Why is this, why Somalis have no humanity in them?

i would condone this if it was anything else. But the amount of kids, women and elderly and just innocent civilians shabaab massacres already, I don’t give a heck who dances on their body as long as shabaabi are dead
Good morale booster, this is very important part of winning wars
This is not good, you have to understand that various international human right organizations are surveilling Somalia. I have read the statement of the regional leader of Hiiraan on multiple global news outlets stating that he said to kill the wives and mothers of Shabaab. This is war crime and 100% prohibited in Islam. The soldiers fighting shabaab need to learn proper etiquette of waging war, not act like complete xoolo. We are Muslims not aidsiopians.
This goes against what our prophet صلى الله و عليه وسلم told us on how to treat a dead body in a battle or personal conflict.
غْزُوا بِاسْمِ اللَّهِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ قَاتِلُوا مَنْ كَفَرَ بِاللَّهِ اغْزُوا وَ لاَ تَغُلُّوا وَلاَ تَغْدِرُوا وَلاَ تَمْثُلُوا

It has been reported from Sulaiman b. Buraida through his father that when the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would say:
Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies.

وَعَن عبد الله بن يزِيد عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: أَنَّهُ نهى عَن النهبة والمثلة.

‘Abdallah b. Yazid said that the Prophet forbade spoliation and mutilation
Jazakallah kheyr. Here is another hadith prohibiting the killing of non combatants

It is narrated by Ibn 'Umar that a woman was found killed in one of these battles; so the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) forbade the killing of women and children.
Reference:Sahih Muslim 1744b
@bidenkulaha @Prince of HS As Muslims we have rules and regulations when it comes to warfare as the ahadith posted under this thread read them, secondly we all want the arms embargo to be lifted, so we can buy heavy weapons, drones and all the necessary equipments to fight Shabaab. The arms embargo will not be lifted if we have crazies fighting shabaab who could careless if they committed a genocide and we especially do not want a FMS leader like Cali Jeyte putting bounties on wives and mothers of shabaab, this could be an argument to not lift the arms embargo and this would be an propaganda fuel for shabaab. How do you think the millions of Somalis under shabaab rule would think when they listen to the words of Jeyte or they see gruesome pictures by Macawiisleey? I applaud that the President wants to fight shabaab other than just warfare but when it also comes to the Islamic narrative, informational war and on moral grounds. Let us be reasonable not emotional.
Humanity died long time ago in Southern Somalia, just bunch of bahaals that live there now

Fck Al Shabaab though, they deserve worse


The other day I saw a soldier holding a head of a died Alkabaab, the head wasn't cut as you expect, the head missed the whole left cheek and the throat was still hanging, the body was probably blown up. The whole thing was disgusting, I didn't even want anyone here to post for FKD or of that. But the soldier was holding as if he was a kid holding a blown up pumpkin in front of his parents, with his stupid hat and big teeth. And now this, like what is wrong with ppl dancing around died bodies?
nothing wrong with the dancing but seeing a soldier hold a blown up head/body is absolutely disgusting and nsfw.


This is not good, you have to understand that various international human right organizations are surveilling Somalia. I have read the statement of the regional leader of Hiiraan on multiple global news outlets stating that he said to kill the wives and mothers of Shabaab. This is war crime and 100% prohibited in Islam. The soldiers fighting shabaab need to learn proper etiquette of waging war, not act like complete xoolo. We are Muslims not aidsiopians.
Mothers and wives who are part of al shabab should be killed. That is what the leader of Hiiraan said. Don’t twist up his words and say he is saying to kill non combatants.


Bantu Liberation Movement
When Shabaab is defeated these gentlemen will lead normal lives. A 9-5, some kids, the whole shabbang. They will totally not become trouble. 🗿
Mothers and wives who are part of al shabab should be killed. That is what the leader of Hiiraan said. Don’t twist up his words and say he is saying to kill non combatants.
They are non combatants just like everyone under shabaab occupation ares. As I have clarified before, killing women and children in war is haram, probibited. Also statements like these could be argued against the lifting of the arms embargo. There are multiple human rights organizations surveilling Somalia, and until they are satisfied the arms embargo will not be lifted. So the FGS and the FMS better be careful the statements they make and discipline themselves and their soldiers.


They are non combatants just like everyone under shabaab occupation ares. As I have clarified before, killing women and children in war is haram, probibited. Also statements like these could be argued against the lifting of the arms embargo. There are multiple human rights organizations surveilling Somalia, and until they are satisfied the arms embargo will not be lifted. So the FGS and the FMS better be careful the statements they make and discipline themselves and their soldiers.
Lol, so if a woman designs a bomb that kills 500 people in Xamar, she doesn’t deserve to be killed and is a non combatant? Get the hell out of here, her body will be danced upon inshallah. Stop making things up, there has been no outrage over the wise words of the regional leader of Hiiraan except Al Shabab supporters and propogNda.


Forza Somalia!
Lol, so if a woman designs a bomb that kills 500 people in Xamar, she doesn’t deserve to be killed and is a non combatant? Get the hell out of here, her body will be danced upon inshallah. Stop making things up, there has been no outrage over the wise words of the regional leader of Hiiraan except Al Shabab supporters and propogNda.
You must be a lunatic
Lol, so if a woman designs a bomb that kills 500 people in Xamar, she doesn’t deserve to be killed and is a non combatant? Get the hell out of here, her body will be danced upon inshallah. Stop making things up, there has been no outrage over the wise words of the regional leader of Hiiraan except Al Shabab supporters and propogNda.
Jeyte didnt even say that, he said to kill women and mothers and put bounties on their head, again state leaders should be careful what they say


Jeyte didnt even say that, he said to kill women and mothers and put bounties on their head, again state leaders should be careful what they say
Liar. He said, kill mothers and wives that are part of Al Shabab. A woman who makes bombs for Al Shabab is part of Al Shabab.

Are you against the execution of Al Shabab members? Why are you lying about what he is saying even after I clarified to you?
Liar. He said, kill mothers and wives that are part of Al Shabab. A woman who makes bombs for Al Shabab is part of Al Shabab.

Are you against the execution of Al Shabab members? Why are you lying about what he is saying even after I clarified to you?
I watched the video and why you bringing up wives and mothers making bombs, that is just an assumption. Of course I want shabaab eliminated but I keep telling you, you cannot deliberately target women and old women. I provided hadith and so did another one in this thread. Read it. Do you support killing any female in occupied shabaab regions? These people fighting are not soldiers, they are militias and orders should be clarified. This man Jeyte clearly said to kill the wives and mothers of shabaab, no where did he mention bomb makers or killing women in self defence


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