Why the Asians succeed in the west.

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Laura Perrins: How to escape the ghetto? Simple – work hard, get an education, stay married

Former equality tsar Trevor Phillips would like to know why “poor children of Chinese heritage outperform all other groups… In the US Asian Americans, who are fewer than 10 per cent of the local population, win more than half the places in New York’s top selective schools.” He thinks for too long political correctness has prevented policy makers from even asking these questions.

If he wants to know why poor Asian Americans do so well he should read this piece by Kay Hymowitz on Brooklyn’s Chinese pioneers. It looks at a very successful group of Chinese immigrants, the Fujianese, in Brooklyn.

This group is phenomenally successful. They arrive poor, “really poor, as in four-people-to-a-single-room, all-rice-diet, soda-can-collecting poor.” But they devote their lives to their children’s success. Hymowtiz looks at four reasons for this: a devotion to education; a married family with a ferocious work ethic; a belief they can succeed; and a close community.

Hymowitz says there is a “zealous focus on education. For Chinese immigrants, education for the next generation is close to a religion.”

Secondly, "they work like dogs. In New York City, the Chinese are more likely than any other ethnic group to live in dual-earning households."

The father might work two jobs and the mothers are the ultimate ‘working mothers.’ Their hours are brutal: ten hours or more a day, six and often seven days a week in minimum wage jobs or exploitative jobs that still pay so are taken, as a job is a job.

The children, however, are not in ‘daycare’ cared for by other poor women. The children are cared for either by grandparents or other family members doing homework and chores around the shared accommodation.

Third, they also believe in the American dream. If you work hard you can succeed. They expect some discrimination but they are not signed up members of the victim agenda.

Crucially, the Fujianese family is based on stable marriages. “The Chinese boast the highest proportion of married-couple households among immigrant groups.” Divorce is never even considered as getting their child from their poor background into the American middle-class is their reason for living.

Individualism is not their thing and divorcing and splitting the already meagre assets are seen as the foolish venture that it is. There maybe a mistress around, but “the Chinese family, including husband and wife, is better seen as a working partnership, bound together by mutual necessity and some deep, generationally transmitted sense of loyalty and duty. There are probably very few “soulmates” in Brooklyn’s Chinatown. But lots of the kids of these families are graduating from high school and college.”

Finally, the Fujianese community is close knit. The parents may not bother to learn English or integrate but then they are not there to integrate into successful middle-class America – they want their children to do this. This is why they work every hour God sends and save money to put their children in tutoring classes to enter the most selective high-schools. It is all for the next generation.

“It’s no secret that mainstream American culture these days isn’t the best recipe for educational success. In Sunset Park, Chinese kids are part of a counterculture, reinforced daily by family members, by neighbours, by Chinese television shows, by local test-prep centres, and by more established Chinese residents. Shopkeepers might ask a child whether he has done his homework.”

So there we have it – educational success for this group at least is because these students hail from married families based in close-knit communities. The parents work incredibly hard to send their children to selective state secondary school. I would like to see Trevor Phillips sell this to his liberal friends.

Decades ago poor parents in Britain had these qualities in spades until their families, children and communities were devastated by the 1960s cultural revolution. Without a Damascene conversion to social conservatism by the liberal elite it is unlikely we will see any change soon.

It's difficult to do that when you're plagued with a 67 IQ, tribalism and Islam based culture.
I went to school with indhayars who spoke not much of english but still aced thermodynamics and heat transfer courses.
they put in A LOT of work, more than your average student.

People in the ghetto, white or black, are lazy. simple as that.


They are overachievers. I said this before, my dad made me befriend them from kindergarten. He even became friends with my friends parents. We would study together all day and get extra help from the teachers/professors. They have great work ethic. Sadly Somalis think being a victim will get them far and it doesn’t.

They have an cuqdad because of their names. Indhoyar people change their names, I would never do that. I use my Somali indhoadeeg to my advantage. I remember applying to 20 jobs and getting 17 calls back. Having confidence, good work ethic, a good degree, CV, and skills will help you succeed. Victimization is one of the main roadblocks to success. You have to navigate the west like they need you and you bring something to the table. Otherwise most Somalis will never gain upward social mobility and the majority will be four generations deep in guri dawlad.
Weed is the worst thing to happen to mankind I remember smart kids in my school the first day they smoked they became zombies with permanent brain fog,so lazy and unambitious.
Somalis, unfortunately, suffer from Inferiority complex and it has damaged them big time. This led them to adopt the qashin AA hiphop culture which is, in my opinion, the single most factor in destroying the Somali youth here in the west.

Most people don't want to admit this but associating with the Madows and Jamaicans here in the west has destroyed the somali boys and is evident with many of them dying from gang-related activities.

I don't want to hear excuses "not their fault they live in the ghettos", but if you look at this Filipinos they migrated to Canada around the same time as Somalis and look how successful they are, their youth even head their churches and visit houses inviting people them to Christianity all the while balancing their school-related activities.
I went to school with indhayars who spoke not much of english but still aced thermodynamics and heat transfer courses.
they put in A LOT of work, more than your average student.

People in the ghetto, white or black, are lazy. simple as that.

Asians are socially retarded, they may get a higher GPA than you ( Which is not the case with me, I killed them) but they should not be landing better Jobs than you.

Success in course work does not / or almost never translates to better career prospects. These asians learned that the hard way :pachah1:
Asians are socially retarded, they may get a higher GPA than you ( Which is not the case with me, I killed them) but they should not be landing better Jobs than you.

Success in course work does not / or almost never translate to better career prospects. These asians learned that the hard way :pachah1:
In my first year, my lab partner for organic chem was a chinese exchange chick. She couldnt speak enough english to get herself out of trouble, yet she scored 92% in the final.

In my descrete math course(we used C+ and matlab heavily), my partner was a korean dude. He had 96% after the class ended, and this class was notorious for making students change courses.
Last semester, I worked with a bengali dude, and two indhayars, a guy and a girl, needless to say, their english was shit and they passed heat transfer courses and thermo classes bro. Those classes are no joke, people take them multiple times before they pass. some don't, no matter what they do.
The point is that asians are successful, and success isn't measure by having friends or being social, it's measured by how much lacag u got in the bank, what kind of a job u got etc.. if ur financially successful and u got good job, ur less likely to divorce. hence why u'll never see an asian in the project.
In my first year, my lab partner for organic chem was a chinese exchange chick. She couldnt speak enough english to get herself out of trouble, yet she scored 92% in the final.

In my descrete math course(we used C+ and matlab heavily), my partner was a korean dude. He had 96% after the class ended, and this class was notorious for making students change courses.
Last semester, I worked with a bengali dude, and two indhayars, a guy and a girl, needless to say, their english was shit and they passed heat transfer courses and thermo classes bro. Those classes are no joke, people take them multiple times before they pass. some don't, no matter what they do.
The point is that asians are successful, and success isn't measure by having friends or being social, it's measured by how much lacag u got in the bank, what kind of a job u got etc.. if ur financially successful and u got good job, ur less likely to divorce. hence why u'll never see an asian in the project.

I thought you were in Mechanical Engineering, why the f*ck do you have to take Organic Chemistry ? Same with Discrete Math.. thats proof heavy course for Computer Science students. Walaahi The curriculum down in Houston is messed up :noneck:

I disagree, these Asians with Lacag are either international students with loaded parents from back home or our parents generation who moved here and started business and cashed in big time. The Asians our age and generation are all in the same boat with us in terms of financial status and career aspects.

The only reason they are put on a pedestal is because their community is cleaner than our and that is because their culture is heavily enforced by their parents and Grandparents.
I thought you were in Mechanical Engineering, why the f*ck do you have to take Organic Chemistry ? Same with Discrete Math.. thats proof heavy course for Computer Science students. Walaahi The curriculum down in Houston is messed up :noneck:

I disagree, these Asians with Lacag are either international students with loaded parents from back home or our parents generation who moved here and started business and cashed in big time. The Asians our age and generation are all in the same boat with us in terms of financial status and career aspects.

The only reason they are put on a pedestal is because their community is cleaner than our and that is because their culture is heavily enforced by their parents and Grandparents.
kaalay sheeg. these bastards made us take so many classes we didn't need. We had to take discrete and linear twice, once applied and once regular.
anyways, they tend to graduate. The korean guy I told u about has a brother who did accounting, and his family look down on him.
if you take 100 american born somalis and indhayars of any kind, it won't be a competition, the indhayars will come on top. like u said, it's their culture.


Self imposed exile
People compare themselves as against their peers.

Cadaans and Jews compete against cadaans and Jews.

Asians see other Asians as peers.

If Geeljire kids had more successful Geeljire to look up to and outperform then we'd see a gradual increase of better achievers.

As a Jew in the states... if you don't have a Nobel prize you're a failure.

As an East Asian or Indian... if you're not earning quarter a million a year working for Google... you're a failure.

As a Geeljire..... as long as you have half a dozen kids by the time you're 20 you're cool.

For hundreds of years we just had to compete against other tribes, Oromo and Bantu farmers. We though we were the shit for a long while so there was never a push to improve.
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I didn't grow up with Asians, and didn't befriend them until undergrad. But, I definitely admire them for their hard work ethic. They are the ones who spend hours upon hours in the library, and ace every exam. But I don't think they are "smarter" than anyone - no one is really. If you work hard and SACRIFICE (which means no hanging out with friends all the time, getting rid of your SC, instagram, twitter accounts), then you will become successful. No one is going to do the work for you. I think Somalis, we want it all, but we don't wanna put in the work. And moving out of the hood/public housing should be a priority as well.
I went to school with indhayars who spoke not much of english but still aced thermodynamics and heat transfer courses.
they put in A LOT of work, more than your average student.

People in the ghetto, white or black, are lazy. simple as that.
Do you study chemical engineering?
Asians are the hardest working people on Earth. They live & breath to work. Not just in the West, but look at Asian countries. The work culture in Japan is so excessive that “death from overwork” is a common problem there, in Korea the education system means that kids go to school early in the morning and then go to cram schools after, so they don’t get home until 12. It’s excessive but it’s just how they are. In the UK the Chinese community outdoes every other ethnic group in school.
My asian friends are also very hardworking. They don’t get into any problems either, they have the lowest crime rate out of any group.
Any smart person would look at this group and try to emulate them, but Somalis would rather emulate the least successful group in the West to look “cool”. Sad.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalis, unfortunately, suffer from Inferiority complex and it has damaged them big time. This led them to adopt the qashin AA hiphop culture which is, in my opinion, the single most factor in destroying the Somali youth here in the west.

Most people don't want to admit this but associating with the Madows and Jamaicans here in the west has destroyed the somali boys and is evident with many of them dying from gang-related activities.

I don't want to hear excuses "not their fault they live in the ghettos", but if you look at this Filipinos they migrated to Canada around the same time as Somalis and look how successful they are, their youth even head their churches and visit houses inviting people them to Christianity all the while balancing their school-related activities.

Absolutely spot on.

The single greatest predictor for a young Somali's failure is the adoption of anti intellectual hypercriminal hypersexual hip hop culture.
Asians are socially retarded, they may get a higher GPA than you ( Which is not the case with me, I killed them) but they should not be landing better Jobs than you.

Success in course work does not / or almost never translates to better career prospects. These asians learned that the hard way :pachah1:
Almost never!? It ALMOST ALWAYS does!
Family values are everything to the Asians & their parents make the expectations they've got for their children clear from a young age. That "do whatever makes you happy" mentality doesn't mean a thing to them.
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