WhyG upcoming song name


King Of NSFW
Why g is strange and really obsessed with geeljire culture. He had a live with top5 where he said he fucked a somali hijabi in the club :pachah1:
It's weird wallahi rex malis used to bully him when he lived in towns and regent malis wanna pack him for dissing smokedawg. This guy is dikkriding malis when majority of the malis in the dot want his head even driftwood malis wanna smoke him:dead:
It's weird wallahi rex malis used to bully him when he lived in towns and regent malis wanna pack him for dissing smokedawg. This guy is dikkriding malis when majority of the malis in the dot want his head even driftwood malis wanna smoke him:dead:

Word...but some malis love him.
He fled to columbus while on the run and was being sheltered by a somali family.:mjkkk: He was smashing one of my homies sisters while proclaiming to be a somali bantu :wow:
Hijabis are in clubs now what in the world :damn:

wallahi him and top5 have no chill. They both agreed to run a train on her the next time they link up with her :pachah1::russ::mjlol:

And all along i thought halimos were
strongly against giving somali bantus malab :drakelaugh:


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