
The thrill of the chase I suppose. Some women want to be chased after, even if they’re not interested in the guy.

I watch way to many reddit stories lol


teetering in-between realities
I saw this one video which, while it may be unrelated, could maybe explain why women would date unattractive men. I don't know how true it is so maybe the women here would like to confirm.

the comments also have some reasons related to the video.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Why do women ignore the ugly guy then all of sudden want him once he gets married to a woman? I am asking as a women myself lol help

Well its a vanity thing. The realization that the "ugly" man is better than your single a$$ self. So suddenly u want him. The problem with an "ugly" man is -he is desperate due to his own self awareness that he is ugly. He tries too hard, he is desperate. Women hate that. Women like confident rude, scoundrel who insults you but also treats u like a queen occasionally. (like a dog wants a treat once in while and looks forward to it) The ugly man wants to treat u like a queen all the time. Women hate that. But if he is married- then- she is sure the desperateness is gone because his single status has changed, she realizes he is now better than her, and maybe the married woman has trained him a little bit to be manly and not look despro
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Well it’s a vanity thing. The realization that the "ugly" man is better than your single a$$ self. So suddenly u want him. The problem with an "ugly" man is -he is desperate due to his own self awareness that he is ugly. He tries too hard, he is desperate. Women hate that. Women like confident rude, scoundrel who insults you but also treats u like a queen occasionally. (like a dog wants a treat once in while and looks forward to it) The ugly man wants to treat u like a queen all the time. Women hate that. But if he is married- then- she is sure the desperateness is gone because his single status has changed, she realizes he is now better than her, and maybe the married woman has trained him a little bit to be manly and not look despro
Interesting point, do you think the same be said for men when the lady is ugly lol?


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
I think it could be a destructive pattern of behavior rooted in unresolved childhood wounds. Some women (men too) unconsciously seek out emotionally unavailable individuals.

The unattractive man didn’t suddenly become good looking appearance wise but he became unavailable and that’s where this newfound attraction stems from.
I saw this one video which, while it may be unrelated, could maybe explain why women would date unattractive men. I don't know how true it is so maybe the women here would like to confirm.

the comments also have some reasons related to the video.
Why does she look like brad Pitt in a wig?
I think it could be a destructive pattern of behavior rooted in unresolved childhood wounds. Some women (men too) unconsciously seek out emotionally unavailable individuals.

The unattractive man didn’t suddenly become good looking appearance wise but he became unavailable and that’s where this newfound attraction stems from.
That’s it. You’re right.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Interesting point, do you think the same be said for men when the lady is ugly lol?

Naah with female its different. Ugly female become comedians and have a 'personality'! Females are more creative than men in survival techniques of relationships
Why do women ignore the ugly guy then all of sudden want him once he gets married to a woman? I am asking as a women myself lol help
The single woman sees that the married man is capable of supporting a marriage lifestyle. In her envy she either wants to steal it or break it.

