Why Islam rather than Christianity?

Omar del Sur

No way am I trying to promote Christianity (I can give arguments against it myself insha'Allah).... but I think that many may have come across Christians wanting to "share the gospel"..... I am simply curious....

why Islam rather than Christianity?

if some Christian tried to convert you, how would you explain why you are not a Christian?

(btw I can give arguments myself insha'Allah if anyone wants)


I've had many Christians trying to spread the gospel to me but each time I would shock them and they would leave with no response.

I tell them Christianity is a polytheistic religion because they worship the trinity that hold three different entities. For example, they worship Jesus who is a prophet and the holy spirit who is an angel. If you learn the Jewish tradition and how they view the Torah. The father means God, the Son of God means the chose one (prophet) when he called Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and Isaiah as his son and the holy spirit simply means angel.

Rather than being taken literally, we find the term "Son of God" is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a "righteous person", and has been used for David, Solomon and Israel - not exclusively for Jesus: "...Israel is my firstborn son," (Exodus 4:22). In fact, anyone who is righteous is referred to as God's 'son' : "All who are led by God's Spirit are God's sons and daughters." (Romans 8:14)

In the same way, when the word 'Father' is used to refer to God it shouldn't be taken literally. Instead, it's a way of saying God is the creator, sustainer and supreme master of all. There are many verses for us to understand this symbolic meaning of the word 'Father', for example: "One God and Father of all." (Ephesians 4:6)

Worshipping a man and depicting statues of Jesus (PBUH) is idolatry.

This is expressed in the Bible in Exodus 20:3, Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere, e.g.: Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

When you go into churches, what do you see? Jesus images on the windows and his statue. Pure paganism.

No where in the Bible says Jesus died for your sins. Human sacrifice is also another form of paganism. The Bible makes it quite clear that God hates human sacrifice and referred it to paganism when you read (Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10).

Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine. But if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more. The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself. For example:
  • Jesus "fell on his face and prayed." (Matthew 26:39) If Jesus was God, then would a God fall on his face and pray? And who would he be praying to?
  • The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God's Prophet at the same time? A prophet is messanger working behalf of God.
  • Jesus said, "I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than me." (John 14:28)
  • Jesus said "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17) If Jesus was God, then why would he say, "to my God, and your God," and who was he ascending to?
  • If Jesus was God, he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this; yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: "And in vain they worship me." (Matthew 15:9)

So many Bible verses that contradicts the belief of Christianity. No wonder why it's a dying faith because it's false.
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Omar del Sur

I've had many Christians trying to spread the gospel to me but each time I would shock them and they would leave with no response.

I tell them Christianity is a polytheistic religion because they worship the trinity that hold three different entities. For example, they worship Jesus who is a prophet and the holy spirit who is an angel. If you learn the Jewish tradition and how they view the Torah. The father means God, the Son of God means the chose one (prophet) when he called Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and Isaiah as his son and the holy spirit simply means angel.

Rather than being taken literally, we find the term "Son of God" is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a "righteous person", and has been used for David, Solomon and Israel - not exclusively for Jesus: "...Israel is my firstborn son," (Exodus 4:22). In fact, anyone who is righteous is referred to as God's 'son' : "All who are led by God's Spirit are God's sons and daughters." (Romans 8:14)

In the same way, when the word 'Father' is used to refer to God it shouldn't be taken literally. Instead, it's a way of saying God is the creator, sustainer and supreme master of all. There are many verses for us to understand this symbolic meaning of the word 'Father', for example: "One God and Father of all." (Ephesians 4:6)

Worshipping a man and depicting statues of Jesus (PBUH) is idolatry.

This is expressed in the Bible in Exodus 20:3, Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere, e.g.: Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

When you go into churches, what do you see? Jesus images on the windows and his statue. Pure paganism.

No where in the Bible says Jesus died for your sins. Human sacrifice is also another form of paganism. The Bible makes it quite clear that God hates human sacrifice and referred it to paganism when you read (Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10).

Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine. But if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more. The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself. For example:
  • Jesus "fell on his face and prayed." (Matthew 26:39) If Jesus was God, then would a God fall on his face and pray? And who would he be praying to?
  • The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God's Prophet at the same time? A prophet is messanger working behalf of God.
  • Jesus said, "I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than me." (John 14:28)
  • Jesus said "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17) If Jesus was God, then why would he say, "to my God, and your God," and who was he ascending to?
  • If Jesus was God, he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this; yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: "And in vain they worship me." (Matthew 15:9)
So many Bible verses that contradicts the belief of Christianity. No wonder why it's a dying faith because it's false.

Christians are stubborn people!

Their beliefs don't add up and I think they usually use very emotional rhetoric rather than facts.

I'm amazed at how even if the facts are presented to them, so many of them stay Christian.

I am shocked because I think..... "well, if they just understood the facts, maybe they'll understand!" but even if they have the facts explained they are stubborn. I wish everybody would realize Islam is the truth. I feel bad for the Christians because there are devout Christians who are sincere people. I don't understand why they reject Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Christians are stubborn people!

Their beliefs don't add up and I think they usually use very emotional rhetoric rather than facts.

I'm amazed at how even if the facts are presented to them, so many of them stay Christian.

I am shocked because I think..... "well, if they just understood the facts, maybe they'll understand!" but even if they have the facts explained they are stubborn. I wish everybody would realize Islam is the truth. I feel bad for the Christians because there are devout Christians who are sincere people. I don't understand why they reject Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
They are also very emotional people. There are sincere Christians but there's also a lot of evil ones who deliberately lie about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Muslim scholars and defenders have totally debunked their lies and refuted them. Muslims should be aware of those pathological liars.

Here are some of the few websites that refute them and other claims made by those against Islam.




It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it. Surah At Tawbah [9:33]
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رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
They are also very emotional people. There are sincere Christians but there's also a lot of evil ones who deliberately lie about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Muslim scholars and defenders have totally debunked their lies and refuted them. Muslims should be aware of those pathological liars.

Here are some of the few websites that refute them and other claims made by those against Islam.




It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it. Surah At Tawbah [9:33]

«So here is the issue that needs to be clarified:Many people use the abbreviation “SAW,” “SAWS,” or “PBUH” to fulfill this obligation in their writing. Is this something that fulfills the obligation of sending the salaah and salaam on the Messenger? Let us look now to some of the statements of the scholars regarding this practice. The Permanent Committee of Scholars in Saudi Arabia headed by ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Baaz issued the following verdict when asked about the validity of abbreviating the salaah on the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam): “The Sunnah is to write the entire phrase “sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam,” since it is a kind of supplication, and supplication is worship, (in one’s writing) just as it is in one’s speech. So to abbreviate it using the letter SAAD or the word SAAD-LAAM-‘AYN-MEEM is not a supplication nor is it worship, whether it occurs in speech or writing. For this reason, this abbreviation was not used by the the first three generations, those that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) testified to their goodness.” [8] “SAAD” and “SAAD-LAAM-‘AYN-MEEM” are often used in some Arabic books. The English equivalents of these abbreviations would be: SAW, SAWS, SAAWS, PBUH, and the likes. Al-Fayrooz-Abaadee said, “It is not appropriate to use symbols or abbreviations to refer to salaah and salaam, as some of the lazy ones do, as well as some ignorant people and even some students of knowledge – they write ‘SAAD-LAAM-‘AYN-MEEM’ instead of writing ‘sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam.'” [9] Ahmad Shaakir said, “It is the absurd tradition of some of the later generations that they abbreviate the writing of ‘sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam.'” [10] Wasee Allaah ‘Abbaas said, “It is not permissible to abbreviate the salaams in general in one’s writing, just as it is not permissible to abbreviate the salaah and salaam on the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam). It is also not permissible to abbreviate either of these in one’s speech.” [11] And Allaah knows best. May the most perfect and complete salaah and salaam be upon our beloved Messenger, and upon his noble family and companions.»

[1] written by Moosaa Richardson

Omar del Sur

Real christianity started in ethiopia and the core principles have been replaced with cuckism (europeanism). The bible has changed multiple different times throughout history to fit the narratives of the time (King James Version).


If real Christianity is following Jesus (peace be upon hin), I believe I am a real Christian. I love Jesus (peace be upon him).

As someone who loves Jesus (peace be upon him), I believe we should refuse to commit shirk and we should only worship Allah.

I love Jesus (peace be upon him) and I know if my beloved Jesus (peace be upon him) was here that he would want me to follow monotheism and not to worship him (peace be upon him) or the Virgin Mary.

We must follow the religion of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him), which is Islam. I'm sure Jesus (peace be upon him) would be horrified and upset to know that people are worshipping him. I hope all the people who are worshipping Jesus (peace be upon him) are freed from the darkness of ignorance and embrace monotheism.

If any person or group is going and teaching people to worship Jesus (peace be upon him), this is horrible- whether they're Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Ethiopian, whatever. It is a tragedy. How are they going to go to heaven if they don't follow Islam*? People need to follow Islam, that way they can go to heaven.

*unless they haven't heard about Islam or Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

