Why is there no dog breeds that originate from Somalia?

I originally thought the lack of dogs breeds and stigma towards them was due to Islam, but there’s dog breeds that originated from other Muslim countries. Also, that’s record of domestic dog breeds before Islam was the official national religion.
The greyhound actually came from Egypt.
North African dog breeds
Saluki :
The Muslims considered them a sacred gift of Allah, and they were never sold but only offered as gifts of friendship or honor. Salukis with a patch of white in the middle of the forehead are thought by Bedouin tribes to have "the kiss of Allah" and are regarded as special.


The breed was originally developed in Morocco to protect its owners from predators in the mountains where they worked.
The Sloughi is a medium-large, short-haired, smooth-coated, athletic sighthound developed by the Berbers and the Bedouins in North Africa (in the area including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya) to hunt game such as hare, fox, jackal, gazelle, and wild pigs.


From what I understand is that it isn’t that Muslims hate dogs, but they’re considered unclean as in not safe for consumption. In other words most animals are unclean we are not permitted to deliberately eat, buy or sell them. Although they may be raised and given as gifts.

Also, my sister is TERRIFIED of dogs. My Somali grandpa liked but they weren’t allowed inside and on furniture. Also hugging and kissing is a big no no.
Well it’s due to Somalis being scared of dogs even though they are lovely we have lots of strays though and our own wild dog breed search it up
I mean, Somalia has its own breed of horse. Which it weird because horses are very uncommon with other Africans. Especially here in the USA. There’s almost there no indigenous horses in Africa, south of the Sahara? It's because of two killer diseases: Trypanosomiasis (African sleeping sickness – ASS) and African Horse Sickness.
Well it’s due to Somalis being scared of dogs even though they are lovely we have lots of strays though and our own wild dog breed search it up
Could it be that the functions of domestic dogs were not needed due to it being fulfilled by other animals ? Perhaps, since transportation and access to water(milk), dogs weren’t necessary or maybe even a hindrance. Somalis had slaves and superior weapons, so dogs weren’t needed to assist with hunting
Real talk tho when i lived there dogs were abused and all of them were homeless and wild
It is weird when you see pictures of old Somalia with dogs casually chilling with folks too
Real talk tho when i lived there dogs were abused and all of them were homeless and wild
It is weird when you see pictures of old Somalia with dogs casually chilling with folks too
Times have changed before the civil war people would jam to music without being killed it is what it is


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
I've seen a lot of stray dogs in Somalia and some of them looked exotic. I could make a business out of it but its probably haram lol