Why Somalis should just drop everything and focus on waste management/sewage

By Somalis I’m referring to Somalis back home or somalia. Waste management seems like a trivial manner but it’s anything but that. First of all focusing on this might be the single sole initiative that can unite all Somalis regardless of qabil to work together to improve stuff. Nobody in their rights minds gonna argue in favour of garbage and xaar running down the streets so focusing on this incentive would be good for the Somali populace psychologically.

I also am quite a clean freak myself and notice that when my room is messy or cluttered I am absolutely miserable until it gets clean. Being messy is like a positive feedback loop for disaster. You’re mentally a mess, so you end up making a mess and not cleaning it, the more you skip out cleaning the more acclimated you get to being messy. There are studies on this well that clutter leads to affects your mental health

I’m not going to go on and on about this cuz this already long and I’m running out of phone data rn smh. Just look at these photo examples of countries with shitty waste management policies and you’ll understand why I believe somalia should 100% focus it’s energy on this while it’s easy. Developing some parts of a country without developing proper waste management techniques is ALWAYS a recipe for disaster ie India, the Philippines and Indonesia. You also get nasty diseases etc etc .. focusing on waste management is all pros no cons

Photo album:

Senegal slum (their population is less than Somalias by about a million)


Liberia slum (population like 5 million)

Other examples

Indonesian “river” if you can even call it that anymore

Filipino children sifting through trash

As y’all can see waste management is a huge concern. One thing I admire about Rwanda is they’re taking care of this problem (Paul Kagame and I have the same brain fr😂) they actually have like a cleanup day every Saturday and you can see that shit works


i could go on but y’all see my point
What do you think are good ways to do this? like collective community cleaning like in rwanda we also would need like a waste collections system but somalis look down on these types of jobs
What do you think are good ways to do this? like collective community cleaning like in rwanda we also would need like a waste collections system but somalis look down on these types of jobs


Force them to see what’s gon happen if we don’t.. It shouldn’t even be hard anyone with 1 brain cell would be able to understand after just a few photos. First of all we need to push for the government to create a competent waste management and Ssystem. Make garbage jobs high paying (please) everyone wants to make fun of those jobs till you step on xaar midwalk. That’s why the third: promote Somalis to use garbage as opposed to littering. We can make the ceeb culture work in our favour start calling people dirty wasaaq etc for littering. Like I said this is the singular one incentive that all Somalis can unite over … NOBODYY on the planet will fight for xaar in the streets I can promise you that.

Advocating for better garbage disposal techniques is a subconscious way to drill the idea of taking care of your environment and people, community and country REGARDLESS of qabil for Somalis. It’s hard to explain but I’m telling you, a campaign like this in somalia has the potential to be revolutionary. Cleanliness is everything and BTW doesn’t islam say to be clean?? Use the religion to promote this ffs. ALL PROS, NO CONS, SPREAD THE MESSAGE YALL !!!
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💯 Most somalis back home have a sense of self-entitlement

I’m telling y’all the self-entitlement will quickly disappear after a brief yet informative slideshow of images like these…. 🙏🏾
God I wish my Somali was better I could transform the country in 5 years

1) Public canings/whippings for all criminals (with due process ofc) (Nayib Bukele x Singapore style)
2) waste management system
3) build schools, build a competent curriculum, once crime is down, recruit teachers from around the world to help teach. Promote education and campaign to shame uneducated low-IQs (I know it’s cruel but we need it for the meanwhile..) + SCHOLARSHIPS/rewards and praise for top students (need to build a culture that prioritized school and education)
4) make essential skilled jobs (waste management/nursing/construction/etc) high paying jobs, cut government wages to enable this (they not gon be happy but 🖕🏾 )
5) REWARD And PRAISE SNITCHES💯 so people call out corruption and nepotism (with mandatory public canings for the accused, DOUBLE the amount for a regular crime) You can’t build a properly functioning society when everyone gets away with their crimes

Etc etc I can go on.. these are the base points tho
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Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Somalia is littered with light blue plastic bags. They are used to put khat in it. There should be teams of people to clean it up, preferably government workers.
Somalia is littered with light blue plastic bags. They are used to put khat in it. There should be teams of people to clean it up, preferably government workers.
Somalis need to get started on this ASAP before it’s too late seriously. It’s actually a blessing we haven’t developed much yet because it means whatever is there right now is solvable. We cannot by any means get to the level of the other countries I’ve posted photos of above. Once it gets to that point it’s a point of no return 🙏🏾 If anyone speak Somali spread awareness to the people back home the last thing I want is to see little Somali kids swimming in trash SOMALI CHILDREN HAVE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH!