, is to visit Somalia.
I just dont want somaliland/puntland to turn like the south. Considering both our population is small. I will forever advocate for the camps to shut. This is why in my opinion Puntland should become like Somaliland and be an independent nation with their own laws and govern. Puntland is the home of my grandparent
I just dont want somaliland/puntland to turn like the south. Considering both our population is small. I will forever advocate for the camps to shut. This is why in my opinion Puntland should become like Somaliland and be an independent nation with their own laws and govern. Puntland is the home of my grandparent

Puntland is your home also sis, not just your grandparent, please visit, you'll love it.

Bantus have been in Puntland since the early 90s, never any major issues, except for hideous IDP camps, and truthfully, we can't blame poor people for erecting jiingads and huts. Sometimes poor nomadic families, are forced to live in the same way. The enemy is poverty and instability.
Puntland is your home also sis, not just your grandparent, please visit, you'll love it.

Bantus have been in Puntland since the early 90s, never any major issues, except for hideous IDP camps, and truthfully, we can't blame poor people for erecting jiingads and huts. Sometimes poor nomadic families, are forced to live in the same way. The enemy is poverty and instability.
Yeah Inshallah I visit puntland one day.
I heard there's a lot of idp camps around puntland and majority of the residents in the camps are bantus. But the question is why are they still in those camps if they aren't being employed much anymore? Can any reer puntland tell me the situation and what are your thoughts on this? Puntland shouldn't take a soft approach with this.
As a die-hard, card-carrying BnP comrade, as a child of refugees yourself, I will petition the British government to pack your bags, send you back before you begin to spawn skinny darkies on our streets.
Not happening unless another source of revenue is identified, as IDP camps are a significant source of revenue for many, including politicians.
Not happening unless another source of revenue is identified, as IDP camps are a significant source of revenue for many, including politicians.
so are the people in the idp camps just going to be stuck in their camps with no Jobs? since now puntland hires outsiders since they're higher skilled.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

When you visit Somalia, you will not mind them sis, they are normal people like you and I, just trying to live their lives. The real issue is the illegal Ethiopians!!

Puntland has some 'native' Bantus, that came to Puntland over a 100 years ago, and they worked for the Boqor of Majeerteenia. You'll see some of them in coastal fishing towns, so if you ever see some videos in distant Bari regions, with Bantus, waa iyaga probably.

As for Southern IDPs, originally, a lot of people fled warfare, or economic instability, and Puntland was right to host them. Disaster can befall anyone at any point, and we must be kind to one another. That said, I don't like IDP camps either, they are an unsanitary blight. I wish Puntland was given funding to build social housing and then asked IDPs to pay rent with the UN checks they're given. Yes, they are being paid by the UN/NGOs!!! I suspect that check, is part of the reason why they come to Puntland.

I saw a video where Bantus-Somalis complained about not finding manual labour anymore, as they've been replaced by more efficient foreigners. Unemployment causes insecurity, and Puntland should get ahead of this.
I advocate for the integration of idps in the cities instead of the UN built favelas.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Or maybe just send them back to the south and hire native somalis to do the job. They shouldn't even be in Puntland.
You’re acting like they’re from another country !
a nationalist for one minute, then a tribalist a second later. Hypocrisy is rampant with some of you lot.

saying all this whilst living in another man land I bet πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ