Why "Race" is a social construct


Been there, done that
Before you call me a leftist SJW whatever listen here... If you know your basic biology you 100% know that race is a social construct, check out the history of who is white cause over 100 years ago even Irish and Italian people weren't considered to be 'white'

We are a single species with a LOT of variation, and that variation tends to sort of "clump." Those clumps of traits come from populations breeding with each other and so they tend to cluster geographically, which then means they cluster culturally and linguistically. But there are NO hard lines between "races" because they are social, rather than scientific concepts. You can't "test" for race, definitions of who belongs to what race changes (again check out the history of who is white) and what forensic anthropologists are doing when they examine skeletons from the past is telling you what population the person most likely belonged to, based on a bunch of average metrics. So, unlike zebras and donkeys Race has no biological validity as a category, but variations in biology stemming from population dynamics absolutely exist, which is why different "races" have different rates of disease or why east africans are good at marathons etc. If we didn't have the social notion of race already, science would not be able to find it -- we are all just a product of various populations breeding within and among each other in different climates hence the skin tone

Just like some of you I was a hardcore qabilist and remember posting really extremist shit on forums, after years of doing this awful habit I began questioning my true intentions, was it worth it? Are my actions doing more harm than good? I started rationalizing these bigoted behaviors by telling myself I was only doing it for the "lols" and wasn't doing anything wrong as long as I didn't truly believe in my hateful rhetoric, trolling as you might call it.
But that idea started to crumble once I visited the homeland and witnessed first hand the love and compassion we still have for each other, that's when I decided it was enough and started treating somalis as one nation so I then extended that idea to humanity as well. Yes some people might not like the color of my skin but I won't fight them by turning into one of them, I'm doing this for the compassionate people like me out there who don't have such outdated views on society and I know the world is too much of a dark place to live with these ideas but at least I'll die knowing I'm no longer the hateful man I once was.
The concept of race wasn't scientifically useful other than the racist, socioeconomic stratification that further perpetuated prescriptive policy objectives for unequal distribution of rights and privileges that favored people with lighter skin than the darker ones. Humanity has overcome many things, but you'll find the same patterns today, but more intersectional due to more advanced complex systems.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Before you call me a leftist SJW whatever listen here... If you know your basic biology you 100% know that race is a social construct, check out the history of who is white cause over 100 years ago even Irish and Italian people weren't considered to be 'white'

We are a single species with a LOT of variation, and that variation tends to sort of "clump." Those clumps of traits come from populations breeding with each other and so they tend to cluster geographically, which then means they cluster culturally and linguistically. But there are NO hard lines between "races" because they are social, rather than scientific concepts. You can't "test" for race, definitions of who belongs to what race changes (again check out the history of who is white) and what forensic anthropologists are doing when they examine skeletons from the past is telling you what population the person most likely belonged to, based on a bunch of average metrics. So, unlike zebras and donkeys Race has no biological validity as a category, but variations in biology stemming from population dynamics absolutely exist, which is why different "races" have different rates of disease or why east africans are good at marathons etc. If we didn't have the social notion of race already, science would not be able to find it -- we are all just a product of various populations breeding within and among each other in different climates hence the skin tone

Just like some of you I was a hardcore qabilist and remember posting really extremist shit on forums, after years of doing this awful habit I began questioning my true intentions, was it worth it? Are my actions doing more harm than good? I started rationalizing these bigoted behaviors by telling myself I was only doing it for the "lols" and wasn't doing anything wrong as long as I didn't truly believe in my hateful rhetoric, trolling as you might call it.
But that idea started to crumble once I visited the homeland and witnessed first hand the love and compassion we still have for each other, that's when I decided it was enough and started treating somalis as one nation so I then extended that idea to humanity as well. Yes some people might not like the color of my skin but I won't fight them by turning into one of them, I'm doing this for the compassionate people like me out there who don't have such outdated views on society and I know the world is too much of a dark place to live with these ideas but at least I'll die knowing I'm no longer the hateful man I once was.

a. u r still racist or qabilist. that will never change

b essentially race is a social and scientific criteria , religiously speaking God said we created you in different race so u may know each other. this is a direct quote from Quran.

c skin tone is not from climate. according to Quran, human are created from different clay/soil. as u know , soil/clay come in different variations

Omar del Sur

This is a falsehood which was promoted by the Jew Franz Boas.

It is against the Quran as Basra noted.

Furthermore, it is promoted to help promote a One World System.

you break down people's

-religious identity
-racial identity
-gender identity
-national identity

and basically turn people into one giant, homogenous blob


Been there, done that
This is a falsehood which was promoted by the Jew Franz Boas.

It is against the Quran as Basra noted.

Furthermore, it is promoted to help promote a One World System.

you break down people's

-religious identity
-racial identity
-gender identity
-national identity

and basically turn people into one giant, homogenous blob
Everything you listed is a valid reason for identity except for race which doesn't make much sense, what I'm saying is we should classify individuals by their nationality and culture and not by some skin tone


Race is not a social construct. It is a real scientific phenomenon. Human races are different.

Same with gender. There are only two genders and men and women are different.

I'm sick of this ''everything is a social construct'' crap that is being pushed down our throats.

Omar del Sur

Everything you listed is a valid reason for identity except for race which doesn't make much sense, what I'm saying is we should classify individuals by their nationality and culture and not by some skin tone

I think you're referring to a particular conception of race: the black race, the white race, the "red race", "yellow race", etc.

I think that's a particular conception of race. I consider Somalis as a particular distinct race. I don't believe it's wrong to say, for example "the Italian race," "the German race".

When I say race, I don't mean at all a concept which limits race to such categories as "Yellow race", "white race," etc.

I don't think it would be incorrect at all to speak of a "Somali race," for example. I think Somalis are a biologically distinct people.

I'm not sure exactly where my concept of race traces back to.

I think in the 19th century and early 20th century thinking, race can mean "white race," "yellow race" but I think race could also mean specifically Italians, for example. It may sound strange to people now but in those periods I think one might hear of "the French race," for instance.

In 1930's Spain, the Spanish were considered as a "raza" in the Francoist propaganda. The nationalists in Spain were fighting to defend their raza.

Honestly, even this idea that race has to mean white race, "yellow race," etc. I dislike.

I have a book of writings from Ho Chi Minh translated and Ho Chi Minh... I believe in the 60's... refers to the Vietnamese as a race.

The idea that race must mean "white race," "yellow race" is strange to me. I think that was one usage of the term but in the 19th and early 20th century I don't think it was considered strange to refer to, say, Italians as a race.

As for nationality and culture..... a Somali born in Italy can have Italian nationality and culture but they are not racially Italian.

Someone might say "Italian is an ethnicity, not a race" and so it's incorrect to say that this hypothetical Somali is "not racially Italian" and that the correct terminology would refer to "ethnicity"..... but to impose this distinction I think would be characteristic of later thought.

"Articles of the Manifesto:
Human races exist.

•There are great races and small races.
•The notion of race is purely biological.
•The majority of the current Italian population is of the Arian origin and of Arian civilization.
•It is a mere legend that large masses of migrants came into the country.
•There is today a pure “Italian race”.
•It is time that Italians proclaim themselves genuinely racist.
•It is necessary to make a distinction between the Mediterranean people of Europe (Westerners) and Eastern and African people.
•The Jews do not belong to the Italian race.
•The purely European physical and psychological characters of the Italian people must not be altered"

